When we behold those who are living their lives in sin, we will notice that their lives are ugly. Unrighteousness is ugly. Unholy life style is ugly. Sin is something very ugly. No one prefers to do business with a thief or a cheat. People love those who are faithful and honest. Sinners are not celebrated in the open society. Those who wants to commit sin usually do so in secrecy. So, unholiness is ugly. It is not beautiful.
Righteousness is the opposite of unrighteousness. Unholiness is the opposite of holiness. Holiness is a beautiful thing. Righteousness is beautiful.
When we keep the commandments of God, we will have beautiful lives. Those who live in holiness have a beautiful lifestyle. The commandments of God are something very beautiful. It makes us have decency in life. Holiness makes a person beautiful. Holiness removes ugliness from our lives. It changes our character from corrupt and indecent to something lovely and beautiful.