BEING A PEACE MAKER ||| According To The Bible

in #hive-18207425 days ago

In Revelation 12:12 the scripture says woe unto the inhabitant of the earth and of the sea for the devil is cast down unto you, having great wrath because he knoweth he hath but a short time

At some point Bro Eli made it clear that those with all sort of negative questionable character, causing nuisance in the society, the hot tempered, living reckless and causing mayham, all these were negative codes encoded by the devil such that in the book of Isaiah, we see an upside of things which is prevailing in this current generation.

Instead of men yeiling unto the God kind of life, exhibiting the good will of God in them, they choose to yield to the evil codes by satan, seeing evil as good and good as evil, this is not Gods original intent for his creation, but then when the devil was cast down his main agenda for the short period of time is to corrupt Gods creation and turn them against him.

The first time this happened God had to flush the entire human race except for the household of noah that feared and reverend God, after the flood God swore never to erase the earth or cause it again for man's sake because the intend of man's heart is continually evil all the time.

The again after some time wickedness and evil act returned again, and men began to worship other things living own their own ways and terms, there by forsaking the ways of God, a temporary solution was made by the means of sacrifices of animals to cleans the sins of men.

The fact is, i believed that when Lucifer deceived eve to eat tge Apple that was the moment these evil code was injected into the human race, so to get this virus off from man, Jesus has to come as an atonement for our sins to clear them off, not only that but also to input new codes into us so we can live the life of God as was Gods intention from day one, but however these new codes can onky be accessible upon accepting the person of the lord Jesus Christ.

As Gods Children having recieved this new codes in us we ought to start living the God kind of life, cause the scripture says in ²corin. 5:17

If A Man be born Again old things have passed away, behold all things are new

At this point we can say there is a system overide were the new codes overide the old codes, so all things are new, while the old phases out.