Casting All Your Cares...

in #hive-18207426 days ago

Theres a lot going on, we are often overwhelmed by situation of things, most times beyond our control, earnestly Wish, hope, prayed, planned, strategies that things all go as we all planned but by slitest of chance fall off our radar, we feel disappointed, frustrated and almost give up on what we held so dearly, life can actually throw different shades of circumstance at you.

Just this evening i was walking with my close friends and we were casually reminiscing on all that transpired last year, which was literally the worst year in my life, a lot happened to me that almost made me doubt my existence in God, if God actually cares about me or is it that i'm just existing like everything else in life with no definite purpose or path or predestined life to live, i'm i the least person on earth why is my case different?...while i looked at others around me all living okay i went back to Gods word, have heard of all tge wonderous act of God, i know and i' ve seen those that God had lifted and established in life, like i know definitely this is an act of God in this persons life, so why am i different?...

Many and more of similar questioned cloud my mind all through, i kept asking but got no reply just empty thought in my head, last year holds one of the very difficult moments in my life's history book, with different series of problems to another, it was like the saying that goes, like from frying pan to fire.

Right from the day i was rubbed on my way to work by armed men, my valueables, i was badly rubbed, damaged my left wrist in the process, hospitalized, went into surgical procedures on my hand, spent months in the hospital, lost my job afterwards, went into huge debt trying to get back on my feet by starting a mini business that later on failed, failed relationship, i lost everything i owned trying to recover somehow, but then God was watching....

I knew he was watching so i fervently was praying all along my tragic moments, and God answered and came through for me, pulled me out of the miery clay and placed my feet upon the rock to sing and gave me a new song, a song of hope, joy, and i'm smiling now.... You see God came through for me in every way, i have literally recovered 100% of everything that i lost, more and more of Gods goodness i see every day, i'm not trying to make this sounds like a make up story, this is my faith story of how God supernaturally turned my story around.

Looking unto God the author and finisher of our faith, he knows our frame, amd our feeble state, he understands all, he says cast all your cares on me, come unto me all that are wery and heavy ladden and i will give you rest, Gods word dont lie, they are true, yes and Amen, believe him to the latter and never rely on your wisdom and understanding.