Being A Peacemaker 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW

in #hive-1820743 days ago

Do you know that the actions do are due to the encoding in your heart and mind? Do you know that the way you talk and the things you like talking about are the results of what has been wired into your mind? This video just made us to understand that our behaviors are influenced by the encoding that have been encoded into our minds.

It is revealing to know that the different characters that we exhibit in our different families are influenced by the various encoding which the devil has encoded into our family lines. Some families are hot-tempered because that is what the devil encoded into them. Some are thieves and drug addicts because Satan encoded that into our lineages.

Romans 12:2 (KJV) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

The evil encodings from the devil can be wiped off our hearts if we allow the word of God to have effects on us. We can have different attributes from that of our families if we allow the Holy Spirit to teach us how to live godly. The Word of God, when encoded into our minds can transform us and make us different people from the evil characters we inherited.