I Don't Always Reno But When I Do

in #outofthinair6 months ago

Greetings! Hello, Hivers and blockchain pioneers, virtual family locked in a real world. Thanks for tuning in today.


Greetings, lovely Hivers and friends. I hope this finds you in glorious spirit and health, friends. Thanks for being here today, friends.

Or not.

Welcome! Greetings, beautiful Hive community. Thanks for visiting my bloggity bla bla whatever so I'm due for a reno.


I've been spending a lot of time in new content lately. It's just like trending except totally unpredictable. I'm looking for fresh entertainment. Show me a new user with a nice cover image and I'll show you a new user with DanDays support. Add a clever opening sentence, I'll even drop a comment.

What I did not expect to find while doing what I just said I've been doing is a lot of opening paragraphs like the first three in this one. Do people really talk like that?

Hello hello nice Saturday my beautiful community 😘 how are you? I hope it's ok!

That's a quote.

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

Quote, again.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong. By maybe I mean definitely most likely. I must be doing it wrong. The common denominator here is me. I'm always the same damn common denominator! I envy uncommon denominators.

So, I took it to the streets.

To experiment with the opposite kind.

For the past couple weeks I've been practicing being uncommon.


First exercise was at the gas station. I didn't just find an available pump and park, hell no I did not! Plug in a card, enter the pin into the little keypad on the front of the pump and pump gas in the car is so common.

I walked inside.


With both feet.

Found an available pump, parked the car and went inside the station cuz I got some new shit to try out! Didn't even check prices.


(Door chime bell thing convenience stores have that alerts the attendant when someone enters)

There's one other gentleman in there and the cashier, he's got his young daughter on his shoulders, they're at the counter paying for their items. The cashier's a young girl, barely a day out of high school probably. Sweetheart, though, I can tell. She greeted me as I walked in.

Hi, welcome to Citgo.

Greetings! And finest of pleasantries to you young lady attendant of carbon emissions!

I announced affirmatively like Steve Correll in Evan Almighty where he's Noah and commanded all the animals to get in the arc.

And you there, young whippersnapper atop pops shoulders on a lovely sunny day, greetings! Today's national empty your pockets on pump 4 day!


I meant me. I'm parked at pump 4. I meant I'll empty my own pockets cuz I didn't stick my card in the machine at the pump like a common denominator.

"Daaaddy," she said warily as her eyes welled up. He lifted her over his head and tucked her in his forearm like a football. Didn't even take their items—left everything he just paid for on the counter and took off the opposite direction in a panic like he forgot to set the e-brake in his truck and it's rolling out the parking lot.

The station attendant froze like a corpse. I reached for my wallet and she threw herself on the ground behind the bulletproof glass. :time out:

(If you're tuned in from outside the US and have never been there, bulletproof glass is totally normal. I don't remember seeing it anywhere else but in the states it's everywhere, not just banks and federal buildings. You'll see bulletproof glass stateside at the hardware store, public transport, launderette, sandwich shop and especially the gas station. Totally normal like Russian political oppositions falling out of windows. :time in:)

Round 1 was an epic failure. I apologized and set $40 on the counter.

Sorry about that. Didn't mean to scare you. I'm just trying to be uncommon.

She slowly peaked over the counter.

Would you please put this on pump 4? Thank you.

And walked back out to the car. A couple minutes later she pushed the button or switch or whatever they do back there to make the pump work.

I filled up and split like a surrogate in hiding. First attempt didn't work out nearly as smoothly as I'd imagined.


About halfway between the house and market are the baseball fields. I don't know what street it is, I stopped paying attention to street signs as soon as cars began telling me when to turn. There's a church on the corner, behind it are seven baseball fields encompassed by a nice footpath and forest. I take Atlas there all the time.

Baseball fields.

I've never taken her to church. Plenty to choose from, that's for sure. One thing they're not short on in The South are churches—baptist churches. With the exception of maybe a Mormon church or two, they're all baptist.

That was a lie.

There's also all those people who wear black suits and dresses in black top hats with white collars around their necks who stand up and down the length of Kingston Pike on Saturday's wielding a Bible in one hand and a cardboard sign in the other that spells everything with eth and I don't mean Ethereum.


All capitals like too. Every Saturday they're out there like Seventh Day Adventists.

Or not, I don't know, but I know they're out there every Saturday so whatever religion that is. And I know they could use a new PR team, too. Cardboard signs are so.. 'unhoused'

Where the hell was I?


Baseball fields.

So, anyway, I take Atlas there all the time. On this day, however, I'm not alone. I've never seen so many dog owners in the same place at the same time.

Never mind. Must be baseball season.

Or at least Little League. The whole parking lot's full and the bleachers are stacked with people who I presume are parents watching their kids spread out across each field playing baseball. Correction, Tee-ball. The one where they prop the ball up on a stand at home plate and hit it.

Perfect opportunity, I thought. Opportunity doesn't have to knock around me, I leave the door open like methadone clinics in the city.

With all these soccer moms gathered together in one place, I shouldn't have to try so hard to be uncommon.



I said like an opening sentence.

Welcome, friends! Thanks for being here with me today. I hope you're healthy. I have no stake in this game so I won't be barking orders or threatening coaches or anything like that, I'm here for uncommon purposes only.


A buncha ladies began digging frantically through their purse like they lost an earring back.

I'm calling 9-1-1!!

One shouted at me.

A couple others shouted other things I won't repeat here cuz this is a family show for fucks sake.

I watched them collect empty bottles and trash and whatever else they could find as each one of them wound up an arm and took aim at me.

But I'm just being uncommon!

About that time a couple dudes who assumably are fathers of these little people left the bleachers and are walking towards me. Angrily.

Like birds.

A couple others followed, there's gotta be 10 dads backing me up. I put my hands out in front of me like bumpers in a mirror maze.

Easy fellas, I can't run. I'm just looking for fresh entertainment.

They backed me all the way to the car. I got back inside and left, took Atlas down to the footpath and walked her through the forest OR for the sake of comedy—an alternate ending:

They backed me all the way to the car. Before I had a chance to get back inside and leave, they took turns kicking the shit out of me and left me for dead.


Fine line between weirdo and uncommon, iGuess. Not sure about all this. Either I need help or everyone online's fulla shit.



So, putting up those cabinets left you feeling like folks had taken turns beating the shit out of you and leaving you for dead?

If you've ever sprayed and hung 36" cabinets with one hand and it's not even the hand you're good at you feel my pain.

Well, it looks like a job very well done. You don't mess around, do you?

I appreciate that, thank you. Trying to make it homey. Was able to get the inside where Pura's comfortable right out the gate, I was in fairly decent shape. Then.. Time flies.

That and now this it's been a challenge. Really messes with me mentally, in case you can't tell. In real life I have to wear a game face, you get the online version.

= }

Much thanks.

Long time no see!

Don't lose your phone reading this.

You're welcome

I will go to the inner room before I open it 😅

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening to you Sir, Ma'am, It, These, Those, and Them Over There. Today I'd like to welcome you to the finest example of nothingness never before seen. So grab a chair and use your ass before it's standing room only and enjoy this comment:

Nice post.

Greetings! You know, or maybe you don't, for someone who sets the barstool at Club Fulla Shit I've never seen such elegant nothingness so know when I say:

Thanks dude.

No. Thank you and congratulations! You're in the running to receive another response!

But first, please answer this skill testing question: (16 × 5) - (12 ÷ 4)

Jeep headlights!!

I can't believe I'm in the running. This is even cooler than YouTube when it didn't have commercials.

Sorry. That's not the right answer.

Knew I shoulda said Suzuki Samurai.

Lobster. The answer was lobster.

Ah shucks.

Brilliant! This could have been a sketch about Yorkshire folks scaring Londoners by saying 'good morning' to them
Same vibe, different continent.

Yes people on Hive really do begin that way. Community spirited and congenial as a Jehovahs Witness right before you trap his fingers in the door.

Lovely spray job on the cabinet doors but someone nicked your lawn mower it seems. Unless it's out of shot on the last photo, but that wouldn't be funny.

Live long and prosper my fine virtual acquaintance :-)

Finest indeed, you.

Much thanks Nicholas or whoever you are today. Funny. It's one thing forgetting someone's name, embarrassing actually, but given the green light to call them N-names (names, I said "names!") is fun.

I swear I got a visual of the door. Brass hardware if I'm not mistaken.

Speaking of balls, how's the daycare?

Clinic going well thank you. Had a 6 year old, moderate to severe non-verbal autistic girl speak 2 words this week, mama and abba (hebrew for daddy, not the dodgy 70s band) so mum was overjoyed. Now the fight is on to get her to say Martin before Fon ;-)

How's your recovery going?

Hi dearest virtual friend whose post I'm delighted to read cause that means I'm guaranteed of a good laugh or a bad one, depending. Silly, self-deprecating humour.

Lol. I had to go back to take a look at the pictures when I was done reading cause I'd been too immersed in your experiences at being weird uncommon.

If technology would hurry tf up, I'd buy you a drink and send it to your phone. Totally skip dinner, though, no one orders dinner when they're trying to get you drunk.

Seriously, I appreciate your kindness more than these words.

Thank you. <3

You should ask my favourite drink then. Before you get scotch or some other big guy drink. Lol

And yeah, you're welcome D.🌺
You're clearly one of the good guys.

Or not, I don't know, but I know they're out there every Saturday so whatever religion that is. And I know they could use a new PR team, too. Cardboard signs are so.. 'unhoused'

Oh man, I've lol-ed at this.. I've really only seen these people protesting with cardboards on TV, never actually in person :) Nowadays they should just hold up NFTs, don't you think? Cardboard is so old school!

I do remember these type of religious people trying to convert us sinners going to these hardstyle parties back in the day, of course, they had no success there.. People had other things on their mind :)

At least you also made a nice piece of storage so it seems!

How's the recovery going, and of course, Atlas :)

!PIMP the dog

You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @dandays.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Awe = } you're the best. Leg is ahead of schedule. Pleasantly surprised actually. Wish I could say the same about the hand. Patience.

Oh man, the gospel music in the gym, sinnereth expellers every Saturday and baptist churches across the street from each other like competing convenience stores isn't an exaggeration. That's why it's so funny.

They're so over the top they kinda lean a little more circus than religious. Maybe it's just me.

Much love you. Thank you.


The leg is trying to balance out the extra time needed by the hand ;) But it sucks that the hand is not progressing as fast as you hoped... Patience is a virtue isn't it?

They're so over the top they kinda lean a little more circus than religious. Maybe it's just me.

I'm happy I don't have that much inconvenience from it here, we only see a few Jehova's standing at the entrance of the park for kids (I kid you not) to "educate" (read: convert) the sinning kids to their religion. Oh and we had them at our door a few times in the other apartment building, but that's it. I've seen them WAY more often when I lived in Holland with my mother still because we had a Jehova's witness building in front of our home more or less.

Thankfully, even though the Spaniards are religious, I'm absolutely not bothered by anyone being religious here.

Cute Atlas, little beauty!

And sending hand healing vibes your way, I hope for once, it helps! :)


dandays, thisismylife sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

PS thanks for your support, I've noticed and I'm grateful <3

You know it's purely my own selfish curation desires. <3

Yeah I figured it could not be because I write something nice :) lol

Nothing to do with I admire your mothering, either. Nope! Pure unequivocal capitalism, babe.

Don't worry, I know my place :) Thankfully, I don't hold grudges, especially not when people make me laugh with their content. I shall return here anyway!

Ah dude this was a great post, loved reading through! Huge respect for the DIY, always satisfying to compete things ourselves, I've been busy with it myself these days!:)

Much appreciate you checking me out, my pleasure to entertain you. Sorry I don't have fresh material up, you dang #vibes people are occupying all my time. = }

Mostly the latter.

Hey I resemble that remark!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@wrestlingdesires(3/15) tipped @dandays

Hi there weirdo... good to see that you can work again with your hands. :smirk:

Hey I resemble that remark!

One handed. Plus or minus 1n1/2 now. Progress. Wait'll you see me with two!

Hmm, not sure if i should be afraid now... hahaha.

I must say you have done well in setting your opening sentence. I often try to greet well too in real life.

Bulletproof glass isn't common here in my country. It's rare and only high profile and rich people turn to it. You had a soaking day I presume. Thanks for sharing it with us 😀. Have a peaceful one ahead 💕 take care

My pleasure. Much thanks, I appreciate you stopping by. And thanks for the reblog!! I always forget to say that.

I don't think we've met. Thanks for finding me.

I got one for you:

We've stayed in many places across this globe, one being Haworth in England. It's where the Brontë sisters called home.

Anywho.. A short bus ride from the stay is where I'd get my hair cut. A Pakistani dude would cut my hair and refused to charge me, instead would ask me about the US and Hollywood and stuff and tell me all about how my wife and I must visit Islamabad and how much well love it. It's still on the list.

The haircuts were alright but the conversation was once in a lifetime.

Since he wouldn't charge me, I'd stop on the way and grab chocolates to give him and that's how I got my haircut while traveliving through West Yorkshire in England.

Much thanks dude.

Helloooo Art! How you doing? Is the hand back in action that you doing all sorts of building things and pissing off random fathers while assuring them your uncommon purpose was not peeving over their kids? How's that for an opening paragraph!


Other than a missing "greetings!" And maybe reminding me we're friends three or four times, you nailed it like Red Sea shipping.

I wish. My hand surgeon predicted I'd get it back by fall... That said, I hope he's right. Still can't draw or write or anything, my frikkin leg is on course to heal quicker than my hand!! But, I'm grasping at "fall."

Much thanks Mimi. Appreciate you keeping up with me. <3

Greetings,DanDays! I hope today finds all writers of the this post in good health and spirit! Wishing you all the best on this happiest Reno Day!

I'm glad to finally see one of your posts when you actually posted it, not a month later. I even get the privilege of being the first commentor, if nobody commented while I was working on this comment.

Glad to see you're still fitting in so well!

Greetings! Welcome, friend. I, too, am glad you found this prior to a month in the chamber, friend!

Whaddup man. It's just me and you here, right..... I was kinda surprised to see you stop by so early.

Dude. Painted them mufukers one handed! LEFT HANDED. Pura wants me to paint the kitchen cabinets next. She thinks I'm a G, you know, so I don't wanna tell her to look at them real close.

= }

Early is the only time I have for the interwebs these days. I'm usually too early to see your posts. I swung back around tonight because I was sure you would be leaving a juicy reply, and you did not disappoint.

How are things going with the arm? I'm too much of a lazy jerk to read back through all the posts I've missed to see if you posted about it, but I'm not too much of a lazy jerk to ask. PT bearable? Getting anything back?

Those cabinets look great. You have more style in one hand than most people do in three. Don't ask how they got the extra hand.

Yooo. If you're too lazy then what the hell am I?

Don't answer that.

Last month was a year. June will be 12 months out of surgery. Thumb is acceptable, hardly hurts anymore either and I guess it's about as strong as it'll get. I'll take it though. No complaining.

My index finger, however, not so much. My surgeon told me last year 'by fall' he believes I'll have everything back so I'm banking on that. Still can't paint or draw or write or anything. I don't even try.

Really fucks with my head dude.

Can't squeeze a trigger. Those extended lighters you might use for a bbq grill, I can't ignite one of those with my finger still.

That's some serious bullshit. If the surgeon is wrong, you can't even poke him in the chest while you tell him how wrong he was! Hang in there, man. If all else fails, Elon will probably have a Luke Skywalker Robot Hand™ for sale in the next 10 years or so. Probably be giving them away to human users who sign up for a new X account.

Man, a good friend of mine back home keeps forwarding me stem cell info and proven case studies where people who lost a finger for example like the thing got cut off are going to Mexico for stem cell procedures and the things are growing back.

A decade or so ago I might've approached stem cells like a 24 hr gas station in downtown LA at 3am—wait for the next one. Today, however, I'm looking at'em like glad they ain't built that wall yet.

Wow! You're really into that reno! Quick Q @dandays and I hope you can answer me because it's been really troubling me lately: how do you get rid of mold when you do an interior renovation?

I'm a work in progress.

I've only experienced mold a couple times actually, I'm probably not the best source on that one. I've seen little spots, in the ceiling for example, cut it out and replaced the sheet rock.

Larger projects, I'd enlist the help of @paradoxtma @thebigsweed @splatts

Good luck!

Thanks, it seems I got an answer. Appreciated!

My pleasure, glad I could help.

Since I got tagged on this, and I live in a very damp place with LOTS of molds and fungus around, I'll chime in.

The first thing you need to do is repair whatever was letting water in that caused the mold in the first place. Lysol spray and diluted bleach both work pretty good at cleaning up and killing mold. Use one or the other, not both at the same time. If it's really bad, bleach will make for easier and cheaper clean up. If it's on something that bleach will ruin, use the Lysol spray instead.

Do not use ammonia based cleaning products, because they will break down to compounds that are basically fertilizer for mold, mildew, and fungus. The same is true for most soapy cleaners.

I hope this helps a little, good luck!

Thanks so much. Yeah. I have been using ammonia based products and I kept wondering what's happening because mold was showing off more and more in different places. Now I know why. I'll do an analysis on the two rooms where there's mold and I think that having more in one of them, I might start with bleach. Thank you once again. This is really helping.

No problem, always happy to help folks fight the good fight!

Hey dude, how the heck is the rehab going on that hand/nerve?

First off, let me say good morning, good afternoon and good evening wonderful blockchain peoples of the world. How goes it?

Happy Very Funny GIF by Disney Zootopia

I am confused about so much with your post.

  • Are you in Reno, NV?

  • Who is building the cabinets and painting them? The dog? Otherwise, I would imagine that your hand isn't slowing you down so be sure to do two coats of the Killz primer.

  • I am damn near 40 years old and have traveled up and down the west coast of Canada and USA this side of the Mississippi, I have only ever seen bullet proof glass on gas stations in Downtown LA but most recently in Santa Clara, CA. Admittedly, I saw what could had been a gas station with bullet proof glass near the Florida border by Mobile, AL though.

Anyways, I am glad you found a pack of baseball dads to run with⚾

Yeah we're buds now, they invite me over all the time for pitching practice.

It's better. Thumb is acceptable but my index finger still prevents me from doing normal things. A long way from good. I did that stuff one handed—left handed. To hang them, I balanced them on a 5 gal bucket and a couple 2x4's. Check out the deck. Every time I find refurbished wood I find somewhere to put it.


Wait'll you see me with two.

Hey thanks for stopping by. I dig hearing from you. Hope you're well. Happily employed and all that.

Oh dude, they were jokes! Totally kidding, mhm. Only McDonalds, LoanMart, Roscoe's, Am/Pm and the other 24hr joints on Figueroa do.

"The station attendant froze like a corpse. I reached for my wallet and she threw herself on the ground behind the bulletproof glass."


You can only get away with being uncommon on the net or at the cashew farm..... and sometimes not even those places. I mean we all know anybody who acts uncommon MUST be up to no good.

Atlas didn't try to save you???

I just saw a Blackrock commercial offering Bitcoin services. On YouTube. Nuts, huh? Remember when they didn't have commercials?

I hadn't let her out the car yet so when they backed me up, she was barking her head off intensifying a tense situation.

I don't remember when youtube had no commercials, but I do remember where there were much less of those hateful things. :)

I am actually enjoying a 30 day free trial and I am trying to watch all the art videos I can while it's still free.

You just never know what you will find on that site.

I understand now why Atlas didn't save you.

Why do only tech giants give free months?! The fuckin light company.. excuse my French, the fuckin energy company could give a free month after all the money I've given them.

IRS, how cool would that be if next year they're all, "August earnings are exempt" but no0Oo instead it's Apple—3 months free iTunes! 3 months?! I can't get a day of free water and it's falling from the sky right now.

LOL ! Funny !

I didn't like it because my sister got a 3 month trial because she already used some app or the other. I wonder when it is over, how long I'd have to wait to get another free trial. :)

The last thing you need to practice is being uncommon. I think you've got that down, unless uncommon doesn't mean unusual, unique, rare, abnormal atypical, peculiar,uncustomery, strange, bizarre eccentric, or oddball. That's why we LUV you. Maybe LUV is a little much, let us say love you, that's better, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea.

Nice job on the cabinets for a guy with more issues than a bald guy with hair.
Just imagine all that you will be able to accomplish when your leg, hand, and head have healed.

Peace, brother!

Helluva issue for a bald guy.

What is going on my man? Happy....

Happy whatever day this is.

I'm glad you think so, thank you. Pura's never really seen me around the house either cuz we've either been in an RV or another country. Skillsaw, for example, though most every tool is the same anymore, they have those safety switches on them. Need a thumb for that OR...

Engage the switch while the blade's running in the air with your good hand so you can guide the saw with your bad hand. With RPM's at full speed, now you gotta support whatever you're cutting with your good hand. Wielding high rpm blades around is playing with fire.

Nice to know I can still impress her.


Nicest thing anyone's said to me all year. = }


Those safety switches can be a problem even for a guy with two good hands, I think they make power tools more dangerous.
Now that you've impressed Pura, I'm sure she's about to lay a few more projects on you.

I have several pairs of these clamps, they are great for holding the piece of wood in place while cutting. Whenever I need to rip a long piece of wood I just clamp the wood to a bench and that leaves both hands free to control the saw.

What impressed me the most about the cabinets was that you were able to hang them by yourself, which had to present a challenge.
Atypical, so you like that one, it fits you like a glove, not like OJ's gloves.

I'm just looking for fresh entertainment.

Better be careful what you wish for, those greetings sound like fighting words in your town 🤣

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Less room for error when I say fresh entertainment.

Last time I said fresh meet, we were at a softball game and they thought I said meat. Yikes.

🤣 it's better to make your intentions clear!

Nice to see you aren't housebound any more :) Atlas must be thrilled too! How is she doing?


@dandays! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ wrestlingdesires. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Why does Davy Jones never bend his knees?
Cause they're always Kraken

Credit: reddit
@dandays, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of wrestlingdesires



She's so patient actually. At times she'll get anxious but for the most part, she's super patient for a year and half old GSD.

Progress—I'm able to push 25 lbs in the squat machine at the gym now with the bad leg. Can't do much outside the house without my cane. Downhills are still a BIG fat no. No markets or Hormone Depot or anything like that either yet but, yeah, I'm at least able to take the dog out.

Much appreciate you keeping up with me.

Sounds like you are slowly getting back to normal :) ... Hopefully you aren't regretting the surgery!

Not at all man. The weakness is to be expected right now. They say the thigh, the biggest muscle on the body, is the biggest sissy. Any sign of trauma and it hibernates. Gonna take a while to wake it up. Until then, I'll be about as weak as a one-legged blogger. = }

But, I can't remember what the pain feels like. It's gone.

Sounds good :) ... meanwhile don't anger mobs of parents until you are healed 🤣

I tried to draw a consistent narrative to your story seeking to only understand the urgency of some of the letters and so without success in finding said narrative was forced to read most of the post against my pre-planned will. Despite feeling like I haven't got my relaxing Saturday's 5 minutes worth of joy in regular-like lackadaisic fashion - I am not entirely regretful of the activity. Take of this comment what you will. 😃

If I understood you correctly, comedy isn't your thing.

Nay, I was misunderstood.

Meta-wit isn't yours? lol

Direct response: You wrote well and expressed your thoughts tactfully.

To prove my capacity for comedy, Here's a thing I made once -

Well damn dude. Touché, LoL, and all that. Glad I misunderstood or I might've missed that clip and never heard a chick say subliminal tinkle.

Meta-wit isn't yours?

No, hell no. I'm pro racial equality.