Looking for more Quality Writers, Apply Within for Votes!

in #inspiration2 years ago

Are fewer people posting; are more people leaving? At times I am struggling to use my overspill voting power.

Whatever…, the ones that remain will receive more of the reward pool and benefit in the long game.

...'no votes in sight? maybe there's support coming'...

So I am asking the community to forward me some names to add to 'RandomVoter'. For those with no knowledge, this is a script I wrote some time ago that uses up my surplus voting power to reward 'the good stuff'.

It’s like hive.vote but I personally run it. I like the control and only kick it off when my VP is getting a little high.

...'a section of the RandomVoter script. I intend to re-write it as the code is sloppy'...

I can’t follow everyone and being on the ‘list’ doesn’t qualify for a follow, but additions will get extra support from my main @slobberchops account plus smaller votes from some alternative accounts.

If you can recommend some authors (or yourself), then I will vet the accounts for quality, not-selling out all the rewards, self-voting practices, comment practice, and some other shit I would rather keep to myself.

What I primarily looking for is authors who want to grow their accounts, are not powering down, and see HIVE more as a creative outlet instead of a magic money generator.

...'powering down, getting out? That's fine.., but I won't be adding you... sorry'...

We all like magic money. That can't be denied and that's OK so long as it's not the sole motivator.

Being on the list is not a permanent ‘thing’. I have kicked a few off lately due to abuse. I will share any promising authors with @tenkminnows, you may get more support than expected.

Don't be shy, do pipe up something, and remember I don't bite (only on Sundays).


I engage consistently on a daily basis and I recently cancelled my power down after withdrawing some to settle some stuffs.

Oh, I see your code is written in Python or it looks like it, I am currently learning python for web dev though.
And very well, I nominate @ksam, @funshee and since we can nominate ourselves, then @temibot 😁.

Ahh!!! 😅

This came as a surprise, but I'm actually grateful that you found my content worth the nomination.

I try the little I can to keep up with Hive activities no matter the season (bull or bear), although I haven't witnessed much of the bull 😅 I'm used to the bear.

@chops.support this is a wonderful initiative.

It is wonderful to know that we have people who care about those who take out their time to contribute and publish their quality writeups on Hive amidst the season.

@temibot is a great writer and is worth the consideration.

@hopestylist is not only an amazing writer and singer, but I also call her the Princess of Hive Engagement, because she is everywhere, doing wonderfully well in her Engagement.

@writermaximus is a great funny author 😅 normal normal, sense is far away from him 😅😅😅😅

Awwn, thank you so much Sam, you are making me feel so emotional now with those beautiful things you said about me 🥺.

This man had to sha add yab😂😂

Thanks for the kind words bro
I owe you one chilled caprisun

I could throw in some quality accounts that deserve to be rewarded more but reputation over 70 is already off limits ?

Of course, please send some.., it seems everyone is afraid of blowing their own trumpet too.., it's OK!

Ok, here I go then... @scottshots, @celestal, @cmnphotos

These are not new users nor unknown but do quality posts and deserve to be rewarded a bit more. Check them out

I actually noticed while scrolling back, that my feed is drying up too, only a handful of users are active. I guess the bear market doesn't motivate many to post.

Thank you @greddyforce! Always happy to post on hive, when I have time... Cheers!

Thanks, I already know @celestal. We have met several times. Will check the others.

Better writers always get good votes.

What a great idea, are there are any limitations with respect to reputation, account age that sort of thing?

I am wanting to give more to smaller accounts. I was one of those once.., and someone gave me a helping hand. You are already on it and have been for a while.


Oh trust me, I appreciate your support, but was thinking of others. Will have a think this afternoon.

Yeah, my feed has been a little slow and my VP was almost knocking on 100 this morning. Yeek

It's amazing how good some of these folks are at remaining invisible.

It's that story again.., HIVE is worth less, so people stop posting (but not us as we know better).

Well, you know true affiliation when prices are down.

exactly !

We know better, it's really not about what's happening short term. I'd say no more

Indeed, I remarked that too... but it’s never hitting 100 !

Yeah, that would be a travesty!!

Lol, complete tragedy!

I'm Powering Down a portion of my HP atm, got to take some of the rewards out at some point.

Thanks for letting me know. I just jiggled together a Python routine to check powering-down status and yours is positive hehe.., another excuse to code some more.

I'm not asking for special treatment for myself.

Just think the script could look to see if someone is powering down less than say 30% (amend as per your tastes) of the total HP, then it would still vote on their posts.

I just got it working.., it needs to enumerate a list full of accounts next. Love this Python stuff.., but in answer to your question, I think so.

Cool, maybe you could share the changes made with an explanation of the code logic.

I will publicly share it soon.

A very generous offer mate, I nominate myself as needing some more encouragement to post more. Thanks in advance.

I will take a look 👁

wow this is generous and I will be happy if I can be part of it. I put in effort everyday to deliver my best and never attend any power down

This is really nice of you in showing kindness to others. I am still new here but am trying my little best to progress.

@stillgideon doesn’t post often but is worth the wait.

Looks like he's writing a book, one chapter at a time.

My oh my, this is a very fine thing you're doing I must commend. I'm active on hive because of the push I got from @nelson-george, it's hard to deny he has one of the best sense of humor in the comedy community, sometimes dark but we dig. He also sings, gosh!! You should hear his voice.

I heard he's currently trying to stir up engagement in the music community discord server. His posts are of good quality but all these are just mere words, you'd have to check him out.

Without any shame , I would like to promote myself :)

Check out my new post and let me know your thoughts .

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @cageon360 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

il just keep doing what I'm doing 😊 even though I don't know what I'm doing half the time 😂

LOL, you are doing fine, just keep going 😀

Hey Chops, as a content creator, blogger and freelancer I could do some writing for you. Just give me some hints and topics, I can start asap. https://vladanlausevic.com/

I do OK writing myself, thanks!

Ok dude, but you do seek for quality writers or :)?

You might find posts from @thefootprint interesting.

Thank you 🙏🏼

Thanks, that one's in.

Oh nice 👍 thank you 🙃

We will keep on going #DFAFC⚽ 💪

Hehe... Well, I sure would stay off on Sundays.. This is a very nice way of helping authors. Thanks for this. And a big thanks to @merit.ahama for the mention..

Do have a lovely night's rest😁😁.

I have awesome bloggers from my family and friends and can share few of them

@rosecane (brother)
@quduus1 (Friend)
@shahzad-ansari (brother)
@vickoly (friend)
@b0s (friend)
@sayee (Didi)

Thank you for the nominations Bhai 🎉🎉

Welcome Foxy and Good Luck!


Oh wow, thank you so much uncle. I'm glad I made your list.

You Welcome B0sie

Thanks so much for your nomination Uncle, I really appreciate.

You welcome my Friend, Good luck

This is a wonderful initiative, and I'll love to nominate @quduus1 @rosecane @moremoney28 and my humble self @vickoly

We are share quality content and also engage as much as possible.

Thanks so much in anticipation of your favourable feedback.

@vickoly thanks so very much leader for not always leaving me behind, i really appreciate you sir. @slobberchops thanks for this wonderful program and i love to invite @vickoly @quduus1 @moremoney28 @hopestylist @merit.ahama @myles22 and myself

We share quality content and engage as much as we can.

Thanks so much as we will be patiently waiting for your feedback 🙂

You're welcome brother, together we shall grow, till we become a whale 🐋 someday.

Though I think it'll be more better if you comment your nomination directly to the post and not a reply on mine.

Ho okay i will do that right away thanks once again

I really appreciate you bro. We will keep winning together 💯🔐❤️

Awww thanks @moremoney28 for the mention, you're a good quality content writer... I nominate you as well 😁

Thank you brother for nominating me

Thank you so much for the mention dear, I'm really grateful Ayobami 🙏❤️

Anytime dear ❤️😘😌

Smiles ❤️

I nominate @quduus1 , as a curator i can say his writing quality and overall blogging, interaction is quite strong, bold and the most deserving for the RandomVoter

Thank you tik

Thank you my brother ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Just found this person as well @elenavcruzgreen - if this is an intro post then I'm super keen to see what happens next 👍

I hope they return soon

And this young person. Another big entrance...

@bermuchoenhive - hoping to see more from them soon as well 👍

Sorry... more... why this artist isn't encouraged more I do not have the answer to... skills!


I must say that this is a wonderful way to support users who are constantly working hard to create quality contents here on hive, and I truly believe this would go a long way in fueling motivation.
I'd love to nominate @dimmablogs ,@emreal ,@kushyzee and of course myself, @charlrific 😊.

Wow, thanks for the nomination bro 😊

Good afternoon sir. My blog and everything in it is only positive content with landscape photography and a creative approach to publications. Perhaps my blog will be of interest to you. Thank you very much for your information and optimism. I wish you success.

I am not leaving, writing my souvenir on hive :)

You've been on it for a while!

You are a good writer @chops.support i have also aspired to write like you because I follow your other account @slobberchops great contents you got there well am here for to speak for myself because no community might recommend me because the community I do blog most times are probably not seeing this i have been writing also i can't hype myself but i can say i am quite a good writer @katirayo you can check him out and see for yourself.

Honestly, I don't know who to recommend you to follow and support us quite a lot of the older members of the chain learned how things work and pretty much write things of quality, but I'm sure the trending page is a good start to discover some newbies who have potential.

I am glad to hear this, I would like to key into it if am worthy of it. Thanks

How do I key into this

this is a good initiative, I am not applying because it has been quite lazy to publish. but I'll keep the radar on to send out a good prospect.

I'm just a newbie trying to explore and if possible grow my stake and help my fellow newbies too in the process. If I meet the criteria, I would to nominate myself. Thank you for all you do for hivers

I think all the whales should get together and rather than burn a big amount of HIVE soul bound it around like Gladius cards in Splinterlands. They can never sell it, but if most non abusers' likes could be worth ten cents+ it would make a big difference. I've been here a long time and have never been able to have likes worth more than a cent. I know it's cause I sold all my Steem and Hive for cards, but if I could be handing out dimes for each like it'd be a lot more fun. Noise.Cash was fun for a while cause I'd get $1 a day to hand out as free tips, but it all dried up one day because it wasn't decentralized. It's just a Twitter wannabe shill for BCH, but the daily free tips was a great idea.

Tips here are free. If you were to transfer money from your bank account to your Hive account then stake and give yourself HP, that's still your property, and from there you can 'tip' with votes, for free, plus earn with each vote cast. That's a way better deal. Then if you decide it's not for you, can put your money right back into your bank account.

Speaking of bank accounts, how long will it be before we have HBD Visa or Mastercard debit cards? It would be a great way to welcome talent on board too.

That would be interesting.

Putting myself down, without a doubt or shame; @chel-koby. Based on my writing skills, I'm probably very good. Though it isn't too important because I'll like to engage more here. I'm set on growing on Hive, and also set on Connecting my Blockchain Startup Portals Xperience with the Hive Community. You can probably take a look at some of my posts, and verify how good I am.
I also stopped powering down a while ago, it also didn't mean I was leaving Hive. but..., ur votes, ur judge.

Hello! I joined Hive a month ago and I'm constantly learning how to create better content and how to reach bigger amount of people.

I love to write, you can take a look at my profile and see if you like my content. Some texts are only in spanish since I'm Cuban and write mostly for the spanish community.

Would love some support! Btw: I reach this publication searching what Neoxian means

I am not sure if I am still able to nominate after 2 months of this publication. I am currently a minnow and dream to become a dolphin. Powering down is not my thing. In fact I have powered up all the HBD too. My posts aren't generating rewards, so I request you to visit my blog.
One other person I would nominate is @emreal.

Wow.. I feel so honored ma.. thanks so much for nominating me.. ❤️❤️🥰

Here's one we don't see every day :) ... https://ecency.com/hive-194913/@wildscaper/my-antarctic-friends-seals

@wildscaper is a new member who looks promising

ohhh wow! @wrestlingdesires thank you for all your support:) I really appreciate it. It means a lot to me;)

My pleasure, keep the Antarctic posts coming, please :)


If you are genuine, you will do well on HIVE. I had a look at your blog and it looks promising. Please make sure the content you post is yours, there are people here who actively check for plagiarism.

Thanks.. will check it out.

I’m staying and trying my best :)

No power down, pretty much keeping all the reward - except what I dedicated for the challenge I organize in the Unity community I recently founded.

There also you can found some nice writers :)

Btw, was it complicated to code this tool ?

Have a accomplished Sunday

Btw, was it complicated to code this tool ?

Yes, to start off it was. I'm in the zone now.. so not anymore.

Yes, it's a bit like that all the time, whatever the field. I tried a bit of coding... but never got in the zone haha !

Have a nice week :)

good one bringing this up again... I checked in my stats who I commented on that as not in the usuals. (this is usaully what I do..I find now people and then comment on something) But uhhhh crickets...crap!

Will edit on this post once I find some

Finding quite a few, I was not anticipating this many 'applying' :)

Oh, so you are also slobberchops that I have a convo with in The Terminal. Can I nominate myself? 🙈 Ohmeghed, still shy, but yeah, I guess I'm qualified. I haven't powered down yet since I joined Hive.

I don't know if this is the right way to apply, but I will like to nominate myself.


I've been browsing/scrolling the main 'all' feed often lately since my feed has been drying up again. I'll admit it's been difficult to find stuff I'm interested in lately. I still hand these votes out manually, but only after I've consumed the material.

Tell me about it, I manually curate to a certain extent.., time is a limiter. You have to read some of the stuff!

I think I'll get back into upvoting comments a little more. Time is money...

I tend to get a lot of comments, there's probably a good reason for that 😃

It's probably your face.

Don't be shy, do pipe up something, and remember I don't bite (only on Sundays).

Lol, now i'm curious. Why only on Sundays? :)

Hah, not sure if I make the cut but uh... you should probably check out @sapphireissafy, she writes nice fictions coupled with her eerie illustrations that I find quite... eccentric😅

Also, @sanjalica draws and paints pretty well! Plus, her adorable hands play the piano so well!

Also, @writermaximus too is quite funny XD

Why only on Sundays? :)

Well., that's because today is Sunday..

Uh... I don't really follow but cool.

Woa this is amazing. I didn't expect my name would be remembered, what an honour to me. Thank you!!!

Hmm mmm... Don't mention it😅. Didn't do much apart from just tagging ya lol.

I do like your content and your illustrations though. I can say that much.

Thank you very much for your support @zeraton! I'm so glad you like my content, I really enjoy creating it. 😊

This is a really great idea Chops, you are just one unique person that I've come to know a little about here on Hive and I'm so happy of what you do and your continuous support to those who are willing to grow.

I will love to nominate @emreal, @quduus1, @merit.ahama and of course @ksam, these are truly amazing writers and I'm sure you agree with me. I'm also a good writer says @ksam 🤗.

Thanks for the mention dear, I appreciate 😊

You're welcome dear

Heheh 🤣🤣 thank you my dear, you are a good writer ❤️❤️

You're welcome dear 🤗❤️

Let see how it goes hopey

Yes Foxy 🤗

To the top👍👍👍✅❤️❤️

To the top 🥂🍻



I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@lightcaptured(1/15) tipped @chops.support (x1)
wrestlingdesires tipped slobberchops (x1)
lofone tipped chops.support (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

This is Indeed my first time here and seeing this I think this will go a long way in helping quality content WRITTERS and I am going to be very serious on this note...@hopestylist @nkemakonam89 @vickoly and lastly Me Myself @quduus1.
We are all good and quality writers....

I am sure we will be able to put the vote into good use

Thanks for your nomination brother.

Welcome bro

🤗 yes boss.


Thank you so much @quduus1 for nominating me 👍🥰

You are welcome 🙂

Thank you so much for the mention, I'm honored 🙏❣️

Feel it and understand it because it's a fact

Smiles, yes I will sir 😀

Okay better 🐰🦊

Yeah, hehe 🐰❤️

Heheh 🤣

Lolz, me and my beautiful bunny, hehe 🐰👯‍♀️

This is Indeed my first time here and seeing this I think this will go a long way in helping quality content WRITTERS and I am going to be very serious on this note...@hopestylist @nkemakonam89 @vickoly and lastly Me Myself @quduus1.
We are all good and quality writers....

I am sure we will be able to put the vote into good use

Thanks so much for putting in a word for me my man, I wish us all the very best.

Yeah you too same here boss

Alright champ.

See you 🤗


This is truly a wonderful initiative. Thanks for wanting to support quality writers who appreciate the Hive blockchain as a "creative outlet".

This is a great initiative... In my opinion, many people stopped posting and my feed is not interesting anymore, unfortunately... But I will drop some account names whenever I can...

It does seem harder to find "original" content, these days... and what I mean by that is content that doesn't smell too much like it was "created for rewards," as part of some eternal cycle of attracting a specific curator.

Seems to be one of those ebb-and-flow things that comes and goes with the market for Hive tokens... I expect that when Hive tokens start approaching $1.00 again, the content will also start flowing more freely. Times are tough at the moment, a lot of people can't justify spending time with social media/blogging/content creation that they could be spending working at a paying job... I should know, my own engagement has been in the toilet, for a while...

But I digress. Here are a few favorites:

@anitahorvatirl really stunning photography. She does get some stout votes occasionally, but she also has $2 posts.
@kaazoom also a bit sporadic, but puts out some decent and varied content. Definitely human.
@amberkashif definitely worthy, and she writes for the sake of writing.
@christinepoulos Yikes... another "human stories" poster who has become sporadic.
@diziette Creates varied — and occasionally "deep" — content and probably deserves more attention than he's getting.
@mamaemigrante creates some nice gardening posts, along with other bits. Usually English/Spanish.

Having gotten that far, it's slightly alarming how many people aren't active anymore...

Hi! Take a look at this author: @gatubela 🐱

There are a few that put out exceptional content: @mipiano although not new, @buckaroobaby @emma-h and there are a few more but I will have to think about that. How new do you want them to be? I know you already have @leaky...

Oh thank you!

So, why I am mentioned for the second time here? Edprivat even said I am famous lol, I don't know what he is talking about hahah

Just kidding, thanks @dswigle for your mention 😇 your attention is much appreciated 😘

Yeah, I am not that new, two years and four months, but feels like five as no day passed that I was not around :D

Recently I met @nickydee, an awesome lady, a free spirit, she started this summer. Oh well, another amazing girl, @ninjakitten but I don't have to tell @slobberchops about her :D she is in very good hands already :)

aww thankyou!! I am a really lucky girl and I agree, I'm being well guided, and I love it here!

You are rocking here, dear kitty with ninja skills :))

Ah... thanks for thinking of me and coming from you that's really special 😌 🙏

Not sure if @slobberchops has met @olujay , but I've watched him up his game BIGTIME over the last few weeks of beginning to share his musical talents.

And now it seems he has a knack for filming and post production as well. I'm keeping an eye on him.

Then there's @kesityu.fashion - super creative young human.

@hanselmusic usually has a different spin on things and shares stuff on music I've never heard of.

@teng7 - also upping skills quickly!

I'd try to support some Noobs to keep people engaged for the first bit as well. Of course. I think it's hard to meet people and really get going for some people if they aren't au fait with connecting online...

Been a bit remiss but have been on the go. I'll build it into a daily mission I think. 👍

Cool initiative ❤️ Makes a jaded person all warm and fuzzy inside :)

No! @slobberchops and not have not met.😁

Thank you so much for the support, @nickydee.

Well you should read his blog! It's pretty awesome 👍

Always keep good people close. The pleasure is all mine.

Happy Tuesday

I sure am checking his blog out.

I wanted to reach you on WA to ask how work has been. I just haven't done so yet.

Happy Tuesday. And how's your boy?

❤️ Thank you!!! well this is really nice to see/read🙃
I could from my side give back the suggestion to you @nickydee
and to add @alt3r because her cooking and photography is awesome and @illusivelf because of her awesome creative designs!!!
if my comment on the matter is still relevant after so many other suggestions to you @chops.support 😅

Thank you @kesityu.fashion that's really kind of you!😊


Oh goody... more content to devour.

Thanks for the heads up!

And thank you for your encouragement 😊

Thanks for the mention! I’m happy you like what I’m doing and discover new music with me!

Let the music play on, my new friend 😊

I'm grateful for your mention. I'm still in the process of improving my skills and you are one of person who make my skills better day by day. You are an amazing girl and you deserver more, @nickydee ❤️

Aw... thank you.

What a beautiful comment and that really made my heart happy! 😊

I just see people. And I saw you and your effort. You deserve to do well!

Ask away if you need anything.

Many hands make light work! 🌸


Thanks so much for mentioning me @dswigle, I appreciate it and the support that I've gained so far here. I feel very at home and absolutely love the content I find here. There's always something interesting.

I have to agree! A little something for everyone. The support is amazing! Keep on spreading your words!

@ybanezkim26 @mengao and @leaky20 might be worth adding :)

Thanks for the mention. That's very much appreciated.

Oh! Thanks for the mention, but I think I won't qualify because I'm constantly powering down. I have to because I'm living off of Hive since 2020.

I don't know but you are putting a lot of effort in the community, and you still own a lot of Hive power, so I still felt like you aren't here only for the money and your name is worth mentioning. I guess there were also times you powered up a lot :)

Thank you for the mention, I have to post more frequently again.

@leaky20 is already on there, and you are now.


Using up my votes is not too big of an issue. Just have to follow people or makes lists of those who should be active. I have added more people to tenkminnows thanks to you. I need to monitor those and I ought to make a script for that so I can check when they 'graduate' or change their behaviour.

There's only so many people I can support. I do think rewards have to be earned though. If I had millions of HP then it might all get a bit more stressful.

I need to monitor those and I ought to make a script for that so I can check when they 'graduate' or change their behaviour.

Something I intend to work on, keeps the dust setting on the internal sawdust.

When we talk about nature posts and lover, flowers and plants and indeed blogging with great concept, there is just one perfect candidate who fits in perfectly..

She is indeed one of the best writers I have seen so far, her post are lengthy and quality filled with fun and amusement her name is @momogrow , please check her out and I think she Is going to do well by helping the newbies like us too grow

Many thanks for your thoughtful comment @quduus1 - I truly appreciate it.

You are indeed welcome DEAR 😊

I really appreciate what you are doing, I would love to nominate myself @sam9999 I give quality content on finance, health, Nature, and Technology and once in a while some general life issues. I really want to grow my account as I believe in the process hive has to offer.

There are some regular posters and quality content creators that I knew including myself.

@beyondhorizonmm (myself)

Consistency is an important thing for Hive blockchain. Quality is important but we have only a few professional writer. Even in the social media like facebook content is more important than writing skill.
Nowadays people are more looking for content than the feelings giving by the novel. If you do support regular posters we will be more than happy.

WOW, many thanks for recommending me on this Beyond 👍
Much appreciated 👏👏🤗

Welcome Nkem.

Thanks a lot for the recommendation Beyond

Welcome B0s.

Thanks so much for putting in a word for us, I wish us all the best.

Thank you 💕😊😊😊 Mr b💕💕❤️

Thank you so much for the mention B💥💥💥

Welcome Fox.

Rock on

Hey @slobberchops if you're looking for some creative shit then you should check out posts in Skatehive community every so often, we bring tons of action and something different on Hive!

We're up and running for more than 4 years since the Steem days and we would appreciate any support!

Cheers man!

I like @blanchy's stuff he had entertaining posts recently. @ablaze deserves a spotlight @mipiano is always a joy to read. She is famous 😂, but @trangbaby is always going on some adventure.
Also @cryptoandcoffee that still managed to carry on posting while being at the hospital and this is something I truly respect.

There's many more but that's it for today

Thanks, a couple of gems there.

hey, thanks Ed that you think it is always a joy to read me :D
Well, much fun is involved while writing something so I guess that fun maybe comes through the lines 😁

Oh wow! Interesting!
I nominate @quduus1. Not only is he a good engager, he’s also a quality writer. His articles are top notch.

Ohhh really thank you bro

remember I don't bite (only on Sundays)

Haha I'm not scared but I'm definitely not going to visit you on a Sunday 😅

It's so nice of you to have a way of supporting those trying to be supportive of the community by being active and engaging.

Good to know you go over the ones you've been supporting to check for any abuse, it's very important.

Well, for me I'll suggest @balikis95 and @mercysugar they're worth checking out and supporting. Thanks for this opportunity 🙇‍♀️

Omg😭😭😭 thanks a lot for the mention Sis, I appreciate the kind gesture. You are a good person and I am glad I get to know ya😍😍😍..

You're welcome dear, it's no big deal 😊
You deserve the mention

🥺🥺🥺... You make me teary already..

Thank you😍😍

Aww you're welcome dear


Awwwwww😳😭thank you so much for the mention, and I must say I am happy you find me worthy of the vote😊.

Thank you for looking out and supporting the little hands on hive. Perhaps my content might interest you and deserves your support. Also @temibot is one cool guy you might like to support.

Oh, thank you very much for the recommendation.

My pleasure !luv

You should definitely check @chincoculbert out, man writes mean movie reviews and awesome short stories, all of awesome qualities. He's been of big help to me on hive and is the very essence of what a hive blogger should be.

He's currently powering down now to get a new phone so he's presence here can be more effective, I can't think of a better candidate.

Try @diikaan too if you like quality sport posts, I'm not even into sports and I know alot because of this dude. He also hides intelligence under his short stories in some communities here.

These authors have proved to me and a lot of other people what we achieve with quality posts, you don't want to miss them.

If you are looking for video creator as well here is @awildovasquez

Well, that's an excellent initiative and I really appreciate the fact that you care about the smaller accounts and give the opportunity to people to just promote themselves. Also, I don't really like to support accounts that see the platform as an easy way to just get some money but I believe that in the long run, they are going to regret it.

If nobody cared then no new people would stay. In today's HIVE it's easier than ever to get attention. It's all about the content..

So true :) ... I can actually see some new accounts growing in leaps and bounds, which would have been impossible two years ago


@slobberchops! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Well, I couldn't agree more and I really believe that this is the right way :) Keep up the great job btw

Hello chops, I really appreciate this effort you are putting in here to support hivers that has chosen to remain here both in bear and bull market, supporting the Blockchain with quality contents. Personally I understand the importance of having a good HP and it made me not to consider powering down since I joined hive.

So I will love to nominate these amazing authors @quduus1 , @vickoly @dimmablogs, @floraada @princessbusayo and my humble self @nkemakonam89

Thanks 👍

Thanks a lot for the nomination 😊.

Uwc 😘👍

Thank you for nominating me.

Uwc 😘👍

Thanks so much for your recommendation, I wish you all the best as well.

Uwc 😘

Well, since I've stumbled in here, can I suggest @slothlydoes it, he's great if not a little vain! Been slowly growing my account over the last few months, utilising those dreaded self votes! I noticed I followed a curator that voted for me and I would like self vote! I managed to turn that off so time to start building a real audience!

I would also like to put forward @acidtiger a "newer" creator here on Hive, mainly doing drawings!

Plus @patlebo he continues to entertain with his videos and content!

Thanks for taking the time to read, and good luck to all on the List!

Thanks sloth ure the best! Definitely put him on it if you read this comment! :) he is a guy that always tries to help others and usually at the expense of himself

You could check out my posts. I haven't been able to write as often as I wish lately due to my health condition. I plan to write 3-4 post per week and build my account once again.
Thanks for wanting to support quality writers.

@vickoly thanks so very much leader for not always leaving me behind, i really appreciate you sir. @slobberchops thanks for this wonderful program and i love to invite @vickoly @quduus1 @moremoney28 @hopestylist @merit.ahama @myles22 and myself

We share quality content and engage as much as we can.

Thanks so much as we will be patiently waiting for your feedback 🙂

Gracias brother ❤️❤️❤️

My boss 🙌, thanks alot.

Thanks so much brotherly, I really appreciate.

Wow, this is awesome I must say it's a beautiful thing you want to help authors. I will be so glad and appreciative if I am selected because I have been trying to grow my account since I joined hive and I haven't powered down but I keep powering up also I nominate myself @mercysugar and thanks to @meritahama for the mention, I appreciate it.

I will like to nominate @justfavour and @dimmablogs they are a good writer😊.

Oh wow! Thanks so much for nominating me😊

It's a great thing you're doing supporting other writers. And I like the fact it's only authors who are willing to build. Here are some great authors I like and you may find worthy

@quduus1 he's a man of many words, he writes about everything, and I'm not joking when I say that. He tends to be able to draw inspiration from thin air. He's very consistent and is also a chatterbox often reaching the top of hive engagement league.

@nkemakonam89 She's a super mum, highly resourceful, consistent, and always looking to learn. She's also very full of engagement despite all her montherly duties. Her content is top notch as well.

@momogrow is another author I like a lot, though she's not a regular poster, you'll always see the effort she puts into each and every one of her posts. She makes a lot of great travel posts, gardening posts and fiction.

@vickoly Vick is a farmer,and a DIY specialist. He's very talented and can do hand skills like sewing, making footwear, mention it and he can do it. He's a consistent author and is always there

Then there's also me (@b0s) . I am not a daily poster, but I post very regularly. I post about Crypto, fiction, football, movie reviews, and just anything that peaks my interest.

They're a lot more, but these are the ones on my head at the moment. All the authors I've mentioned make quality posts and are focused on building their accounts, I hope you find them worth your time.

Many thanks @b0s for your kind comment - you are a quality writer and you mentioned some good people for @chops.support to consider.

You're welcome Momo. Keep up the good work.

Hey pal, you don collect star ✴️✴️✴️ I am happy to be mentioned by the honorable boss, thank you for nominating me, I really appreciate it

hehe, thanks for the star. Keep it up

Thank you boss

Wow, thank you so much B0s for this amazing review about us.
Much appreciated 👍🤗

You're welcome :)

The man never seize to amaze me everytime I stop by his post, he is a my role model, a quality content WRITTER, a daily poster just like myself and his post quality are just top notch...

He is currently on his mission of building his hp to support quality content creators just like you are doing and I will say having him on your auto list will be like a booster to him achieving that position soon..

I thought of his name before but I left it out and then I remember his dreams and aspirations towards us newbies and I think he will utilize this effectively...

Check him sir, his name is @burlarj ....

Thanks for the nomination @quduus1 , i would love him to add you to the list as you needed it more just incase there is not enough space for everyone💖

Thank you bro, let's hope for the best..
Fingers crossed

I dont mind being bitten. I joined Hive a few days ago. I'll most be posting about Irish stuff like photos, videos, Celtic culture and stick fighting.

I'd appreciate being on your list.

It's sad that not many people stay active anymore on hive. Some may be due to offline life getting in the way whilst some are no longer motivated.

Either way, the people that keep showing up are doing well even though it's not easy. And I think that your support will go a long way.

In recommendation for some quality and active content creators on hive, I'd nominate @nkemakonam89, @charlrific, @justfavour and my humble self; @dimmablogs

Thank you for this thoughtful idea! ❤️

Thanks a lot for the nomination! 😊❤️

Awesome! I just saw that and a few people instantly pop in my mind :)

  1. @soulsdetour - I believe what she writes matches the account name, as she usually pours out her soul :) One undervalued author, IMHO.
  2. @manoldonchev - I always enjoy reading his posts, he shares in artistic way his thoughts, personal challenges and daily life. I feel he needs more support. A great photographer and probably under different circumstances, a famous writer :)
  3. @silver.art - a talented painter. She doesn't post a lot, I think a few times a month
  4. @driptorchpress - I got in touch with this creative guy when he joined the "Photographic Society" community I created and then he started to post there. I find the time to read his posts and for myself, that tells is all :)

By the way, that community is a boutique one, still, with irregular posts but is destined for great things, hehehe. It would be awesome if you consider to somehow support it and join too :)

Thank you and !PIZZA

Oh, I may add few other accounts later if that's ok and you're still looking to expand that list? :)

i read one of your post on why hiveans can atleast not power down their account but instead grow their stakes but should in case they need money can always use their hbd, that motivated me enough and most of my post have been on power up since i made my hive goals known here

my username is @burlarj and your support would go a long way in achieving my desired Hive power goals

i know some other good writers on the blockchain who want to build their hive power and are trying their best in making that possible

@quduus1 : He joined the hive platform six months ago and got his 1000 hive power few days ago and he hope to achieve more, you can support his dream

@hopestylist: She is an amazing writer and a singer and her engagement on the hive platform is top notch, i am sure you won't be disappointed if you support her too....

@nkemakonam89 : We need people who engage with others alot for this platform to grow, nkem is also one of the top notch commenters i know on this platform, she also write quality content

@justfavour: He is a good content creator and i have not seen him power down for once, your support will boost his career on the hive blockchain....

@beyondhorizonmm: This is another hivean i know of his consistency and he is sure in on a long term for the hive platform your support will be appreciated....

you can check out their blog and mine, i can vouch for all the people i mentioned here including my humble self... Thanks

I and the people recommended by me are in for a long term and want to build our stakes

Wow...I really appreciate this recommendation burl. Thank you so much for the mention 👍🥳🤗

Wow! Thanks so much for the recommendation. I really appreciate it😊😊

Woahoo, this is a really beautiful recommendation and I'm speechless right now, I'm so thankful to you daddy for this, let's hope he reaches out to support you and others and myself 🥺.

you welcome dear💖

Thank you daddy 🥰

You deserve a kiss on the head for this ment... welldone and I set your goals getting ACHIEVED ☑️☑️☑️

thanksssssss💖💖.. See you at the top🔥🔥

Yeah my main man,see you at the top blood 💯🔐🔐