So I've had a pretty slack couple of weeks recently, well more so the two week before this one, when I just managed two basic 5K runs a week. This week has been much better with an interval session chucked in for good measure.
Below are my last three runs, which spans around 10 days!
Standard 5K - Last Sunday - SLOW!
On of my slowest 5Ks in a while, but hey I was happy enough to just be out at 8.00 ish on a Sunday, taking this as a win!
Intervals! - Last Tuesday
Another win: my pace wasn't too bad, I took it easyish- also a win in the sense that these were early morning around the track, I usually do these at 9.30-10.00.
Standard 5K - Last Thursday
My first evening run in a few month, only the second of the year. Work just conspired to force me into an evening run and I went out late-ish to give my late lunch time to go down.
What can I say, it was OK!
The last couple of weeks final thoughts...
OK it's not that great having a bit of a lunch out period when you're just holding level, but that's just the way it's got to be sometimes!
in fairness to myself I have just started a new job and all the stresses that go with that, and then there is also LIFE LIFE which has got in the way a tiny tad recently, but that's all good.
So actually HOLDING is OK, for a couple of weeks!
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