As I get older, I find myself content when getting household items. Recently, I decided to upgrade some knives in the kitchen. For a long time, I've been using the same knives from my college days. They did their jobs for the most part. That is until cooking involves tougher meat such as ribs, pork bellies, etc.
It's funny. It's like getting annoyed when you received socks as gifts as a kid. Now, I don't mind them because clothes are somewhat pricey. Not to mention, they seem to get worn out faster than when I was younger. I can't confirm that definitively, but it's the perception.
Anyway, here's what I got recently:
You might think, "Wait a second, that ain't a knife." I can assure you it is. It's a meat cleaver that doubles as a weapon as needed. Also, you can take it on camping trips. I should have bought it as a bundle with other knives (along with kitchen shears). I will address that in the coming weeks. So far, it works well for the cutting I do. As for the shears, the current one still works very well.
The downside of knives like these is that I would have to do some maintenance to prolong their lifespan. I probably should get some mineral oil for some protection to start. Regardless, I'm glad I have a better tool for cooking now. As soon as I replace the rest of the knives, I will toss out the old and worn-out stuff.
Such is adult life.