Water World Welcomes Jhonson and Jhonson

Thank God it's Friday nanaman. July is waving it's big hello 🤗 I'm just thankful we are not encountering any tropical storm on our country and place. But still not enough to prevent our place from soaking wet.


Yesterday a mother leader on our barangay message me that we need to attend an orientation. Because of curiosity I asked what's the said event. Jhonson and Jhonson company will be there and gave us some stuff. It's a famous brand for hygiene, powder, cologne specially for the kids. I grew up using that brand, and switching to other brands only means that we want to try something better. And if can't beat the new brand we'll surely return to what we used too.

Look likes it rain huh but it didn't the muddy part is caused by the high tide. Yes even small of amount of rain will caused our place to sunk in flood. Water World meets it's forever and it's water



We arrive late at the said time but the orientation haven't start. Ria is looking for her classmates. She expects to see them, being far with our neighbors is different for a growing child like Ria. At the very young age she already experience the hussle.




Selfie 🤳🏻



Before the orientation start they wanted us to warm up! So they called mommies that wanted to play the hep hep, hooray but because it's Johnson & Jhonson, they'll say Linis, Lusog, Love. I was called to play but I was shy so I told them that Ria will cry if I'll leave her LoL 😂. It was a fun the winners received additional gifts from Johnson.



The orientation is all about how to properly bath a baby. And they said that babies, infants has 35 percent thinner skin compared to us adult. But how would poverty understand if we can't afford the right product for our kids. Well at least they gave us some freebies after the orientation. Sanayan lang yan, baby ko safeguard agad ang gamit after months I gave birth LoL 😆.




The barangay also offer porridge but me, @katsuki29 and Ria are already in a hurry. We need to soak wet in our way home and the road is dam* slippery.




All is flooded until we reached the road. I don't know how many times the government tried their best to fixed this mess. Specially that school days are getting nearer, it's a big risk for the kids to passed by. Accident already happened, our mother leader bumped her head, awa ng Dyos nothing serious but her wounds were stitched. That's how risky the road was.


At least Ria got out of her cave, we need to participate whenever the barangay call us. We might know there's a blessing for us. We just need to trust God's timing.


Thank you so much for reading
XoXo, @usagigallardo015


Manually curated by scroogergotchiheroes.com from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much sir @qurator 🙏🏻💖