On the Road to 1kHP and 1k Rising Star Game cards for 1.01. 2024.

in #risingstar9 months ago


Hi Everyone.!

Three weeks before the change of the year, time for me to observe my own progress toward the Hive goals I have set in front.

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I have already stashed enough Hive for the first Hive Power Up day of 2024, so that will be alright.

I'm probably an example of one of those who began from the ground up.
Every single hive that went through my hands is the result of active participation. Whether from playing games, posting blogs, curating and supporting other posts and people, trading, staking, saving, selling MusicNFTs...

Ambition is to have easy and steady grow as it is not only about growing amount of Hive but also taking into account personal growth within the Hive environment. Becoming familiar, accustomed, disciplined, present, focused with it.
Having Hive as part of my daily routine.

So far so good.

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Rising Star Game goal is also withing reach and considering that I will also be minting Music NFT's and regularly buying cards and card packs this should be doable. Perhaps even before 1.01.2024. The second Rising Star goal is to enter the Top 200 and try to reach Top 160 in the coming year. Currently I'm in Top 250 so that is also perhaps withing reach rather sooner than later.

Obviously, this is just the beginning and these are the first major steps.

I also want to thank all of you dear friends, for introducing me in to it, and helping me out. Thank you for your own examples and for being an inspiration.

To tag a few..

@risingstargame , @steevc, @ph1102 , @stickupboys , @trentonlundy1 , @nupulse , @arcange , @theturtleproject

Sincerely thank you.! We keep on rocking, and on to a new goals.




Thank You.:)

Thanks for the mention! Nice to see you publishing your goals and great to see that you are almost at 1K only by participating on HIVE!!!

And regarding Rising Star, I thought that you are in Top10 😜

Most welcome. You inspired me to write this kind of posts.

Top10?..hahaha I wish.

But I was among Top 150. We'll shall see..not easy for me yet to go on buying spree but getting there. :)

Nice! Keep going, next stop is the moon! !PIZZA

Thank You. :)


$PIZZA slices delivered:
mimismartypants tipped ugochill
steevc tipped ugochill
@ugochill(1/5) tipped @mimismartypants

Web capture_12-12-2023_204950_nftm.art.jpeg
I sent u some of my unique NFTS to help u on ur journey 😎

Oh man. :) Thank You.!!!

You're on the right path and I hope Hive can become even better for musicians. We have Rising Star and other projects that promote music.

Keep growing.


Thank You.!
Yes, and that is rather interesting subject now that we have Spotify and mainstream record labels going openly against most of indies.
It is not an easy task but only platforms like Hive and other Blockchains can truly become disruptive.