How are my good friends at #shadowhunters? I am enjoying the beginning of a new week, with the tranquility and rest that the weekend left me.
I went out to capture shadows, but this time luck smiled on me and I found shadows and reflections together. They were waiting for me in front of the rooms where I study Catalan. The stained glass windows received the shadows and, at the same time, acting with mirrors, they refracted the images. A nice effect.
I took the opportunity and took a couple of selfies, framed by the plants that grow in front of the windows.
Then I photographed the entire side of the façade, capturing the reflection of a tree and my husband under it (barely visible), capturing his own photographs.
Es todo por este Round, queridos amigos, me despido hasta el siguiente.
It's all for this Round, dear friends, I say goodbye until the next one.
.Con este post participo en la Ronda 81 del Concurso de Reflejos de #Shadowhunters. .Todas las fotos son mías. .Usé el traductor de Google, para el inglés.
.With this post I am participating in Round 81 of the #Shadowhunters Reflections Contest. .All the photos are mine. .I used the Google translator, for English.