Two Strangers In A Hoose

in #lifelast year


I suppose you have heard.

Scooper my occasional gym buddy said as he dried himself a little over vigorously with his towel.

I too was drying myself but with more aplomb.

Heard what?

I presumed he was going to tell me some exploits about his work. He did like to talk about work a lot. In fact, I felt I knew enough about his place to walk in one day, plop myself down behind one of the desks and just start scooping.

You mean you really haven't heard?

Scooper looked genuinely baffled as if watching someone butter a scone before putting the jam on.

No mate, I really haven't heard. Come on then, what is it?

I did my best to sound interested which wasn't hard as it was a Sunday and nothing interesting ever happened on a Sunday. You only had to look at the trending page on Hive to see that.

I've moved oot. That's me gone.

He studied me closely at this as if expecting me to throw a hand to my forehead and moan weakly about the vapours.

Oot of where ya fucking turnip? I am not a mind reader. You got a new job?

There was no point in beating around the bush. It was like when people said they felt sad on Facebook and you asked why and they said oh nothing and you think oh fuck off then whilst everyone else litters their comment section with hugs

Out of the house. I've moved out. That's what I mean.

Scooper shook his head and puffed as if he were Atlas putting down the world for a moment to rub his shoulders and have a wee rest before carrying on.

My eyes became like saucers and popped out of my head a little. In fact, it could be fair to say that I even boggled.

You, you've what? Split up with the missus? Like for real?!

I was having a bit of trouble taking on board what he was saying. This was one of the happiest guys I knew. He and his wife were the life and soul of the party. I mean they literally were, they had parties all the time. Some of them were even ok.

And he had three kids. How the fuck did that work?

Aye, moved oot. There was no reason. We just ended up two strangers in a house.

He looked a little sad and nodded mournfully.

Two strangers in a house.

He murmured again softly.

But what about the kids?

I was baffled, the chance there could be a get-out-of-jail-free card in this crazy world of parenting was a wild one. I mean, I was happy, but could people just bin their family off at the drop of a hat because they were bored? Surely not?

I have got a new place so I get them every Saturday and an evening during the week.

Scooper started hauling on his trousers absent-mindedly as if he had just split up with his wife and kids and didn't know quite what to do with himself.

Wow. That's heavy eh?

It was the best I could come up with. There were lots of things I wanted to say but my mouth couldn't translate them into words.

Aye, but you know. We were just two strangers in a hoose. You know? It was for the best.

He sniffed. I hoped it was a real sniff and not a Facebook I feel sad sniff or I would have to tell him to fuck off. I mean, we weren't that close.

My brain suddenly stopped whirling at the news and the reptile that lurks at the hearts of all men analysed the situation.

So that was the reason, you had just become like strangers in a hoose?

I thumbed my chin but he couldn't see because he was fumbling with his shoes and sniffing a bit.

Aye mate, two strangers in a hoose.

He said this with a grim finality.

I gave him a manly punch on the shoulder.

Hey, even if it was mutual it can still be rough so if you need to chat give me a shout.

Cheers mate, I might take you up on that.

He stopped sniffing and seemed to perk up a bit.

I nodded and carried on getting ready. I decided not to tell him that his wife was obviously having an affair and didn't have the guts to fess up to being the villain so instead she had told him psy-op style that they had become two strangers in a house and that to maintain his sanity he had held on to that belief because it hurt less than the other thing.

Sundays, eh?


Sometimes it's easier to maintain an illusion- better than thinking that your wife is cheating on you...

I think he knew something was amiss and was happy as you say settling for that illusion. Bit brutal when it happens. Put a right dampener on things but he will bounce back

Such things are often for the best. I'm sure that neither were happy and time heals all wounds as they say. He will bounce back as you said.

They are indeed for the best. Struggling on would just have made it worse for everyone. Yuk, though.

He'll figure it out soon enough and the hurt will still be there, just buried a little deeper. He'll jump back in the saddle so to speak and the cycle will start all over again. Sad really, but seems to be happening more and more.

Yeah Sundays!

On another note... what is it with those facebook poor me types?? Trips my trigger every damned time lol

Oh the Facebook ones do my head in

I have noticed an uptick in that kind of thing from people who should be better!

I think it will dawn on him soon. I have never seen people with responsibilities just split cos tits a bit dull before. There's always a catalyst!!

Really, Sunday! News fly in like a mosquito with a moustache ready to kill your eardrum with their sound.

It is sad seeing how a marriage can just end like that. It makes it hard for young people to venture into it. I mean, we are meant to be together forever, eh?

Yeah, my first marriage was a disaster but I'm glad I didn't have kids it would have been ten times worse. It's such shame for the kids though. A curse on adulterers!

I am sorry about that. And truly, the moment kids get involved in marriage, I believe both oartener should know how to live life well.

Parenthood brings out more maturity in people and breaking those children hearts because you can't just keep your legs tight for the person you've chosen as your forever or keep your third leg where it should be is insane.

It is insane. I know there are huge pressures in bringing up children but you kind of owe them a bit of effort.

Yes, there's a very huge pressure in raising children. Geez, if you had to look at the pressures, you won't even want to have any. But, then the beautiful part of it always shines brighter and with that demands an effort to make it brighter.

You are on point, and your wife and kids are glad to have you.

And in own special wayi all glad to have them 😀

I guess sometimes people aren't always thinking babies when they do the baby making do!

Haha... that's good.

Lol, that's true.

Only if you have the cash to run 2 houses, splitting is an expensive endeavour.

He said she had bought him out so he could afford a new place but my mind you are right. They will both have two mortgages now. Gives me the heebs!

Now you know why these celebs get divorced about 8 times, they can afford it!

Yeah, they can drop someone as soon as the slightest whiff of boredom hits!


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That's heavy stuff to hit a man with when he's not dressed. We guys don't deal well this that sort of thing at the best of times. Must be tough on the kids.

Oh, and do you have some strange scone traditions up there? I heard you have a stone one!

Haha, the stone of destiny!!! Maybe butter was the secret sauce to it's magical powers!

It was an awkward time too far such news. I at least like to be wearing pants

shared on X

Ta!! 😀

Seems to me if they're strangers, it'd spice up the night-time shenanigans a wee bit. But seriously, it sounds like at least one of them isn't trying to build something functional. And I see a lot of people in the library, especially kids, dealing with broken homes ranging from drugs and abuse to this kind of "Well, we're bored now" excuse. It's gotta be rough for the wee bairns caught in the middle.

That is my thoughts exactly. They're is just no way you can go from being in a happy family at least from the kids perspective to suddenly being children of two houses. It made me feel quite sad as they were always so happy on the surface so the kids are probably in trauma at the news

Being needed to move out of the house because you become strangers with the one that used to know everything about you is definitely a difficult situation and stirs questions by default. Too bad this happens more and more often these days. At least that's on my part of the globe 😥

I think it is happening more here too. Maybe it's the fault of tiktok and short attention span internetting carrying through into real life!

TikTok definitely has a huge negative impact on a lot of aspects, sadly!

True, it can be fun but it's dumbing everyone down!

I completely agree with your analysis in the last part. The term we've become strangers is just stupid. Everyone is a stranger before meeting one another and getting to know them. It is just a matter of talking it out and making an effort to make it work. I appreciate the witty add ons in there, but this was surprisingly heavy and a real thing that happens to a lot of people. I hope it gets better for your friend.

It will get better for him but I reckon they're are done trough times ahead before it does.

Don't worry, less heavy nonsense incoming 😀😀

For what it's worth, I wasn't complaining about the heavy stuff. I was just surprised by it after seeing a lot of you wacky ones. Just keep posting what you like, and don't mind me. I'll keep appreciating them all the same.

Kind of you too dear. I like to mix it up occasionally 😀😀

But haven't you heard??? Eish that is some rough shit. Another one bites the dust.

So damn scary!!! One day you happy, next day you are strangers in a hooose!!! Maybe the house is cursed, maybe we are cursed as humans. I donno what's happening to the world, and people think I'm strange for being a cynic! People are loosing their humanity!

I am becoming more cynical myself!! The world is going to pot and taking people with it.

Although like the idea of a cursed hoose! 😀

Being the third husband of a woman is just like a warning and something that can always make you beware of her because you may always be thinking that she will hurt you

I didn't think that way, obviously I'm too stupid and should have!

I bet she was a looker. That always messes with my good sense!

Seems very common these days, people are drifting apart, i just heard a Chinese lady left her fortune to her cat and dog when her children stopped visiting her when she got sick.

I bet the children regret that one!

It is sad though, people just change

genuinely baffled as if watching someone butter a scone before putting the jam on

You DON'T butter scones before putting jam on?! D:

I won't butter if there's cream coz that's too much dairy

It was like when people said they felt sad on Facebook and you asked why and they said oh nothing and you think oh fuck off then whilst everyone else litters their comment section with hugs

Sadphishing does my meagre brain in >_<

While an affair is definitely a thing that can happen they might have just become two strangers in a house if they both took the relationship for granted so much they completely neglected it. If it has to happen the latter is probably the better option x_x

Oh the scone butterers!! They seek the fall of man with their devilry!!

I have seen an uptick in the sadphishing, it really does my head in.

I hope that they really did become strangers, I just have an inordinately suspicious mind!

But butter ;-;

Ergh gross DX I don't know if it's better on worse than the "tee hee I'm incredibly ANNOYING lol" that used to be on every other deviantART profile.

Or the third favourite "I hate all drama no drama allowed on my page" and they're usually the ones eagerly diving right into the middle of the drama or starting it if there's none (the phrase is just thrown around when they're losing/proven wrong).

I don't know if it's suspicious mind or what the mind jumps to when that's what we would normally hear about the most (it's a bit more exciting and interesting than "yeh we just drifted apart because we stopped having things in common/apparently didn't realise that you actually have to put effort into relationships/etc".

I always find that people often lay down comments saying what they dont do or like when it is exactly what they are like. It is like some sort of subconscious affirmation for them. The best is the folk who whine about snowflakes whilst being the biggest snowflakes that there are :OD

I have seen loads of relationships of people I know fail cos they just put no effort in. One of my friends has never settled down and every relationship he has follows the same pattern. Mad love, impetuous moving in together, crazy wild ride of extravagant things then it dies down a bit he has tenteen affairs and they break up. Then he complains that he just wants to find someone so he can be happy. Hahah, I mean, I have even said to him that perhaps he needs to look within but he doesn't want to hear any of that tosh!

Actually now that you mention it that makes a lot of sense XD

That friend of yours sounds like they think an entire relationship should always be new relationship energy and yeh x_x

He does. And it might be good if they were but fecking hell they absolutely aren't!! Lol

I was thinking. A man would never come up with that line. 🤣🤣🤣. Id love to be a stranger in my house. Peace and solitude .

That was what immediately hit me, who would say that unless primed by hearing it over and over! Shes at it!

It takes work (so much work) and if both people aren't committed to it then everything unravels very quickly. I'd be curious to know how long they were together. I, for one, would never want to be in the dating pool again. I would probably stay a perpetual bachelor.

They have been together for for about 15 years, which isn't as long as you would expect but you would think the itch might have been settled by then before they decided to have kids. I guess it might just be a late variant of the mid life crisis!

Oh dear
That’s quite sad and honestly the fear of this is so real
I can’t imagine being with someone for so long then becoming strangers
It would definitely break my heart 🙁
So sorry to hear about your friend

It is definitely a sad thing. You think that these things just happen when you are young and flighty and not when totally settled and parenting. Yeek

Bless. The line I got was 'I love you but I'm not in love with you'. Of course, being husband number 3 should have rung some warning bells hahaha...
Thanks for the memory jog, hope your shelf collapses lol :-)Its very sad though when everything you built and with kids too, just disappears. Best wishes to him.

In these social media, all knowing google times how is it even possible to keep an affair secret these days? (Asking for a friend!)

I have been guilty with me ex of having a few affairs and I must say it was much easier when socials weren't such a massive thing. Must take a fair bit of planning these days, lol

But aye, that's another classic. Life but not in love. Bastard's. Just say it, someone is scuttling the beef galleon and it's not you

It's like a plaster, stings something rotten then is ok. Or maybe not!

It is exactly the same when these types of people live in the house, in the same way things happen inside the house and it has become very important for humans today without exercise we cannot live a good and healthy life.

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The locker room confessional was always a trip. When I was healthy and worked out I could get free entertainment out of the conversations I heard in the locker rooms at the gym. Some real fuckery going on in the world if you believed half of what was said.

Oh aye for sure. You hear some whacky nonsense in there. I prefer to get changed and go in silence most of the time!

The worst are the assholes who want to converse while in the shower.

Grr, I have had that. I have had to shoot SHOOSH MAN!! 😀

hey, I missed this one... sorry.
You look good in that outfit. You look classy and vintage too. Almost a museum
That's just the way it is, life has to be assimilated in the best way possible. Convincing ourselves that it doesn't hurt so much is almost a relief, and sometimes it even makes the bad completely go away.

You only had to look at the trending page on Hive to see that.

Epic! 😂

Haham tha tis an outfit and a half! I am glad I am not a museum pice just yet :OD

I agree, think as positively as you can about things and they tend to lose some of the power rather than dwelling for ages on what was lost or is wrong!

Or rather, he didn't know what to do, the poor man, other than putting on his pants and smelling his shoes hahahaha, Hey, it could be that the man in question was the one who was cheating on the woman, that's what we don't know, or possibly they were two strangers in a house hahaha, better not to speculate, the point is that he is already alone and it seems that he has not been able to assimilate it, I suppose the lady is shopping, it is what women do when they are alone and happy :).
Now seriously, children are what is really important, but the woman is more intelligent and has everything calculated, the man will find a woman and there will no longer be two strangers in a house, the stranger will be him in the new woman's house hahahaha.

Normally I would blame the man but I could tell he was a bit messed up by it all. My money is on the lady!