He sings to keep her company, while she works to collect nesting material.
Just a happy Friday post, to put everyone in a good mood for the weekend.
The song master is a Southern Double-collared sunbird (Cinnyris Chalybeus). It is now in their nesting season, as normally they nest at the beginning of the spring season, but due to all of the changed weather patterns, they are now confused, and they are also nesting in the early summer season. The little sunbirds that nested here in our back garden, decided that the lemon tree is not the ideal place and so they scrapped the nest and are rebuilding it in a neighbor's garden. But we only wish them well, and the wife picked the nest up from where it fell down under the lemon tree. She stuck it back up in the tree so that the birds can continue to strip it.
Psst Zac, he said, so what do you think about my practice for my performance on stage at Follywood.
But where was the female?
There she was in a nearby tree, picking the soft seeds off this tree to line the interior of her nest.
And then something else appeared. A surprise appeared.
I knew that I would get one sooner or later, and here it popped up.
A Citrus Swallowtail butterfly.
My first one of the new season.
Can you believe that in some parts of our country there is a heatwave and snow at the same time? Unheard of, but in the news. One can never know what to expect about the weather and also in nature. But I think that nature disregards the weather and just does its own thing to cope. The wildlife acts like normal, and they continue as if nothing matters. They do not moan or fight against the way things are. They are happy to have the sun and appreciate another day to breathe and live. We need to try to be more thankful too, to appreciate another day of breath, and another chance to make a difference around us.
Such is life.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.
Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.
Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.
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