I've got an old man's back.

in #movement5 months ago

You can rely on the old man's money
You can rely on the old man, honey

Dunno about the money (or, for that matter, the man himself), but I've sure got an old man's low back. As I mentioned, I was away over the weekend, which meant a lot of walking and time outdoors, but left no time for my yoga. Which left my back sore. Sitting on the train sure didn't help, but normally, that stiffness goes away after a bit. Now, though...

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And it's not just these past couple of days. I've been noticing an increased stiffness in myself, whenever I don't make time for some stretches. Alternatively, when I don't get out of the house and sit around a lot, my back starts acting up pretty damn quick. And I don't mean days of little to no movement, I mean hours. I just need to move a lot, else I start getting stiff and feeling lousy.

I think movement is possibly the best thing you can do for when you're feeling lousy. I know for me, a lot of said lousiness originates with lack of movement in the first place. So I try to stop myself plunging into negativity until after I've done a workout or a flow. I reckon, if you're still feeling like shit after all that, then maybe it's fair to say you're feeling like shit. If it goes away, however... might be a sign you need to move more.

Hopefully, this will be easily fixed with a prolonged practice later today. However, it got me thinking about these people working desk jobs. We're told our generation and our society, in general, is the most sedentary since the dawn of humanity. You can do anything from the comfort of your own desk or couch. You can work, you can devour entertainment, you can shop, you can get someone to get you your groceries, you can date. What reason do any of us have to get up? Maybe to brew another cup of coffee, which I'll go do in a sec. The occasional bathroom break, but honestly, we've streamlined our existence to never require leaving our chair, let alone the house.

I'm always doubtful when I see those delivery shoppers, whatever they're called. You know, the ones who access your shopping list through an app and do your groceries for you. While that might be a lovely idea for the old or those who don't move too well, I don't think such services should be available for the rest of us.

As with most things in our brave new world, we're told it's so you can automate meaningless tasks and save time. I'm always wondering...and do what?

As someone whose job and interests by nature imply a lot of sedentary activity, I'm personally grateful for having to do the groceries and such. It's an excuse to get out of the house and move. With very few exceptions, most of the people employing these remote shoppers aren't doing brain surgery or uncovering the next great technological breakthrough. They're watching Netflix. Or scrolling TikTok. Or swiping on Tinder.

Which is all... you know, to each his own, but surely, it can bear interruption for half an hour, right?

I'm all for streamlining and simplifying our day-to-day. It just seems to me a lot of these bettering efforts end up making everything worse. We cut all these needless tasks, and end up with sedentary, unhealthy, unhappy people. We cut in-office work and ended up with depressed, socially anxious people. And doubtful, morose bosses. We cut waiting and in-person interactions with cashiers and delivery boys, we ended up with a generation who doesn't know how to have a fucking conversation.

Is it just me, or was day-to-day existence simpler when we weren't trying so hard to simplify it?

Alright. Rant over. Gonna go make that coffee. Doubt my old man oven figured it out by itself. Then I'm gonna move a bit more. Sitting down to write this is long enough for me.



I'm personally grateful for having to do the groceries and such.

Me too! Or I'd be sitting here blogging even more hours.

I have an old man's back, because I'm an old woman. The best thing I've done for it is to blog while sitting at a higher table, and sit on a stool while I do it. This helped my back tremendously. I've been told sitting on a ball would be good, too. I also quit alcohol - what a difference that made in arthritis! And overnight!

I just got into using DMSO for healing. It sounds like it would be good for your back, if moving more doesn't quite do the trick. You're so young, it probably will.

I had not heard of DMSO - will give it a look. I do have a ball I've been meaning to blow up, though. I do appreciate the nudge from my back, the prompt to move, but I also like to write xD Alcohol also duly noted. Thanks a bunch!

Some people may not stand up from their bed for hours cos they’re moving from one social network to the other
It’s good to take a walk which is the same as stretching
I mostly do that in the evening

I agree that movement is important! There are a lot of communities on Hive but I'm only in 2. And the one I'm in the longest is actifit. The idea is to move around all day at whatever your thing is, then post about it every night. My thing is a half hour walk every day, among other things that I don't do every day. Move2Earn!

I hope your movement after writing this has anti-aged your back down to its chronological age!

I know of Actifit! :) It seems like a sound initiative to me. I'm glad it helps, and yes, thank you, more movement is slowly winding me back down to 25. :D