God exists! He reigns in heaven and earth. He is the Creator of everything that is (both nonliving and living). The Lord is the Living God. He is the Almighty. We know as the beginning and the end. He is the Ancient of Days. He existed before the worlds were created. He is the One who created them all. Our God is the Living God ruling the heavens and the earth.
Those who know their God, the Bible says that they will wax strong and do exploit. Our God moves among us through His power. We hear Him through his word. Those who can't believe that he exists do not know Him. He is the Lord of all.
The evidence we have in the church of God verifies the presence of God. The Holy Spirit is the manifestation of the God-head. God moves in the church with His power through the Holy Spirit. Our God lives.
Those who doubt the existence of God should consider the whole nature. Who created all these wonderful and beautifully decorated world? Who stored all these rich resources in the earth? Who made man with all the marvelous intelligence which it possesses? Who would have made all these if there is no God? There is God! He exists!