Hamas , Israel , Palestine And the Middle East

in #israellast year

Two days ago war broke out between Israel and The Hamas. Most will say it's not the first time that tensions and exchanges of missile happens between the two but not at this skale maybe one or two times things were that bad in the region. But this is a conflict that goes back to the creation of the State of Israel so let me make a quick explanation of why this is happening and then i will also comment on the present events.

The roots of the conflict can be traced back to the end of World War I when the League of Nations granted Britain the mandate to govern Palestine. This led to Jewish immigration to the region, resulting in demographic changes and tensions between Jewish and Arab communities. In 1947, the United Nations proposed a partition plan to divide Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states. The plan was accepted by Jewish leaders but rejected by Arab leaders, leading to violence. Soon enough war broke out and from that day and essentially never stopped.

1948 Arab-Israeli War (War of Independence): This war occurred following the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948. Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, invaded to prevent the establishment of Israel. The war resulted in an armistice, with Israel gaining more territory than initially allotted by the UN partition plan.


1956 Suez Crisis (Sinai War): Israel, along with France and the UK, invaded Egypt to regain control of the Suez Canal and weaken Egyptian President Nasser. Pressure from the United States and the Soviet Union led to a ceasefire and withdrawal.

1967 Six-Day War: Israel launched a pre-emptive strike against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, resulting in a swift victory. Israel captured the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights. This war significantly altered the regional balance of power and introduced the issue of occupied territories.

1973 Yom Kippur War: Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel during Yom Kippur, aiming to reclaim lost territory. The war ended in a ceasefire but led to diplomatic initiatives like the Camp David Accords.

First Intifada (1987-1993): Palestinian protests and uprisings against Israeli rule in the occupied territories marked this period. It eventually led to the Oslo Accords and the establishment of the Palestinian Authority.

Second Intifada (2000-2005): A more violent uprising with suicide bombings and Israeli military responses characterized this period, resulting in significant casualties on both sides.

Gaza Conflicts (2008-2009, 2012, 2014): Israel engaged in three military operations in Gaza due to rocket attacks and tensions with Hamas, which governs Gaza. These conflicts resulted in significant casualties and damage.


The reason behind all of this ?

Settlements: Israel's construction of settlements in the West Bank is a major point of contention. Palestinians view these settlements as illegal and an obstacle to peace.

Status of Jerusalem: Both Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital, leading to ongoing disputes and tensions.

Right of Return: Palestinian refugees and their descendants seek the right to return to their pre-1948 homes, a demand Israel has consistently rejected.

Gaza Blockade: The blockade of Gaza by Israel, in cooperation with Egypt, has created dire humanitarian conditions and increased tensions.


So as you can all imagine after reading all this it was not a matter of if a war broke out but when the war will brake out and who will be the one to initiate it .
On one hand we have the state of Israel a very strong nation that despite being a state for 75 years it's military power is that of a Super power without nuclear weapons , with strong allies and deep pockets
On the other hand we the Palestinian people and most on this case the Palestinians living in the Gaza strip and the rule of a terrorist organization called Hamas The Strip is 41 km long, from 6 to 12 km wide, and has a total area of 365 km2 and in it there are around 2 million Palestinian living one on top of the other.
So all this makes a really bad cocktail that is constantly exploding costing the lives of hundreds of people each time.

Why this time is different?

First of all Israel has a semi far right government and many inside the government want to see the Palestinians exterminated and them being the Victors but if they did that every nation in the world will turn against them and they will eventually loose because they are practically alone in the area and if they loose the support of the US and Nato they won't last for long.

A strange Attack?

The attack Hamas initiated is really strange to me because it was well organized with heavy weaponry . Yesterday the through more than 7000 missiles , the had boats trying to attack from water , ground forces crossing some of the best fortified boarders of the world and even sending man through the air . All that tells me that this was being planned for months and the logistics for that operation were really complex.

At the same time Israel has the best intelligence network in the world ( Mossad ) and they are watching the Gaza strip with every means they have and yet they new nothing not even a warning that they might attack at one point ? I find it very strange because of the magnitude and complexity of the operation and it makes me wander that they might knew but let it happen for two reasons

The government is in the midst of big internal fight because of some reforms they are trying to do about the judicial system they practically want to limit it's power because there is corruption inside the government.

The second is to win the favor of the world and drive the Palestinians out.

My fears are that we might see other power get involved like the Hezbollah and the already involved behind the scenes Iran .
I believe Egypt will not get involved and the big question is Saudi Arabia.

Photo source


You sound like a Palestinian. Well, right now, de-escalation should be a priority to avoid further loss of human lives and destruction.

I guess, if the international community is sincere about reaching Peace in this part of the world, then it will have to take action to put an end to the occupation of Palestinian territories, restore the rights of Palestinians, hold accountable friends and enemies alike.

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I heard those part of the world are pretty flooded with war, how do people live there? And the reason for the war is not so sentimental after all yet they risk lives for what? Its hight time the world do something about it, its becoming like a tradition

It's an odd attack and it's not going to end well or be very pretty. Hundreds died and for what? More war and more killing... I don't think the Saudis will jump in, but in this crazy world who really knows. It's going to get a lot uglier really fast.

Yes already Hezbollah is joining the war and Lebanon might follow too!

It's just too bad to see this happening, it's really the last thing Israel or the Palestinians need. Much less the world as a whole. Lebanon wouldn't surprise me if they joined since they already hate Israel...

Hmm, this is terrible experience. War is not good as its effect last forever. Just that human won't allow others to take possession of their land. Land and power is always what causes issues in human race. If there can be a diplomatic approach to all these, I think there can be a seize fire. Why fighting one another? Why can't human embrace peace? Why do we have to killed one another. Religion has also done more harm than good. We have seen a situation where human are fighting for their gods.

Partly it is German money who supported the Palestinians! Germany paid them 340 mio. Euro in the last years! Now we see what was bought with it.


Some of theme became rockets and guns!

The Israel-Palestine conflict is really complicated with layers upon layers. I've been meaning to read up on all of it and take a stand on who is right or wrong and the best way to resolve this conflict (just as an academic exercise since I like to speculate and pontificate), but I haven't come around to doing that yet.

Your post has taken care of it to a good extent 👍.

I like the view that Mossad probably knew about this and let it happen, that's a very interesting look, I really see why that might be the case. Let's see how things go in the coming days, it's really sad humans haven't outgrown all these barbarous stuff.

You said "we the Palestinian people.." Are you really Palestinian?

The war dates back to world war one, one of the reasons why these complications will keep happening and why we might never see a cease fire. The Isrealis have am intelligence that's quite sophisticated, I think they tend to pride in this too much.

Yes a really complex matter the has some big roots

Yay! 🤗
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