Woke or Awake?

in #pimplast month

Weak men.

These two words can bring out the worst in a conversation with the wrong people. The world has chosen to embrace certain ideologies that I would rather avoid. Being 'woke' and all that, I mean that was why I quit being a writer in the first place. However, despite the adverse effect of these doctrines preached as laws, we have a few people such as me who are awake and not… woke.

If we look at it from a general standpoint, one with no stains and no self-opinionated people, we would see that the lessons the young men of this generation are picking up does not help them to get tougher, rather it gives them the option to relax and blame their weakness on the world. Not everyone share the same views, and my opinion on this subject may vary from that of another but it is my opinion nonetheless. Just like having, twins argue about the same pink being a different shade of red and think they are both right.

In my opinion, I feel that men should be tougher than they are now. Back in the days of old, I am talking way before civilization; men were born and bred in war. You had no other choice than to go out there and fight to be the best. The competition was tough and there was nothing like comfort. You either kill or be killed! Many women today argue that such men would be cut off from their emotions and be nothing but robots going through life. I beg to differ. Men do have emotions. Strong ones in fact. However, we become men when we have full control over these emotions. The strength of a man, in my opinion, is in his ability to discipline himself first.

Photo by Jan Krnc

Who says men do not feel anything? Must we cry to show we are “real” men? I do not believe in that. While there are different kinds of people and different situations that is capable of bringing the worst out in a man, so much so that he may even hurt those around him, crying or being ‘feminine’ does not make a man.

Get this. There are different roles in society. The basic and most important roles are that of a man and woman. The woman plays her role and is needed by society, and vice versa. When the woman decides to leave her place in society to fight for ‘her’ place among men, there is a shift. That shift is what has snowballed and created the chaos we see today. I am also talking about men who have decided to let go and just have women do the job.

Conversing with a young woman, just yesterday and we agreed that the radical shift in modern society today is because of the chasm created by feminine men. Feminine men who have left their roles in society to be 'pretty young girls'. They are stunted emotionally and it shows.

However, how do we tie all this around? Where did it begin? Frankly, I do not know. I just get that there was a shift in power and believe me when I say, that shift turned out for the worse. People who should be comfortable in their skin and embrace their feminine or masculine gift, trade it at the drop of a hat. High divorce rate because the ‘woke’ women would take ‘no shit from no man’.

Photo by Omar Ramadan from Pexels

If I were to offer a solution it is as simple as embracing your role. That is where our strengths lie in my opinion. We are there for a reason and I guess many do not know this. The options are just numerous that a boy can wake up and decide he is not a boy but a girl. Read a small page where someone was telling us that they were not inclined to the tastes of their fellow boys. They did not like football or anything that men like.

Well yeah because you are a human being who is different and has different tastes. I know men that do not enjoy football but it does not mean they are less men. I know women who despise shopping and lipstick but still as feminine as they can be. They embrace their personalities and that is beautiful. The arguments of the ‘woke’ people just turn crazier by the day. What are your thoughts? Do you believe too that men should show their emotions and have this overall view of things being grey? Are we too far gone to change who we are and what we should represent?

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