When Men Become Truly Free

in #hive-18133522 days ago


Rather than refresh news feeds on your social media platform poison of choice; try a different way to search for content uploaded or created in the past.

I've recently adopted the above-mentioned praxis in my online daily leisure usage and it is working a treat. It's a method I recommend for escaping a dehumanizing behaviour loop and I want to teach you how to do it yourself.

You might not know when you're algorithm-loop dopamine locked because daily connection to online communication is our shared status. Without a regular untangling of oneself from weaponized digital connectivity, it's hard to refresh your perspective. And a perspective stuck in the present cannot accommodate the steps one takes in life to progress personal growth mission .

The value of knowing how to effectively create a slipstream for escaping such entanglement will change your life: I promise you that.

In this article I will use the example of a video found on youtube from over a decade ago. Old youtube is a treasure trove of nuggets of wisdom, of imaginative and passionate videos clearly made by humans and serves as a time capsule preserving internet lore. Or preserving examples of when the Internet was a place to celebrate the fringe and express ones' self to the entire world.

This one video, and its poem narration are a slipstream back in time, subtly linking to our shared present woes. From today I slipstream back to another example from the past which we've forgotten about (again), yet it's an example which might offer a spiritual way forward for many lost today.

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When Men Become Truly Free

a poem by Colin Myer

There comes a times in the lives of men

When the ruthless and the criminally insane

Who rule the masses for their own gain

Make the fatal mistake of enjoying too much

Their psychopathic entertainment

(They lose control in their lust for blood)

And take too far their need to tread men down

By destroying any sense of a secure life

And taking away each and every freedom

Stealing the last piece of wealth they possess

So they cannot even care for their own

Stifling their voice with laws and corruption

Beating them down with rule by force

Where no justice exists for those being played

And there is no direction left for men to turn

When this insane game is taken this far

Comes the time when men have nothing left to lose

This is the time when the minds of men are freed

It is a time when man loses his fear of death

This is the time when a man becomes invincible

He becomes free to do whatever he must do

Without fear for his life or for his future

He will take control of the destiny of the world

Away from the bloodied hands of the soulless

Any action he takes he will take with a surety

That he must do something for he has no future

So the act he chooses will be all the greater

For when faced with oblivion and with no way out

He will take down as many of his oppressors with him

Gladly die in a selfless act to change the world’s future

This day is coming soon as it always does

The perverse minds of evil always self destruct

As their addiction to our suffering can never be sated

Exerting control for their paranoia and fear of men

For every good man will take down these brutes

Every free man will give up himself for his brothers

For a man with nothing left becomes fully empowered

And he is the most unassailable weapon against evil

[© Copyrighted by Colin Ryan (2010)

Rex's Story (Jab Injury)

Meet Rex. He has been living in Western Australia since 2001. Rex is a man who beat cancer decades ago.

Rex approached a collective of activists in Perth city to speak about his vaccine injury. You can hear his remarkable story below in the 7 minute video uploaded to Max Freedom's channel.

Rex is a good man and a brave one to be able to wander up to a stranger and speak of his terminal diagnosis. His heart is only functioning at 32% of what it was prior to taking the COVID-19 mRNA #vaccines.

A prayer is said for Rex over the microphone, asking for God's healing for this man with a young 7 year old daughter.

"We thank you for Rex. We thank you for his testimony. We thank you for his courage."

I wish all the best for Rex. Our want for God during times of incredible loss, sadness and near enough despair is selfless. God and his promise of greater power than any man's; of a justice beyond limitation and its judgments eternal and irrevocable. O God, more than any worldly laws could inspire us, give us the grace to survive and thrive.

Christ Had Compelled Him

There is a story from 1984 which defies the usual moribund outcomes of man's law. It is the story of a father (Gary Plauché) shooting a pedophile in the head and killing him. This pedophile had raped his young son countless times as he was the young boy's karate instructor, and was known to their family. He was someone who ingratiated himself into the family, earning their trust, which eventually led to the karate instructor abducting Gary Plauché's son.

We live in times of great tumult, where the minds of men phase from fallow and desolate to indignant and volcanic. What is remarkable in the trial of Gary Plauché was his sentencing, and the source of his inspiration to pull the trigger:

"“I don’t want him to do it to other kids,” Gary Plauché told his attorney, Foxy Sanders, while awaiting trial in jail. According to Sanders, he said the voice of Christ had compelled him to pull the trigger."

So what was Gary's sentence?

"In the end, Gary Plauché walked away from his murder trial with five years probation and 300 hours of community service."

He died in 2014, aged into his late 60's.

"His obituary describes him as a man who “saw beauty in everything, he was a loyal friend to all, always made others laugh, and a hero to many.”


Men need meaning. Without meaning, they lose everything. And once they lose everything: they lose it.

One final poem, an excerpt of an excerpt of PESTE NOIRE'S "Morbus Sancti Viti"

(Dieu, pourquoi m’avez-Vous repoussé,
Et pourquoi me laissez-Vous dans la douleur,
Opprimé par mon ennemi ?
Venez à mon aide
Secourez un peuple qui succombe
Mais qui désire de se relever.
Prêtez l’oreille à ma prière
Hâtez-Vous de me secourir
Saint dieu des armées !)
God, why did You push me away,
And why do You leave me in pain,
Oppressed by my enemy?
Come to my aid
Rescue a people who are succumbing
But who desire to rise again.
Listen to my prayer
Hasten to help me
Holy god of armies!

But it shall be gifts of unlocking memories from the past which offers enrichment of your present life. Meanings flood back, expanding chronological capabilities. Winning the #TimeWarNow leads to creation of an imaginative capacity exceeding whatever limitations are presently bound in place.

We breach our understanding of what was impossible nary a minute earlier, and a limitless vista expands ahead.

Smile now, warrior. and be secure in the promise of infinity ahead of us.


We will win. Beyond taking the minions out, We will take Their tool to power away, We will finally return to Us Our wealth, Our share of the planet, back. Thus We never will see these psychopaths in control again.

Accounting For the Energy We Add (article): https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/accounting-for-the-energy-we-add

updated my post to clean it up a bit.
Yes indeed we will win. Half of the struggle is stating it openly to be so. 😇

I so state openly, daily! I also state that I do not consent to being ruled...