Scriptural Reasoning: Let The Sheep Come Home.

in #hivechurch3 months ago

‭Isaiah 53:6 NIV‬
[6] We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

The message of Isaiah 53:6 has a striking revelation to me. This revelation comes from the reflection on some key words from the passage.

Like Sheep

In several of the parables of Jesus, He referred to the saints as the sheep. The wicked and sinners are likened to the goats. The sheep are the followers of Jesus. The sheep are those who will be raptured. The sheep are those who will enter in with the Master into His glory. The sheep are the sons and daughters of the kingdom.

The goats are the wicked and sinners. They are those who do not heed the instructions and commandments of God. They are the disobedient and rebellious ones. They are those who will end in destruction.

When the Spirit says through the prophet Isaiah ”We all, like sheep, have gone astray”, It is saying that we who are not intended for the damnation that will be the portion of the wicked, are straying into their lot. This is the reason for the call of salvation.

Have Gone Astray

We have all gone astray. We have missed the way. We have turned away from following our shepherd. We have all gone astray. This is the problem with our lives and destinies. We are no more where God wanted us. We have left the way He expected that we should follow. We have gone astray.

Like l reasoned with the scriptures, we who are referred to as sheep, have a Shepherd. He is the one we should have followed. But many circumstances have made us turn the wrong way. We have gone astray!

Looking for what will soothe our lust of the eyes; our lust of the flesh and our pride of life, we have turned the wrong way. What is remaining for us now is to come home.

The Lord Has Laid On Him The Iniquity Of Us All

When we have gone astray, we were supposed to be condemned. We were supposed to suffer for our sins and wrong doings. But instead of us suffering for the wrong we have done, the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

Our condemnation has been laid on Jesus. As punishment has been given to Jesus. The consequences of our sins have become His own to bear. Now we are free! We are free to come home without damnation. We have free to come close to God. He won't destroy us anymore if we come back home. The only thing required of us is to accept the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and we will be justified.
Come home, Jesus is waiting for you.

Let The Sheep Come Home

If you are reading this message and the Spirit is pricking your heart to change your ways; if you are feeling a guilt that is yearning for forgiveness, then you are a sheep. Come home. You might find yourself among the prostitute. You only strayed there, you weren't one of them. You might be a kidnapper now. You only gone astray, you are not one of them. Whatever situation or condition you find yourself, you only strayed there, come home. Come back to the fold where you truly belong. Come back to the Shepherd who cares much for your soul. Come home to Jesus today, He is waiting to receive you. Give your heart to Jesus and repent of your sins. Come, come today is your day of salvation, come home.

Hebrews 3:15 (KJV) While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.


Keep up the good work. 👏

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