Morning and Evening Rituals

in #hive-1948485 months ago


I no longer wear makeup daily; however, I've not lost the appeal of looking good through proper grooming and personal care. So, I am mindful of my diet and daily activities, which play a big role in how I look and feel.

My mornings start with a 20-minute face massage that helps with lymph drainage and toning the muscles of my face, and my day ends with a bedtime face massage routine.

IMG_20240513_094547_506.jpg Here, I apply pressure to my temples with my thumb, and I use my index finger to apply a slight pressure under my brows and do an upward sweep with my fingers towards the hair line.

Moving the fingers along the brows with some pressure is great for people with hooded eyes, and this helps to open up my eyes and strengthen my weak eye muscles, as it helps to increase the flow of oxygen around the area.

Below, I do a repeat of this movement, which helps to tighten and smooth the skin around the smile line.

IMG_20240513_094520_863.jpgPlacing my thumbs underneath the chin and moving my hands outward like a wave from the centre of the face towards the ears helps to smooth smile lines.


After the massage, the excess oil is rubbed on my hands, and all I need to do is let the oil (or cream) absorb into my skin, and then I remove the excess with oil-blotting paper to reduce the sheen.


This is pretty much the natural look that I leave the house with, which gives the illusion of youth compared to makeup, which helps to add a few years to my appearance.

After completing my face yoga and massage, I brew my coffee, and right now that I'm here at my mother-in-law's, I might browse through the Daily Mail, which she has a subscription to.

Good coffee is a must!

I make provisions for freshly brewed coffee, even when I travel.
This portable drip coffee maker that hubby picked up recently for under £10 is convenient and easy to use, and it makes a delicious brew.

Just one tablespoon of ground coffee makes one cup of coffee, and this eliminates the unnecessary purchase of coffee from a cafe or coffee shop.


Another ritual is preparing a healthy evening meal, which is light and high in protein but low in fat and cholesterol.


One of my favourite light spring/summer meals, which leaves me feeling full without bloating, is a Japanese-influenced shrimp-flavoured surimi served on a green salad with a small serving of rice soy sauce and wasabi.


Oh, the wine—it's about the one doctor's order that I follow, and I might have one glass three days in the week.

IMG_20240513_234714_069.jpgAn economical meal for under £10, that serves one person for three meals.
Salad: 0.85 p
Surimi: £1.69
Wine: £4.09
Soy Sauce: 0.69 p
Wasabi: £2
Rice: 0.59 p
Total £9.91

This is a delightful treat before I shower and tuck in with my nighttime face yoga and massage, which helps me to relax and fall into deep sleep quickly.

Before bed, face massage

(I will be honest and say that I mixed up my sequence, but I was tired, not used to doing this in front of the camera, and I was running out of memory space.)

I always start with a fresh, clean face and hands to avoid germs and debris from touching the face, which might clog pores or cause an outbreak.

With this nighttime face massage, I apply some pressure to the pressure points that help to relieve tension and stress. It's important to use facial oil for easy gliding and to avoid pulling on the skin.
The oil being used here is a vitamin C and squalene blend, which has a nice consistency to it.

Some of the overall benefits of these rituals are increased confidence, an increase in the blood flow to my face, which helps to give it a natural glow, less bloating in the stomach area and a faster digestive system, and increased mood and better sleep.

These are just some of the minimalist lifestyle hacks that I rely on instead of considering drastic procedures and simple, nourishing meals that help boost my immune system.

I trust that you'll enjoy trying some of these hacks.

All the images and videos included were taken by me.

Written by Camille Forbush-23.jpg

This banner was created in Canva.

Click the arrows below to find both my communities; The Minimalist and Cinnamon Cup Coffee:)


Thank you for sharing your minimalist lifestyle hack Ma'am @millycf1976 I will also try it. Thank you

You're very welcome, and I'm pleased to hear that you'll try some of these routines. There are some amazing videos on YouTube.
All good wishes:)))

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much ewkaw and the @qurator team 😍

You have great daily skin routine, so easy and helps your body look good.
I enjoyed reading it.

Hello there!
Thank you 😊
I see the benefits of my routine and know that a little care has a big impact. I hope you'll be able to do some face exercises too, because the muscles there are like the rest of muscles in our bodies that need movement:)

Sure, I'll give it a try. Thank you

You're very welcome:)

nice one dear

Thank you 👍

Hello dear friend @millycf1976
Everything you do to keep yourself well is great, eating healthy also helps a lot to keep our skin glowing.
I appreciate that you shared your facial relaxation methods.
Have a beautiful afternoon

Hello @jlufer
Thank you 😊

Everything you do to keep yourself well is great

It's easy since I enjoy them.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day further:)

This is very nice. Natural look all the way. I first came to know about the way you massaged your face through a Kdrama titled, Mr. Queen and seeing you do it as well is very interesting.

The videos are looking good, and the meal served is amazing. I look forward to more of these healthy tips.

Thank you 😊
You look radiant in your profile photo, and it's great to see women being confident with their natural looks.
There's an abundance of videos to be followed on YouTube that work wonders on our appearance, and the best thing is that it does not cost much; only an oil or cream, and you can eliminate the purchase of expensive makeup or even worse cheap makeup made with bad ingredients:)

Thank you 😊 and so do you.

I male my body cream myself with natural oils and even my hair. My soap is made from natural root as well. I just like the smell of nature on me. Hahaha. It always soothes my soul.

My makeup is usually an oily lipstick lol and mascara on my eyelid, which doesn't happen often.

My soap is made from natural root

What exactly do you use?

This reminds me that I signed up for an online organic products course a long time ago. The course never expires, so I should try to complete it soon:)

It is black soap. I get it from someone very close to me who gets it from the village.

Hehe, that's very nice. Though I can teach you some little way to make some oil that'll make your skin look radiant. Like coconut oil and perm kernel oil are easy to make. Shea butter takes lots of time and effort, though

Oh, I would be interested in learning about shea butter, but luckily I can find it at a reasonable price where I am now.
I love making my oils too. Particularly coconut oil, but I'd love to learn to make rosemary oil as well.

Oh, that's very nice

I don't know how to make that as well. That's why I am very keen on learning as well.

I'm sure that they are not hard to make. I would have to do some research online:)

Sorry, I am cooking for now


You have an awesome smile 😃 Mice to see you sharing such insightful food that is actually delicious and rich in protein and a few side veggies. Love the dedication you have for such a daily routine. I must say you truly look happy and young. Kudos on such a consistent effort to make yourself feel attractive and confident.

Thanks for your lovely message and compliments. 😊
I try to make the most of simple things and do all I can to feel great about myself regardless of any challenges I face. This helps with my overall appearance:)

Thank you so much ☺️ I feel like it's high time we highlight this beautiful species of coffee.

I totally agree:)

You are naturally beautiful without make up, I now don't wear them too! Nice coffee demo. Hehe. 😊

Thank you!😊
I attribute giving up makeup to one of the staff we had at Cebu Dive Centre.
She said to me one day when I got to work, "Why do you wear makeup?" I thought it was the strangest question because I was so used to doing so as part of my daily grooming.
She further said, "You shouldn't wear makeup because you are pretty already."
That question and statement stuck with me for a long time and I then eventually felt confident to go without.
I'm happy that you are confident enough to go without makeup too 🤗

The face massage looks interesting... and something I badly need! However, it will have to wait until I've had my coffee. For me, the first thing in the morning is putting on the coffee machine :)

Yes, having a coffee first is a great idea, and probably a shower first too, but this way, I can do it when I'm up alone 😆

I'm not kidding you about the effectiveness of facial massages.
A few weeks ago I was highly stressed out and skipped doing them for about a week. The stress lines on my forehead were so pronounced, and I knew that it had to do with the tension in my upper shoulders, as the muscles are all connected from the shoulder right to the top of the head. After resuming the face massages, the lines are way less noticeable. I also had tension pain in my forehead, and using my knuckles to apply pressure on the areas helped.

Spending a lot of periods looking at computer screens causes us to squint and frown without realising it too.
I hope you can find a good routine on YouTube with someone with a soothing voice 🤗

What a blissful routine. Cost just a little but with proper attention and discipline.

Your skin is indeed glowing. Natural care to the skin is everything I see here. The minimalist lifestyle that is a proof❤️.

Thanks for sharing beautiful 😍

Thank you 😊
I'm a bargain hunter, so I make it my responsibility to find deals so I don't have to compromise on quality. You are what you eat so good food is important.
I'm glad that you enjoyed this:)

I agree with you beautiful 😍 We are what we eat. And quality is everything.

Enjoy your day 😍❤️.

Have a nice day too:)

Love ❤️🥰.


Hi @millycf1976,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
For more information visit our discord

Thank you so much @teamuksupport for all that you do:)

Daily routines that cost nothing reap long term rewards, doing facial massage combined with healthy meals all add to ones youthful complexion, or hanging onto it a little longer.

Looking forward to the narrow-boat adventures once again in your Summer.


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Exactly! People lack discipline more than time, and they sometimes get too accustomed to a certain look, that it would take a mindset shift to change.
I wish I had known these things back in my twenties.

Yes, Cam and I are excited about cruising again at the end of the month. The marina were we stay is fantastic and a great experience, but it's time to get moving:)

My Mom taught me a lot of tricks to help get through years of not having excess cash to splash like some. Main pointer always was what you put in is what you get out.

What you put in is what you get out.


It's great that you got great guidance from your mum and that you've taken them with you throughout the years.
I hope that some of these modern trends will die soon. I find the overly made-up look irritating and exceptional 😅

Last encounter into an office in 2008 was the last time make-up was used, never one for all the fuss!

Fashions are cyclical, pack into the cupboard and a few years later they back in fashion.

I only bought cotton and natural materials that are comfortable no time to waste money on fashion. Wish they would make more in natural fibers again.

I get that about leaving makeup behind after leaving your office job. For me, it took me a while to get over the bad habit because it had become such a natural part of my daily grooming.

You are right about fashion, and I love natural fibres too. I walked into a charity shop a few days ago and found a summer dress that is 100% cotton for £1.00 because it had a little stain on it. I took the chance, washed it and the stain is gone.

Have a lovely weekend:)))

Bit of elbow grease sometimes releases those little stains, you got yourself a bargain.

Wishing you a great weekend too !LADY

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🤗😊Thank you:)

I'm doing the face massage too before going to bed and in the morning after washing my face... There's a YouTuber I followed and I started doing her massage tutorials.


The exercises are amazing and do help to release the tension that we hold in our faces.
I'm not familiar with that YouTuber, but I'll check it out.
Thank you 😊

Oh god, I love this <3 massages twice a day? Now that's commitment. Honestly, since I started doing massage (only one for now!), I'm in awe what a look boost it is. I try to do it right before I leave the house in the morning, 'cause I love that glow. I have not encountered a single make-up trick that even comes close!

So will definitely be checking out the night massage vid as well.

YES on the food. I actually came specifically to your blog (as opposed to spotting you in the feed) cause I wanted to steal some healthy breakfast wrap ideas from this post so thank you in advance, my dear! <3

I have not encountered a single make-up trick that even comes close!

I agree and think a lot of today's makeup artistry should be illegal. I feel embarrassed by some of the things I see women do to their faces that make them believe they look beautiful.
It's like a clown parade and I hope this era of 'fashion' will die soon.

I'm pleased to know that you have started doing these things in your twenties. Seeing their impact on my face at my age, I wish I had known this back then.

You've reminded me that I need to use up some beetroot my mother-in-law left in the fridge.
Eating the wraps instead of bread every morning has helped my waistline. I'm chuffed that you try out the recipe 😊🤗

Ha. I totally know what you mean. I've tried to see the beauty in all these new-fangled implants and modifications. Both from my female side as well as from that of guys, but everyone I speak to agrees it looks vulgar and crass. maybe we're just not seeing it...

I can't wait to try the wraps! Seems like a perfect healthy treat. Will let you know how it went!

OK, have fun with the wraps.
This morning I had beetroot, mushrooms, cheese, eggs, dijon mustard and rocket. It was filling so I will only need a light meal this evening:)

Yay!!! You're back in a big way. 😅

Best regards. I don't wear makeup either. Just an eyeliner sometimes.

😊 Thank you 😊
It's great to be blogging again.
I wish I had stopped wearing makeup earlier. I'm in Leicester which is multicultured and it pains my heart to see the heavy makeup that some young attractive girls wear that makes them look completely ridiculous. I sometimes add a bit of colour to my lips, but nothing dramatic, and I feel more confident without makeup now:)))

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