in #hive-1964273 years ago

Checking out that BigFooty.com Forum!

I had the best of intentions when I visited the BigFooty.com megathread regarding being against COVID Vaccination. It was a really big thread that had lots of erroneous opinions and obviously regretful mRNA Gene Therapy recipients so I only felt it was fair that I shared a bit of golden knowledge from the vaults of Retiree Gabriel Investigators with the goyim ANZAC convict masses. I really did have the best of intentions but fuck me! these cunts ended up being total #pfizer shills, sissies, bad sports and weak as piss!

Stinkin' bastards went so far to delete a perfectly reasonable post from another user which I replied to as well! Talk about being a bloody grumble bum!

NO TROLLS What is the actual case against COVID Vaccination?

page 39#post-75569703

WOW! What a monster thread, it is the one that finally got me to pull my finger out and sign up. Been lurking years and always enjoyed the banter, the amount of interaction and activity on the forum and the news. Buut this thread was an absolute ripper.

I got to say it is so rare to find a genuinely Australian place online where there's this much open discussion and free speech (especially on this topic). I stayed up too late reading through almost 40 pages and got up early to finish off my first post. It has been a bit of a riveting experience for me to go through it all and I did get a bit hot under the collar at some of your attitudes expressed. It's easy to spot which group is having gnawing doubts as the pages go on, and to be honest it is not a pleasant thing to see. It's quite upsetting actually and I feel for everyone, after all I'm an aussie like you all and it's a big shame to see these two groups (which I don't believe are really representative of any divide, public health or otherwise) go at it like the Weegles and Dockers in a Western Derby (prior to covid haha) would.

I'm gonna start out with a disclaimer to clear up anyone's expectations while reading my post - I've put in effort here and tried to address some other forum posters who I reckon need a bit of straightening out BUT there is nothing malicious or superior or any sort of criticism being levelled against the poster when I address them. I'm addressing your posts and attitude specifically, as I think there's a lot of lousy, self-deceptive & dissonant views being pushed here. Sure, speak your mind but don't be so churlish and grubby in your discourse afterwards. We, as Aussies, need to learn and support each other here more than ever.

OK I am responding to pc79 first:

pc79 said:
However, a broad one size fits all approach should probably be re thought given breakthrough infections

A broad one-size fits all approach is sold to us as being "Fits All Sizes" which immediately makes me rankle. What happens if it doesn't fit? Can I return it and get a new size?
> No, I can't. So there's strike one for me. And it's a major one. I'm pretty cluey when it comes to taking on unknown risks, even in the face of emerging risks like a global pandemic.

You see, there's some core principles that were hammered into me when I started my risk / investigations / insurance career near 40 years ago and those basic four principles saved my skin countless times. Infact, they were the foundation from which I built all my skills off of.
Risk you deal with like this:**

Q: Which below answer is the most appropriate for the risk I must make an operational decision on? Do I;

  1. reduce the risk
  2. transfer the risk
  3. avoid the risk
  4. accept the risk
    (further reading)

and as a rule of thumb, if I could not identify the risk, I would investigate it to the best of my abilities, seeking external advice & counsel when specific expertise was required. In the context of emerging risk such as the emerging risk connected to an inaugural mass global mRNA gene injection into billions of people near the start of a fairly unidentified pandemic, I would seek external advice and counsel. I did so and was referred to ISO 14971 - Wikipedia and ISO 13485 - Wikipedia. This was at the start of the pandemic so I was mainly looking at diagnostic tests (the RT-PCR and Serology tests) and whether they could be effectively used to identify risk.

I tired of all this around April 2020 and because I lived in a blessed place at the time (a coastal suburb 50km south of Perth), I retired from working which as my wife reminded me, also meant I would retire from getting too deep into seeking the answers and assessing the risks! It was like a second habit to me and although I was still on call as a technical loss adjustor, I knew my wife was right. Whether SARS-cov-2 was as dangerous or not as the global media, NGO's and our politicians made it out to be, I felt skeptical and somewhat safe. I've seen enough public relations spin doctoring and operational risk management in the field to know when something presented a substantive risk or not.

Although I knew the world would never be the same, I knew I was no longer a middle aged man & trying to get through this (whatever it was AND will end up being) would make me a very old man quickly. So I gleefully retired and watched from the sidelines, trying not to get too involved or absorbed..
I avoided the risk pretty well for now..

HairyO said:

7 years is the average. Some take 15 years and some take just a couple of years.

None have been as extensive as the COVID vaccines because of the urgency.

Everyone I know who has been vaccinated had nothing more than minor reactions.

Out of everyone I know who has had COVID only the unvaccinated had serious complications needing hospital or close attention at home.

While the drug industry has made out like bandits, it has been brilliantly run.

BTW out of alll drugs released early, how many were found to have long term complications not previously identified during testing, after 18 months or more from release?

And how many of those were in the last 20 or 30 years ?

This is a reply to HairyO

Yes 7+ years is around the same for inactivated or sterilized virus vaccines to go through the most rigorous clinical safety trials prior to being marketed en masse. I am not aware of any vaccines which took two years but then again I was not too involved in risk assessment of medical products, procedures & diagnostics. Mind you, this mRNA gene therapy is absolutely not a vaccine by the standard medical definition too.
When I learnt that the standardized defintion of "Vaccine" and "Herd Immunity" was literally rewritten in the context of this pandemic, I knew I would never take an mRNA injection to protect from a mystery coronavirus!

I don't understand what you mean about "extensiveness." The Pfizer clinical control trials and testing reports are available now in full I think (around 20,000 pages or more?) and they are shoddy to say the least. Urgency is not an excuse for shoddiness and especially not for an experimental mRNA gene technology being pushed through cursory EUA compliance that would be administered to millions and billions worldwide.

Everyone I know who has been vaccinated had nothing more than minor reactions.

Everyone I know who has been vaccinated had more than minor reactions, some were fatal. There is plenty of data out there showing that these mRNA vaccines have caused the most deaths and adverse reactions reported to the US VAERS Database and the TGA DAEN than all, YES ALL other vaccines combined. But hey, we are just throwing anecdotes at each other now, aren't we? Not very convincing for either party in the debate, nor the reader. I'm getting a little cranky now, I think I woke up too early and need another coffee before collecting further evidence that backs up my claims.

In the meantime here is x2 .pdf compilations of anecdotes from social media all taken circa Dec 2020, Jan 2021 onwards. They are quite large (over 100 pages each, 100mb + size each) and quite shocking. Sure they are just anecdotes aren't they but boy am I lucky to have seen them and saved them. These compilations were extremely aggressively censored from the internet when they appeared, they are quite graphic at times and shocking. Still I am thankful that I could see them and save them when I did. I avoided the risk.

1. Vaxx Injury Compilation

2. cov-v-reported-injuries-pdf

Be right back and thank you for reading so far.

FUCK ME! I got up to have a Berocca and a couple of ciggies, came back and the cockheads banned me! I didn't even last much more than an hour! And I was prepared to put in a lot more time, save some fellow Aussie lives and all. FARK!

I wanted to reply to one dumb bitch on her point about these mRNA Gene Therapy shots not being a medical experiment on the Australian population. She needed to see this video (From our outgoing Federal Minister for Health, Greg Hunt).

Screenshot before Deletion

So Do You Reckon I Should Write Big Footy an Email why They'd Deleted Me? This Aint Gonna Be the Last They Hear from Me....

That's A Fucken' Promise...


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