My parents, as depicted on the above dino cave painting ( an inside joke explained in my soon available book ), called me this afternoon.
Or, to be more precise, my mom tried to call me, couldn't hear me or didn't get the video call to work and then my brother's girlfriend ( my brother and her were about to have dinner at my parents' place ) video called me.
My old folks were sitting on the couch, in their living room, with a big box on their lap.
It contained a bunch of copies of my very first printed book ( as mentioned in previous posts ).
They seemed pretty excited.
( It had been a surprise, although they knew the book was finished a week ago)
At least my mom did look excited, as did my brother and his girlfriend.
And my dad, in his own way, I guess ( not really showing it and probably overwhelmed by the excitement and energy of the others ).
They showed me what the book looked liked and we had a fun little chat.
All in all, the book looked pretty decent, beyond expectation.
In all honesty, I kind of rushed things, to finish the first print on 22-02-2022.
Then, today, I spent some more time editing version 2 of my book. I'm getting there.
I am also getting feedback from a friendly woman on Hive, who writes book reviews, I chatted a little about our books with my buddy @selfhelp4trolls - who recently published his second novella of a 5 part series, and I got in touch with @joseacabrerav , who appears to be working on a books-on-the-blockchain project that I don't know the details of, as of yet. I also spoke to a Dutch friend ( who I met in Portugal, almost 4 years ago ), on the phone, yesterday. She has been working on writing a book of herself for some years now and we always talk about ( our ) writing.
And, aside from all that, one of my bff's, @inuke , wants to interview me about my book, one of these days.
So I guess I am breathing books and writing these days.
Although it is pretty exciting, most of the time, I could also really use a break ( as mentioned in a recent write up ), but - for now - I will keep riding the momentum train.
I can't help but feel that I can really relax, as soon as the second edition ( also suitable for E-readers ) is finished.
I'm getting there...
Let me end this with a sneak peak of "what's in the box":
It is an actual book, paperback and all.
My name, and the title are even printed on the side ;<)
Time to watch a movie, as I deserve some chill time.
TO BE CONVINUED ( as always )