Taking all sorts of situations at face value is sometimes not the best attitude to go with... Oftentimes, changing the angle from which you look at things and finding the best angle is more important than simply spotting stuff first, before everyone does.
I find this quite relevant when it comes to news. Most people watching the news or reading it from Twitter, or whatever, most often are simply reacting to what's being presented rather than trying to decode the information that is being given to them.
We saw that with covid back in 2020 when the whole planet just fucking reacted to what it was told, just like mere sheep. Four years later, it was all proved to be quite a joke. The virus was there, but the true gravity of the matter wasn't.
Personally, I am always trying to change angles when analyzing situations and also constantly zooming in and out to see what some shit is actually about... OK, now some of you might ask, what the hell does this all have to do with the pics in this post?
Truth of the matter is that the bulk of text you just read and the photos below have not much in common, aside from the fact that I have been using all sorts of angles to get this beautiful building into frame.
It's the same from every angle though, but life as a whole does not fit under the same scope... Anyway, hope you will like my photo session here and see you all next time.
Thanks for your attention,