Splinterlands = UN Agenda 21 Child Labor?! Breaking down the fraud of Alison McDowell, including debate with her disciple.

in #informationwar3 years ago

As you may know, I wrote a point-by-point response a few weeks back to someone who has been publishing outrageous claims and false accusations about @dbroze, @corbettreport, @tlavagabond, and many others in the freedom movement.

Basically, she released this article attacking Derrick, and mis-representing him, mostly based on a complete lack of understanding of crypto, blockchain, and specifically @Splinterlands... She also made the first half of the post about Derrick and Splinterlands - but then "proves" her point with nothing but details about non-blockchain gaming companies.

After I wrote my response piece, I left a comment on her blog, with the link. She promptly deleted my comment (as she does with anyone who challenges/questions her), then she took some parts out of my article, put them together as though they were one thought, and stuck them into her article without addressing/answering any of it, and with no mention that it was a reply to that article - or that it was only a few pieces of that reply.

Since then, I've made a ton of replies on her YT videos and blog posts - more than 95% of which were deleted immediately.

She ignores response pieces like this one from the person she falsely accused of being a criminal and the full response that Derrick did.

She's refused multiple interview/debate requests from the people she's slandering (usually blocking them), and even from completely neutral parties...

So, rather than wasting more time on comments she will delete, I'm putting this all on the blockchain.

Here are a few of my deleted comments

This woman chooses to only use centralized, corporate social media platforms, where she can delete anyone who disagrees with her. It's really hilarious that she even deletes her own followers and people who agree with her - if they try to have any actual conversation in the comments.

Of course, she was even dishonest enough to make another tweet claiming that my comments are somehow attacking her... And of course she doesn't show any of the ones with links.

2022-01-06 11_42_32-Audio - Derrick Broze Claims I Lied About His Position On Play To Earn Blockchai.png

2022-01-07 11_43_32-Derrick Broze Incites His Fans Including Threat Of Physical Harm From Guy Arrest.png

2022-01-07 11_49_32-Derrick Broze Incites His Fans Including Threat Of Physical Harm From Guy Arrest.png

2022-01-07 11_53_44-Derrick Broze Incites His Fans Including Threat Of Physical Harm From Guy Arrest.png

2022-01-07 11_56_00-Derrick Broze Incites His Fans Including Threat Of Physical Harm From Guy Arrest.png

The Email she sent to speakers from TGR

Along with publishing these various lies and misunderstandings - Alison also sent private messages to everyone listed on the Greater Reset website, trying to get them to not be part of the event.

Of course, none of them bought into this fraud - because they know better.

Her "Three Hour Presentation" on Splinterlands = Child Labor

The other day, Alison posted this tweet:

2022-01-10 11_47_08-Alison _A Particular Activist_ McDowell (@Philly852) _ Twitter — Mozilla Firefox.png

There were, of course, quickly people there correcting some of her false claims, and of course @aggroed (the co-founder of Splinterlands) offered to have a conversation with her about these things.

2022-01-07 21_04_43-Alison _A Particular Activist_ McDowell on Twitter_ _I just did a 3-hour present.png

Of course, she didn't reply publicly - and doesn't seem to be open to that conversation either, because 2 days later she released the video version of her presentation - still without any due diligence, or having a discussion with anyone she's attacking.

2022-01-10 11_49_49-Alison _A Particular Activist_ McDowell (@Philly852) _ Twitter — Mozilla Firefox.png

Full "Debate" with Jason Bosch / ArgusFest

On one of her fraudulent YT videos, I replied to this comment from Jason Bosch, and then decided to send it to him on Telegram as well, since Alison had already deleted more than 20 of my comments.

I was really excited that he seemed to be open to talk to me... and this is the result of our off/on conversation over the course of a couple of days.

I won't frame this any more, so you can draw your own conclusions.
















Edit #1 - Alison's newest tweets misrepresenting me.

So, over the last day or two, apparently this person has been doubling down on their defamation campaign, publishing a bunch of tweets that are blatantly misrepresenting me in order to continue pushing her narratives, as all of her claims are repeatedly dis-proven and she has to delete more and more comments, even further proving the points being made.

Here's her newest tweet (the only edit I made was to add the numbers, for easy response down below):

2022-01-11 00_28_24-Alison _A Particular Activist_ McDowell on Twitter_ _A company sees individuals .png

Here's the article that she is showing a piece of there: Crypto Gaming Isn't The Cause of Child Labor... A Reply to Allison McDowell's Attack on Splinterlands & @DBroze

It should also be noted that the screenshot she has there is not the current version of the article (which has been ups since a day or two after I originally posted), but an earlier version, before her dishonest misrepresentations became obvious, and I had to re-clarify things even more.

Here is what that one section of the post looks like, and has for most of its life:

2022-01-11 00_36_11-Crypto Gaming Isn't The Cause of Child Labor... A Reply to Allison McDowell's At.png

Remember, that's also a 2300 word post, with images as well; she just picked out the one part that she could best misrepresent.

Now, we'll address the specific things she has highlighted, in order.

#1: She keeps claiming that I support child labor because I said "these children" here. I was referring to the children playing Splinterlands that she had been posting about. It was made clear by Jason Bosch/ArgusFest in our debate, that they actually had no evidence, examples, or reason to believe that there are children playing Splinterlands. Instead, they had taken this clip of Derrick talking about how kids could theoretically make money on crypto gaming, plus completely unrelated comments from Telegram (that she never offered any context for) as the basis for her claim of children. Thus, in my post I was referring to children that only exist in the mind of this woman, and the minds her followers.

#2: Yep, there are amazing opportunities in the realm of crypto and blockchain, and #P2E gaming... and it's obvious to anyone who looks at all.

#3: Yes, if I meet anyone at the Greater Reset who's really excited in getting into Splinterlands (especially a local or an expat that's not wealthy), I do still plan to help them get set up, and delegate them a deck to play (thousands of dollars of my assets - that they will earn income by playing with), to give them a big headstart on things. I guess she's trying to misrepresent this as talking about children? Which I obviously wasn't. She also seems to think that me doing this (I've already helped a bunch of friends get going) means that I'm a "Splinterlands Agent" or a "Pilot Program Manager" as she keeps claiming... Nope. Just a player/investor.

#4 & 5: She underlines the thing that I was questioning, and my question, but offers no answer or clarity. I would re-state my question. I don't believe that "adulthood" or critical thinking, or the ability to take responsibility for one's actions is as simple as an arbitrary age chosen by the State. Splinterlands, on the other hand, makes abundantly clear in their TOS that they do not allow children under 13 to play, and from age 13 to 18 they require parental consent.


#6: She underlines my statement that Splinterlands is dedicated to creating value for their players and investors... again without any comment or anything. I guess maybe she was just excited about that part?


She sounds like a worthless slug...keep moving!

James Corbett has got the goods.

Corbette could Slay the HIVE Dragon... but luckily his keys work on BLURT as well. Someone ought to call him up and explain the benefits at this extraordinary time.

Man, some people have too much time on their hands.
I'm sure the kids, if any, in the favelas wish that lady would leave them alone.
She needs to take a step back and stop trying to force her right and wrong onto others, imo.

She promptly deleted my comment (as she does with anyone who challenges/questions her)

Yeah those kind of people suck. Probably wouldn't last a day here on this platform.

Yep, on this platform nobody can delete anybody's comments.

Also, fyi, on peakd if you aren't logged in (or if you don't have the "follow author mute settings" checked) you don't even know anyone is muted - it doesn't show it to them.

I know. It's cool like that. Also the fact content, including commentary is strewn across several frontends now and most likely new ones in the future that can decide how they want to do things. VYB for instance. That little inside joke wouldn't even make sense, if you know what I mean.

I've got nothing against you and no BS stories in which you're the enemy or anything like that - to be clear. Not that I hold hard feelings against anyone; that's one of those practices I find to have a lot of costs, and no apparent benefits.

I have you muted because your way of communicating is extremely aggravating to me the majority of the time (that I have experienced it - as someone who doesn't follow you), and I'm in a place where I want to have the option to see those comments or not, rather than getting notifications of them.

That's fine. It doesn't bother me. It bothers you. I hate alarm clocks so I hit the snooze button. I get it.

I don't expect everyone to like me or how I am, or whatever. But my bridge always has water under it.

Have a good day dude.

I still follow you but you are a prick...

Thanks! Anything else I can do for you today?

You're more offended than the most unique snowflake ever.

Good luck! LoL you gonna go on another high and mighty rant about murdering all cows that are alive?

Or how cow farts are the cause of the global warming?

Or how we all need to be forced into veganism?

You are as authoritarian as those you claim to fight.

So yeah. See how that works out for you. Not well I am sure.

Told you so....



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
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Seems like enough libel and slander that Aggy could slap a lawsuit on her. It's probably going to end up going that way eventually if Splinterlands wants to correct the record and push back against her ridiculous claims of child labor. Why on earth would anyone have a bunch of kids in sweatshops playing Splinterlands to earn money? Her claims are insane. It's infinitely cheaper and more efficient to use bots.

Ya, I think she's dug herself more than a big enough hole, and done it in all the formats, even after being corrected by many people.

My guess is the SPL team stays relatively quiet on it (I'd guess aggy/they reached out to her directly to speak as well), unless she starts to gain a lot more traction, to where it could be a bigger threat. At the moment, it doesn't seem too many are seeing it.

Splinterlands should take legal action against her. If we don't take and action now, there is a chance that this can start a chain reaction of negative and false claims.

Just my 2 cents

Aggroed knows about it, and he offered to discuss it with her. I'm sure their legal folks are aware, and can pay attention from here and decide the right play. They don't necessarily want to file a suit that would make it much bigger, if there's only a small handful of people seeing her claims.

Aggroed knows about it, and he offered to discuss it with her.

I have read it in your post already.

They don't necessarily want to file a suit that would make it much bigger

Makes sense.


Community snitch and content police here.
Warning he files reports with incorrect and misleading information.

Do not trust or vote this person.

Definitely not a good person that has bragged about befriending people to abuse them.

Community snitch and content police here.

Care to give any evidence to go with your newest outlandish claims about me?

  • Warning he files reports with incorrect and misleading information.*

How about this, can you give a single example? Can you refute anything I've ever published?

Do not trust or vote this person.

lol. Can't downvote me, so you're just going to leave comments asking people not to vote?

Definitely not a good person that has bragged about befriending people to abuse them.

How about this claim; any evidence or examples here?

Wrong person moron....

God gifted you the intelligence of a mosquito as well as most likely the same amount of testicular fortitude.


Well, since you made no mention of who you are talking to, and you have many times before left comments that seem like they're about someone else on my posts, it wouldn't have been out of character for you.

Nice ad hominems, such an example of how much smarter you are than everyone else.

Thanks for keeping my engagement numbers up :-)

Just because you're not intelligent enough to figure out who replies to which post that's not my problem.

I have a feeling you're going to get yours. Just wait. LoL and when it happens I'm going to be standing there with a box popcorn laughing my ass off.

Anyway suck my balls Kenny.

I know you have a million and one friends that are all chasing you hoping that you give them money. So basically that means that basically you don't have any friends. And everybody's just trying to get something from you.

I wouldn't trade my life for yours even if I was dying. And if you happen to be on fire I wouldn't even waste the urine on you.

He is talking about me. I have muted him.

Ah, gotcha.

It wouldn't have been the first (or second or third) time that he was dropping random comments like that on my stuff... and I have him muted too haha.

Actually he thinks I reported him to HW. Even if you go to HW they will say I don't. I know the person who reported but imagine, if he do this to me, it's better if he thinks I reported him.

LoL oh yep definitely talking about this guy. The community snitch himself.

He can mute all he wants.

I’m truly surprised you spent so much time energy and effort to argue with ppl like them. Honestly what kind of answer you want from them? Those who are deleting comments, to make their opinion stronger should not even asked or answered, the only thing they deserve a downwote… Well glad you are fighting for the cause, but sadly it seems a bit pointless.

I really enjoy having long, in-depth back and forths, and I like giving it a go multiple times with somebody, even if it doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.

Especially if it has to do with false claims and such, so that more and more evidence can be brought to light.

But just in general, I can usually understand the person pretty well, just from the things they focus on, the things they ignore, and how they react to my various questions.

If it's on more philosophical topics, and/or the people are open to any level of nuance, then my brain does pretty well finding the synthesis and bringing it all together - even if it takes a while.

I really enjoy having long, in-depth back and forths

The depth of these conversations can seen mostly on one side… not their…

Your attitude is appreciated, although nowadays mostly there are no consensus, with like minded folks easy to find, but haters gonna hate… :)

Hello, sorry for non-related comment. But I don't know how else to contact you.

I'm the founder of @dcooperation . A little community to support collaborations on hive. We have as well our token on hive-engine called DCC. This year we decided to collaborate with communities. We already collaborated with CCH community and Hivenaija community. This week I created a post to collaborate with Abundance Tribe. It's mostly related with curating tags on hive. So, I asked our members to support both tags : #abundance and #abundancetribe.

Could you please help and create a post about that in Abundance Tribe community, or at least share the information in your discord server if you have one ?

Here are the details about the contest : The Winners of DCC & HiveNaija contest !.

Looking forward to our collaboration !

Abundance.Tribe is just following a few curation trails, as I am not willing to add any more value to Hive.

It is very painful to read this. The lack of appropriate responses from both jason and alison is very disturbing.

I know nothing about both this alison what's-her-name and Splinterlands but your conversation with Jason-what's-his-name is strangely riveting.

Until I got to the quote below, I was thinking "well, she's obviously a Fed", and I got some comic relief:


I wish you didn't feel you had to do this, but I understand why you do. You expose the immense wall many of us have erected to block out reason and truth.