
He couldn't hold off for ten minutes!

I did! They are ever so boring. Eat less, drink more, play more guitar. Record some guitar. spppppend more time with the children, give less of a fig about work, you name it, I have it on a list!

Did you remind him of his new year resolution when he butted in? XD

I let him away with it yesterday but I reminded him this morning when he was telling me how to approach something I had already handled and he was quite miffed but thanked me. I don't think he was pleased in the slightest!!

Bahahahahahahahhaha XD

Lordy, it has been less than a day and I can report that he is even more on my case than normal!? Nuts

LoL! Are you sure that's actually the case or does it seem like more because he resolved to not do that? :D

Hey, are you messing with my head!!

Lol, I suspect it is a fine combination of the two :OD