This is how the weather is today, and it feels good to wash the precious water pouring so hard on the land, it reminds me of summer back home in SA. Yes, I still call SA home, even if I just lived there for 10 years of my life, I think they must have been pretty important years.
There are a lot of things that reminds of South Africa here in Spain, the people are chilled the same way, but still very family oriented, outgoing, friendly, and I believe if people in the area are so nice, it's partially due to the sea.
They remind me of people in Durban, who are just the best people in the world.
Of course, this isn't a good day for the beach today, but it's alright...
All those pictures have been taken throughout the month of September, we have spent most of the time on the beach, the kids have their homeschooling with the rest of their classmates until 3, and then we rush to the beach.
From the first few days of being on the beach, I could feel our attitude changing, our bodies relaxing, our skin healing.
My son and I we both skin issues (Keratosis Pilaris) and it dissappeared completely after a few days of sun, sea, and sand.
I kept on thinking that it wasn't a good subject for a post, talking about us on the beach, "Look at us on the beach" type of post, I thought it was not that interesting.
I am kinda happy I finally can share my front flip with hands attempt, that's pretty much what I do in the water, and outside, attempting front flip, back flip, losing my sunglasses, digging up holes...
It's safe to say that the kids love the beach as much as my wife and I do. We tried to teach them about the ebb and flow, the immensity of the ocean, and "where the blue comes from?".
We also tried to teach them to respect the elements, they aren't really swimmers, and I was always super cautious with the waves, even if the lifeguards were often around, it takes one moment of inattention
Some days, we didn't even really swim, especially after the storm, which has moved the sand and pebbles on the beach, to a point that it was to steep and too dangerous for the kids to get in the water.
So we just sat on the beach, made sandcastles, and look at the waves crashing on the shores.
I don't think I'll ever get bored with the sea, and it's really surprising, because I've always thought of myself as a "lake, rivers & moutains person", but obviously after a month of the coast life, we are even thinking, in a near future, living on the coast permanently.
Also, I know it sounds, silly, but living in the Gers France, I am more used to see a lot of pigs & also human pigs hybrids, and... People are really good looking on the coast here in Spain. Here, it has been said, I don't know if it makes me a shallow person, but I said it, I like pretty people, I like pretty things, I like a pretty sea, and sunset.
Sue me!
All I can say, is that I am 100% sure that the sea is helping them...
Beginning of October, we soon going back to our farm for a week, just to harvest the rest of the food to be harvested and check if everything is alright, then we'll be back in Spain for another 2 months. If the weather stay warm like this, I can see ourselves visiting the beach daily, even if the temperature stays around the 20s.
Thanks for reading, here is a nice sunset that looks like Lava, don't tell me it doesn't add some real production value to this post, I am the Gif Master...🤡