On getting up at 5 a.m....?!?

in #inleo2 months ago

I like to get up early-ish, at around 6.30 a.m. I'm not always successful, often drifting backward to nearer 7.00, but I do feel there are benefits to getting up early!

I've just long found that getting up earlier it's easier to get all the 'good stuff' in early on, before society wakes up fully!

Turns out this guy called Robin Sharma has written a book about it....

Screenshot (518).png

And it's quite big on TikTok, albeit with an off putting smugness...!

Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 08.35.00.png
Actually a lot of those young girls all look remarkably similar, don't they!

The gist...

NB I haven't read the book, I don't intend to, but the gist, from this article, is this...

  1. Get up early.
  2. Do 20 mins physical activity, 20 mins meditation, 20 mins learning.
  3. Early mornings is the easiest time to do this because most other people are asleep!


The basic theory is getting a positive start means more positivity follows, you 'own your day' by getting an early start!

The main motivation seems to be boosting productivity, and 'having some quality work time' seems to be a very popular task to fill one's early morning hours with!

But there are also claims about mental health benefits too, not so sure about those?

I'd personally add in that it's just really pleasant being up early, it's such a fresh time of day!


It's not going to work for everyone - some people are just better in the evenings, and with a discipline mind there's no reason why getting everything out of the way first and then 'doing you' late into the evening couldn't work just as well!

And winters, we all know getting up at 5 a.m. in January sucks!

Final thoughts

Personally I'm all for it, I can feel a criticism creeping in based around having the same amount of hours in the day whatever time you get up, but for me personally I know my later hours are anything but quality, so it makes sense to cut those out by going to be earlier and then getting more productive a.m.

Putting the good stuff first!

But I won't be listening to any of those Tik Tokers!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Any time before 12pm is productive for me, it's all downhill after that!

Wow! I had you down as more of an early riser!

I am an early riser - 12pm is midday.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@mimismartypants(1/5) tipped @revisesociology

So can you be part of the secret smug club if you didn't read the book. Lol have to agree, summer it's easy, I'm up at 5:30. It's winter in the South now, so have these intentions but my bed is so warm..... !PIZZA

I think you can be smugger if you haven't read the book! Getting up in the pitch black and cold, tough indeed!

Hahaha to be smug with no cause. But hey, it's the beauty of living life for yourself and not social media. Just doing what feels right, not here to impress anyone but myself. And trust me I'm hard to impress 😂

I used to get up before 6 to try and beat the traffic into London. It was crap anyway and I'm glad I gave up that job. Now I'm usually up about 7. That's early enough. I don't really do late nights though. There's the whole larks and owls thing and I don't think I'm an extreme of either.

6.15-6.45 seems to be my natural time to get up, the challenge is to get straight into something productive rather than doomscrolling over tea and radio 4 for 30 minutes!

Yeah, getting on your phone before you get up is not ideal.

correct, early bird catches the worm

So is getting up at 4am even better? I did for years, mainly just to get everything done. Nowadays I am trying to sleep in until 5 !LOL

Yowser, 4 a.m. is earlier, you get to be EXTRA smug too!


The other day I sent my girlfriend a huge pile of snow.
I called her up and asked “Did you get my drift?”

Credit: reddit
@revisesociology, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of new.things



I hope Elon Mush never gets invloved in a scandal
Elongate could be really drawn out.

Credit: mrhuman88
@revisesociology, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of new.things



Everyone that knows me a little bit, knows that I'm more like a early bird "type":)

That is a thing that I practice every other week. Since I have rotational week shifts, on the weeks that my shift goes from 8am till 3pm, I arrive at work around 6h50am 7am "ish"... and that is mostly to avoid being stuck in the traffic. Who knows me can understand that concern, since being stuck in traffic is for sure one of the things that tickles my brains!
So, I start my days early, waking up at around 6h10am, on every-other week.
But unfortunately I don't use that advantage to make early morning exercise, but I try to "meditate" for about 10 min, and to force my self in reading reports from other persons to improve my skills.

Thank you for point in out for us :)

Thank God that I don't have to listen to any of those TikTokers! 😅

Sounds like you've got a good basis, we all have to work around our damned work schedules unfortunately. Going to be early is the key I think!

Yes, in fact, I fell so much more energized when I'm on my "morning shifts" week!

I believe waking up at 5AM works for many people because there are fewer distractions, assuming they can avoid technology. I used to wake up early to exercise so it wouldn’t interfere with my work or time with my wife. Now, I get up early with my kid (usually around 5:30), so I’m not about to wake up at 4 just to exercise.

Holy shit, no 4 a.m is taking it to extremes, we do have to flex with our family commitments, but the principle works I agree, we just have to do what we can!