Few years ago i recall when my aunt lost her first baby, it was a still birth, a boy, she already had Three girls and we all been and hoping this one comes out a boy and it did but the child died soon after birth, the pain, was unbearable for us after all these years finally a boy came but not to stay, it was devastating, maybe cause here in Africa we having a male child in the family is Preferreable to inherit and Continue in the fathers lineage...
Also one time while during our bible study session in church a brother asked this questions, why does the bible says all good and perfect gift comes from God and we know children are gift from God, then why will God give such a precious gift to us then allow death take it away from us, i recall my pastor trying to answer that but i dont think i was satisfied....
In many instances we see the bible portray children as perfect beings even jesus had to use them to represent salvation, except our heart become like the heart of these little ones no man can make it to Gods kingdom, he says suffer not the little children to come to me FOR THIERS IS THE KINGOM OF HEAVEN, this tries to shade more light on what Bro Eli says, if a child dies he or she will go to heaven, and the points to that is the fact that That child's heart is pure, innocent, free of guilt and sin.
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Going further to talk about the kingdom of heaven, he made mention of the fact that the bible said its much easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, when i thought about that too i was confused but explaining further i realise the there is always pride and high self esteem in a rich mans heart due to his abundant of wealth and he trust in them other than God who gives wealth.....
Children are gift from God but sometimes they ate other complications that might arise from our fault or negligence from things we are suppose to do which we didnt do...
@hiventhusiast thanking you for your time and attention every upvote comments and reblogs are very much appreciated