Road To 150K HP - Why Do We Still Hive?

in #hivelast month


In a couple days my Hive account will reach 150k HP. I take this as a significant milestone in this amazing journey. The road to get here has been awesome. I wouldn't change a thing. I am grateful for the blockchain and the community. While it is great to unlock new levels of HP, the most rewarding part has always been the journey itself. HP does have real financial value. But the value of knowledge, skills, and relationships built is many times higher. There were many many times in the past, regardless where my HP was, it could have translated in a lot higher USD valuation. These days Hive's price has been stuck in lowest levels. But that would last for long. There will be a time that we will be celebrating price appreciations as well. In general, short term movements don't matter much, as long as the long term vision is clear. Thank you Hive!

The question is why do we still Hive? Why am I still here? Why are you on Hive? It is a simple question. Yet is very important to ask for anything we dedicate our time to. Time is the most precious. Things that add value and meaning to our journey in life are what deserve our time. I believe Hive is worthy of our time and dedication. Many of us can easily list many reasons why to Hive. I would like to share three of them today. There are many, but the three I mention probably are among the top reasons to Hive.

1. Perfect Ownership

What we own doesn't and shouldn't define us as humans. However, our ability to own plays an very important role for individuals, organizations, companies, societies, and governments. There are different types of ownership we experience throughout our lives. Most of them are not perfect. Property rights are not great everywhere, protections of property rights are not present everywhere, and there is of course deception tactics to lure us out of owning what we poses. Traditional financial system is a perfect example. Too many people are in debt. Too many companies are in debt. Too many governments are in debt. What they have they don't necessarily own. What they own can be taken away. So, I believe ownership is super important.

Hive provides perfect ownership. Not only the perfect ownership of our wallets and assets, but also perfect ownership of our accounts and all activities and actions performed by the account. Simply put there is nobody that can take away our Hive accounts and/or wallets. I believe Hive ownership is perfect because of how easy to use it, layers of security, and complete control. I have written many times in the past how obsessed I am with the Hive wallet. There isn't anything like it. In addition to free and fast transactions, Hive makes it super easy to manage the accounts and wallets. Sure, there may be a little bit of learning curve for a new Hive account owner. But once these simple steps are understood, nothing is complicated any more.

Layers of security of Hive wallets, how different keys are used for different aspects of Hive life, how the chain itself is decentralized and secure makes us not worry about our property. I can say our assets are are more secure on Hive than in some banks. Of course, it is owners responsibility to understand the basics of securing keys. Once it is clear, there isn't much to worry about. Complete control over our accounts and wallets completes the perfection. It us who decide who may have access to our accounts, or access to certain type of actions. Ideally, we would want to keep all keys secure and don't share with anybody. If there is a need for shared control, we can always create new accounts for those purposes.

2. Hive Rewards

You may have heard me saying Hive is a giving network. There are many different ways of earning rewards on Hive. It is not limited to only author and curator rewards. While most of the rewards are in the form of content rewards, there are many other ways of being rewarded on Hive. That actually makes Hive journey even more interesting. This encourages us to participate and engage in various communities, projects, building. Hive rewards are not limited to Hive and HBD coins, there are layer 2 tokens that also have proved to be rewarding. Different apps, games, projects proven to be rewarding at different levels at different times. There are many more to come in the future. That is the power of Hive - to power layer 2 innovations. We have seen many already. Some became successful, some failed. Some stayed on the platform, some move on to different one. It is all ok in an open network. Anybody is welcome to join and leave as they find fit.

Today we may heavily rely on rewards from the core rewards system and enjoy content rewards, witness rewards, hbd interests, dhf funding. There will come a day when most of the economics, rewards, and engagement will involved layer 2 creative solutions. It may be the games, it may be the social platforms, it may be business projects, it may be e-commerce, etc. We already have layer 2 solutions that have been doing great building. Because of this bear market we may not have seen huge price appreciations for them yet. We still can enjoy them. I am sure future is bright in these areas for Hive. Success of layer 2 implementations is where Hive's future is.

3. Trust In The Hive Community

I have huge trust in Hive community. This amazing community has proven to be resilient, creative, kind, genius and stupendous. If we need communities to belong to, there are many out there. We are not the biggest community. We are not the smartest community. We are not the richest community. What we are is the community of ordinary people from all walks of life from around the world who joined in one idea, one mission - decentralizing the web. This is a noble idea, this is a mission worth participating in and being part of. Ordinary people are building this decentralized network on daily basis, ordinary people are contributing to the success of the chain every day, ordinary people are benefiting from each other and the network doing ordinary things.

There are so many amazing people within the community doing amazing work, building impressive solutions. They are developers, they are investors, they are creative minds, they are professors, they are students, they are us. They all could have been anywhere else, and would be immensely successful where-ever they go. They chose to be here, to build here, to grow here. These are not just words. All of these are proven records. I trust this community. Proud to be part of it.

I can list many more reasons why to Hive. The more important questions are Why Aren't You On Hive? Why Don't You Hive? But this questions would be for those who aren't yet on Hive, those who haven't discovered this amazing network yet. Tell me why you still Hive in the comments. What would be your top 3 reasons?


150 K That's a lot. I would love to be able to collect a lot.

Great article dear and thanks for sharing your views on why Hive. My top three reasons to be here on Hive are::

  1. Decentralisation,. ownership as you pointed out.
  2. Journey to Financial Freedom one day
  3. A good Crypto asset to hodl and build


I agree, Hive is a good crypto asset and one day may lead to financial freedom.

Congratulations on advance for your upcoming 150k HP milestone. Recently I made 65k HP and I am happy to have it. You're right that HP is related to dollar value but this is not the only reason for staying on hive. It's fun spending time here with awesome people and there is a lot learn. This journey is fun


1.For me Hive gives me knowledge beyond what I learned in the textbooks. 😊

2.Meeting people all over the world and understand each situations.

  1. Discover talents here in the platform. 😊

Yes, this is a great one. Discovering talent is inspirational on its own.

Indeed. Most artists are here in the platform. 😊

I'm still new to hive and it really makes me happy to be part of this decentralized block chain which enable freedom and improvment for its users

Congrats for reaching this milestone. Hive is indeed a great help for us in different aspects.

Your hard work shines through the figures continue inspiring. These are goals!!!

Spot on reasons why we hive. Hive is a gift that keeps giving. Cheers to the wins and to many more achievements on hive.

Amazing post and congratulations on the amazing achievement, made through the hive block chain.

Big milestone! Congratulations! 💯🎉

Hive make me these:
Awareness of crypto and web3
Knowledge about environments, including many beautiful city's
Bringing me in the arena of people's with life experiences

Congratulations on that great milestone, continue to have a good time 🥰 🙏

Hive makes understanding crypto easy, and can be entry point for anybody interested in crypto, blockchain, and decentralization. Great point.

Yes @geekgirl you are right, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏

HP does have real financial value. But the value of knowledge, skills, and relationships built is many times higher.

As important as the money and rewards are, the knowledge and relationship gained from hive is priceless.

Congratulations on this great milestone. Weldon @geekgirl

Congratulations in advance. 150k is a lot and you're right about Hive offering a whole lot. The finance incentive and the whole learning curve and experience is unrivalled to anywhere else.

Only a little left to go for that 150k! That's a goal I'm striving for now myself. Keep up the great work Geekgirl!

The fact that I can fully control my account the way I like is one major thing I love so much about Hive
Congratulations to you for reaching that milestone
I’d love to be like you someday😁😁

That is a great deal of effort. You work for it and you earn it. Weldone

That's a beautiful amount of Hive! But definitely a well-deserved one for being one of the veterans on here :)

i can help you with a vote :D i would like reach 1000hp one day

I see your posts and I could tell that you work so hard on this platform
You deserve this amount of Hp
Keep it up!

Congratulations indeed, you are about to achieve a great goal!

I wouldn't know what to answer to the questions you ask at the end of your post, but actually I'm in Hive and I don't see a valid reason why I shouldn't be there eh eh!


Congratulations that is an incredible achievement. It sounds like you have been on a great journey and you have put the time and effort into hive because it’s something you love. I love the journey I am on and I am thankful I have found hive and many great people on here like yourself. Have an amazing day

Waaaw 150 K🎉🎉

Congratulation 🎉 extraordinary achievement, I suspect your story will be an inspiration to many writers at hive 🥰

It wasn't all that easy. Still working hard for a long time. I've been following you since then. It's not easy to make a special post every day. It takes a lot of time. I also make a post every day. It takes two and a half hours.

Yes, blogging in general time consuming effort. It may not be easy, but is definitely fulfilling.

Why Do We Still Hive?

I dunno.

You do know. It may be a secret.

There are a few things I'd like to see happen before I go. I'll just leave it at that.

Great points. For me the chain was the first meaningful interaction with web3. To this day it still has one of the best UX out there. In fact it's probably the reason why I am still here and web3 in general. I always come back here after trying many other chains and feel that I am home - most of the stuff just works and it's free...

wow that is huge! congrats reaching 150k HP

nice! that is a lot of HP! the reason im in hive is because of the games like splinterlands and dcrops.

What fun it is to come up with business models here.

What a great incentive for savings and investment it is.

Growing by helping people grow too. HP is an amazing collaborative economy system.

I love this post and reading the comments is motivating.

Congratulations on reaching 150k HP on Hive! That's a significant achievement and a testament to your dedication and engagement within the community.

Milestones like these can be quite motivating and reflect your contributions and the relationships you've built along the way. How do you feel about your journey on Hive so far, and what are your goals moving forward?

That's a great milestone and obvs yr preaching to the converted here - so many pluses to Hive! And I mean it really doesn't take that much effort to accumulate a decent stake!

Keep on stacking!

A big congratulations to your upcoming milestone. I really celebrate you for this. This is as a result of constant dedication

Wow! Congratulations 🎉

Congratulations on your upcoming milestone!

Reasons I stay on Hive

  1. Creativity in community and perfect ownership is unparalleled
  2. The absence of Web 2 drama is necessary in these times
  3. Consistency in learning and connecting pays off as much as consistent content production

Hive is a good training ground for success in a global environment ... I see the benefits across my whole life and work, so, it is good to stay in training. Price does not really matter in that respect ... although of course, I will not be unhappy to see the price get on up again!

Yes, educational aspect of Hive is often overlooked. But has a huge impact.

I completely agree with all of this! However, I especially love your third point. Community has always been a core belief of mine. I was raised with the mindset that it takes a community to raise a child, and although I feel this belief is fading in much of Western culture, I still hold onto it.

I think that belief holds true here. Community and outreach are what will help Hive grow beyond what it is now. It’ll take time and the right people who are willing to ride the highs and lows.

Yes, community in essence powers this whole endeavor. As @theycallmedan would say, true power is in layer 0. We have a special one here.

Congratulations, you have every reason to celebrate 🙌🙌🙌

Oh, where to start on my top reasons! I was brought here by friends and never looked further :)

Community and connections

Potentially life changing crypto rewards

Consuming content and having fun with games, learning new skills, and other forms of growth and entertainment

Obviously there's so much more, but this is your post, not mine :)

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

I agree, Hive makes it possible for doing ordinary fun things we already would do else where and being rewarded financially, individually, and collectively. Thank you.

I think the reasons you listed above are good reasons and it fits my own reasoning. However, if I were to say one that is missing there is the ecosystem on Hive with applications. We have games such as Splinterlands so there are a lot of different ways to use the network. Some reward you while others don't.

Growing layer 2 ecosystem is definitely the big one. If Hive were to live up to its promise, layer 2 solutions, applications, games, etc should thrive. Since development is a time consuming process, the growth will be slow. But what have seen so far is impressive.

Ohhhh dear you deserve a big hug for making this post, I couldn’t have agreed more as everything you pointed out here resonates with me.

If given the opportunity to choose I’d choose Hive over and over again.

Congratulations on your latest milestone😃

Congratulations on your upcoming 150k! Hive is the best place to spend my 'air time'. The sheer diversity of Hivers is amazing and provides windows into the whole world.

The money aspect is a huge draw also. Whether you want to engage or not is totally up to you and your hp grows even when you can't be present.

The total ownership is also a big draw, so all in all it is a win!

I like the window to the world analogy. So true.

Congratulations @geekgirl! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You received more than 78000 HP as payout for your posts, comments and curation.
Your next payout target is 80000 HP.
The unit is Hive Power equivalent because post and comment rewards can be split into HP and HBD

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