Three Tune Tuesday - Funny Videos (Songs)

in #music10 months ago


Hi Everyone.

Continuing with #threetunetuesday posts.

I have kind of busy weeks working on a new album, kids' birthdays and some other things, so today I will make a kind of quick, intermezzo post.
As they would say, my prime ambition is to have some comic relief at the moment. :)

I love comedy and humor in all its various forms, but as yet again the saying goes...
Comedy is a serious business and it is not easy.
Well...I guess it makes sense. :)

Today it is time for three in my opinion funny songs and videos.
So here we go.

Men At Work - Down Under

OK Go - Here It Goes Again

Foo Fighters - Walk

I hope you enjoyed reading and listening. Best Regards.

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It seems that all three videos are unavailable to watch.😳

Wave Media

I can see them without problem?
Thank You on information. I have no idea what the cause is.

I'm currently on PeakD, where I can see your video attachment. That earlier screenshot is through the Ecency app.


Thanks again..good to know..

No problemo, @ugochill ! 🤗

By the way, that's a hilarious video, I must say. I didn't expect to find humor in a music video, especially the one for the song "Down Under." 😂😂😂

haha...oh there are more...kind of rare but still plenty :)

I rarely watch their music videos. I usually just listen to the music and don't bother watching the videos. 😜😜😜

I'm aware that YouTube is messing up with people who are using addblocks in their browsers.
I use brave and for the main part have no issues but even on brave I often get error messages from YouTube when I try to view some content, but after reloading it becomes available again.

Thank You on info again, it is good to know and it might become issue for posting YouTube embeds for most of us.


Screen Shot 2023-11-15 at 10.59.59.png

No worries, that happens to me sometimes too. I'm not exactly sure what the cause is, but it could be the apps themselves. I've noticed that it works on PeakD, but not on Ecency.