in #hive-1932123 years ago

May be the most important video ever made.

"This Guy Destroys Physics, Gravity, Newton and Einstein, All At Once"

Click below \ /

“N.C. Hands” (Nigel Cooper) presented these facts to the British Royal Navy 37 years ago.

He and his working theories have been squashed till now, with this video.

Spread this video around for all to see. Someone seeing it may be able to bring these concepts to the people.


Same people that want you to take an experimental "vaccine" (death jab.)
A "vaccine" that was developed in less than a year after trying to make one for HIV/AIDS IN THE LAST 40 years.

I Could not find anything about this gentleman “N.C. Hands” (Nigel Cooper) on duckduckgo. Seems all is scrubbed.

photo from ... images
Found this video on Odysee

on bitchute


Did you search for 'N.C. Hands'? I ask because searching for Nigel Cooper brings up hundreds of pages, including several YouTube videos, a Facebook page, and links to his employment history with at least two colleges.

I'll wait for him to put his findings in writing, I'm too tired to watch any more subliminal programming today.

Got this off BASTYON. only did a preliminary look see. Where did you find the info on duckduck?

Think different guys.

It's a common name, so the search does return results for a few different guys, but I'm pretty sure several of these results are the guy you're looking for. Of course, many of them are links to sites that host scientific papers, and you'll have to pay to see those.

GREAT video!! I need to watch it a second and third time and take notes. I am not at all surprised that this info has been suppressed. How can the oligarchy survive if we don't need them?

It's magic quick where is my torch and Pitchfork we need to burn the witch.

Or is it wizard I'm not sure they have these pronouns that confused me and my poor caveman brain...

I'm not sure which direction is where but magnets are cool and I'm not sure how they work however if you ever gotten your fingers pinched with one of the high-powered ones you'll know that it's a pretty rough day.

I remember a friend of mine had this really high powered magnet and showing off in a welding shop.

I threw the magnet on the table and asked him since he's such a magnet wizard how he gets it off.

He ended up getting really mad. It took the entire shop and two forklifts to get them separated and then it got stuck on one of the forklift forks.... It ended up being an excellent day I laughed my butt off...

Anyway I enjoy magic tricks as well I hope you all have a great day and me and puppy dog wish you all the very best.


Thanks ..a lot we don't know..

Definitely I want to know how that martial arts levitation happens as well as the no hit knockouts....

There's totally knowledge behind it I'm sure. I just can't see it.

I'm sorry you have been taken in by this guy. I think he's being deliberately duplicitous, and knows better than he claims to. He's just playing tricks with symbols to begin, but when he discusses relativity he either reveals he is more ignorant of physics than am I, or is lying on purpose.

When he picks up the magnet then, and says 'It's not moving.' That's a lie. The magnet is moving through spacetime at the same speed he is standing there at the whiteboard, which is at a pretty good clip in relation to the sun, which is why we manage to orbit the sun in only one year. It's a different speed in relation to the moon, to the various planets, and to all the myriad stars of the universe.

Nothing isn't moving.

I didn't watch on, as I have things I'd rather do than be lied to, but if you carefully consider everything he says before that, you can yourself pick them apart.

The man seemed sincere as well as upset with the Royal navy. May be more to him than you think. Appreciate you your input ..

I have been taken in by a lot of folks that seemed sincere, which is why I strongly discount my guesses about that and closely attend to matters of fact about which I do not have to guess. I am sure he has real and excellent reasons to be upset with the Royal Navy, as do we all, but that fact of the magnet being in motion is absolutely incontrovertible.

Either he knows that and is lying about it, or he doesn't and has no understanding of physics. I do not see a third option.

The guy is just repeating paradoxes. People have been prattling on about paradoxes since antiquity. The deal is that once a person works a paradox into their system of reasoning they can find ways to claim that anything they want to be true is true.

This game of reasoning from paradox is common in modern society. If you love the game of reasoning from paradox, you should read Hegel and Marx. In Hegelian Dialectics, one holds the reflexive paradox at the foundation of reason and conflict at the surface.

Hundreds of millions of people have been brutally slaughtered by practitioners of Hegelian Dialectics.

Here is a fun paradox. If you add a pile of sand to a pile of sand, what do you have? You have a pile of sand.

Addition only works in certain circumstances. Have you ever read Whitehead's Principia Mathematica. It took Whitehead and Russell a thousand pages to get to 1+1=2 ... their supposition only works in certain situations.

The funny thing about Nigel's video is that Nigel seems to think that he was the very first person in history to examine paradoxes.

People were prattling about paradoxes since antiquity. It was the favorite subject of Paramenides and his student Zeno.

Aristotle and Euclid were both clearly aware of paradoxes. Trying to figure out how to reason beyond paradoxes is harder than trying to reason through paradoxes.

Much of Einstein's work is about handling paradoxes. Quantum Mechanics develops equations to explore the paradoxes that appear at the subatomic level.

You can find people prattling on about paradoxes throughout history. The thing I found interesting about this video was the number of times that Nigel took to insulting other thinkers. The game of insulting and dismissing people has been going on since antiquity as well. People who try to reason from paradox usually fall into the mode of insulting others.

Thanks @yintercept I got suckered in.. The magnet thing was making sense but was to good to be true.

I hadn't followed the paradoxes involved specifically with electromagnetic fields, but I had already concluded that paradoxes were not a fruitful path of investigation by the time I studied electromagnetism.

The paradox formula is very seductive. You will find people in every profession including religion and politics getting caught up in paradoxes. You can find paradoxical thinking in crypto as well. A large number of people think that centralized blockchains are decentralized.

It is interesting that Nigel followed the paradoxes of magnetism. The big mistake that Nigel made in his presentation was that he assumed that other thinkers had not grappled with paradox. This was probably due to a bad teacher.