They call these "White Horses".

in #hive-1949133 years ago

A wind that whips the water up from breaking waves in the distance.
mare-2663379_960_720.jpg Source

The words White Horses were coined by the early sea farers to describe the wind whipped waves.

Obviously, different cultures and religions have had different beliefs with regards to white horses and the sea, but the highest points of the white caps of the waves are referred to as "white horses".

We received an early morning call for assistance by a lady to take her to an appointment with her doctor at his offices in the Beach Road and as usual I took some photos at the beach.
A very strong wind was blowing and the beach was deserted. Except of course by the birds, but even they were battling in the winds.
So I have a collection of photos here.



As you can see the flapping flags on this beachfront stall, the wind kept on flipping my long fringe of hair into my face. At least this was what I thought, as I have almost no hair anymore, but one can only dream of times past.



This bird was trying its best to sit on the lamp post and it was struggling against the wind.

But no such luck and the wind won the battle.

On the other hand, the cormorants are strong flyers and they managed to fly in their usual line up.



Finally keeping low was the answer as this flyer evidenced.

For those that are interested in the scientific events;

The great majority of large breakers seen at a beach result from distant winds. Five factors influence the formation of the flow structures in wind waves.
Wind speed or strength relative to wave speed – the wind must be moving faster than the wave crest for energy transfer
The uninterrupted distance of open water over which the wind blows without significant change in direction (called the fetch)
Width of area affected by fetch (at right angle to the distance)
Wind duration – the time for which the wind has blown over the water.


There are also many folk lore explanations of the white horse, such as Greek mythology that includes Poseidon, but I do not delve in those things and you are welcome to research the issues of the white horses.

A happy Sunday to all and we hope that everyone will have a great new week.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting on behalf of @papilloncharity


I love reading about folklore, never heard about the White House before though.

These pictures are beautiful, I love the one of the birds.


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Can feel the spray from here and smell the strong seaweed rising up! What intoxicating photography to capture the mood of a sea gone wild!


Glad that you could get that special feeling Lady Joan.
We had to wait for the lady at the doctor to take her back and I made a new discovery.
We sat at a sidewalk café having coffee and I took the photos from our table there. Guess what?
No stinging beach sand 😊


Wise up in old age LOL, we learn to hide from sandpapering on beach when wind is up!


Oh yeah and my new hat bought for a dime covers my beck and my big ears. I just have to learn to wear the thing more regularly as the sun is leaving black spots on my ears.
So that hat and a mask is perfect to protect my from the sandpapering.


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Hats and masks both never allowed into banks previously for obvious reasons, now they take what they want wherever having all the protection they need in caps, mask and dark glasses.

Wear you hat and mask blend in... 😁 and protect yourself. !BEER

Yes agreed and anything to make the lives of criminals better.

Hahaha, a sort of amalgamating wind blowing through the country. Waiting to light the fuse.
Youngsters today of all colors face a daunting unskilled future and those with skills will be a drop in the ocean.


Always trying to assist youth stay above water, sadly many think the government will give them what they need.

Wealth comes from committing oneself to an honest day of work, try teach some they will short cut or lose interest, very few make the mark of being willing to learn and start at the bottom.


This is exactly the erroneous worldview that we are working against Lady Joan.
Nobody owes nobody anything and it's false to walk around with entitlement thoughts.

Thankfully we have some that are desperate to change their own lives and those are the ones that we can work with. Slumbering talents simply needs an awakening. You will really be amazed at the changes that we bring about in some of them. This is what spurs us on in our work.



What did the hotdog say to the bun?
Listen buddy, i'm going to be frank with you.

Credit: reddit
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@papilloncharity(3/5) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

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Beautiful Photos @papilloncharity… yes the wind whipped waves… it’s beautiful. Gives the sea waves some action. Not that nice for the birds though.

Thank you and they are indeed fascinating to watch.

Thankfully the birds are used to the winds.


You are welcome 😊
Thankfully they are 🦅

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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Amazing beautiful waves, Zac, would love to be there and take photos too 😃
Hope you're having a nice and not too hot Sunday 🌞

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

Thank you kindly Hannes, yes I think that you will also get great photos and these were over a distance of about 300-400 meters.

A bit cooler today at 31C, but not easy outside in the sun 😊

Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

You're most welcome, Zac, one day I'll be at the sea again and hopefully a storm will be there too 😉

Yep, 31C is "cooler" - take care, my friend 😊

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

I can imagine how you will enjoy going away to the sea in your new van my friend 😉

Well they say that we will have one day this week at 29C 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

I'm so vey much longing for that day, my friend 😀

Hey, a cooler day, that sounds great - sorry for that, but you smiled too 🤣

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

That day will come my friend by grace it will come and we will both get drunk on pure grape juice 🤣

Hahaha, yes I said that wiping the sweat off my brow 🤣😎😊

Cheers and thanks.

... or on the green tea I am drinking at the moment 🤣 !LOLZ

It has been hot here too today - I was on the balcony in the afternoon and have had only a t-shirt on. I was sweating and had to go back in again 😅

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Green tea, pink tea any tea as it will be your choice 🤣

You are brave to go onto the balcony only with a t-shirt on and I hope that the balcony has a low wall that covered you naked lower parts 😎
Else you might read in the papers about a neighbor across the road that fainted 🤣🤣🤣

Cheers and thanks.

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