in #hive-1820744 months ago


It was the third day listening to MCGI MASS INDOCTRINATION PROGRAM which God has kept passing across his true doctrine to us through his beloved servant brother Eli Soriano. May almighty God keep strengthening him.


God greatly admonish us on the need why we must not be seen as a wicked being, in all we do let us depart from all appearance of doing evil because in as we dwell in doing evil our prayer will forever remains an abomination in the eyes of God but inasmuch we follow the rightful path of God in doing all which he has commanded us without us slacking back God will definitely see our prayers through because he delight joy in the prayer of saint as seen according to the book of PROVERB 15:8.

We were able to see that according to God's word in the book of MATTHEW 6:7-8 it is a pure doctrine which God expects from us that we should not be seen as people who keep on repeating prayers up to the ears of our God. God expects us to only ask what we want at that point in time without doubt but fully believing that he will greatly do it for us.

Let us not be seen as the heathen who only prays so that they can be hard but let's pray with a committed heart and when we pray let us hope that it has been done, what we need to do is to prepare to return thanksgiving of praises to God. We should not only pray when we are In trouble or distress but we are to make it a daily routine in our life because it is the only weapon which we have as God's children dwelling in God's word also so that God will always see us through whenever we shall call upon his name.

We were made to understand that ROSARY is never a doctrine of God nor regarded as God's teaching. Therefore we must be watchful of things which we believe or do so that we won't depart from the rightful path of our father in heaven. We were made to understand that our Lord Jesus Christ had already descended to heaven before the ROSARY came out therefore it is not a doctrine of Christ Jesus.


We were also made to understand according to God's word In the book of ISAIAH 65:24 that our father is already aware of our problems and troubles, that the only thing he expects from us is for us to pray unto him believing and most importantly asking that which we need at that point in time and laying other things aside.