Tradition Crushed by Tyranny of Minority - an Article from 2004

in #philosophy5 days ago

Tradition Crushed by Tyranny of Minority

This is an article i cut out and kept from The West Australian newspaper. It was printed in January 2004 and takes the form of an opinion piece fashioned around an article/letter to the editor sent after Christmas 2003, by the Chief Rabbi of Perth's Synagogue.

I kept this article for obvious reasons. I was a big George Orwell and Classical English Literature aficionado, and memories of adolescence are of spending many blazing hot summers sequestered deep within the stillness of my Far Northern Suburbs bedroom. I kept the room as cool as I could; pedestal fan listlessly ebbing and flowing the otherwise limp lace curtains, lying on tiled floors, maintaining low-light conditions indoors to trick myself into believing it wasn't peak noon outside where temperatures often reached and stayed above 40 degrees Celsius.

Such atmosphere is where I schooled my mind, secluded during the summers to seek out worlds those forebearers of literary tradition toiled over with utmost devotion, vision and inspirations. In hindsight this article is not far from consideration as such a feat of literary tradition; such as of Eric Arthur Blair's (George Orwell) oeuvre, or any of the other novelists, poets, essayists and critics. The author of the below article draws a similar comparison between morality of the ages (in his example: Christianity) withstanding whatever fashions or censures, trends or derisions of the present daying trying to uproot it.

I hope this article gives pause for thought to the readers. I intended to preserve it's classical respect of tradition for reasons which cometh more bold & blunt during today's inversive and Luciferian light.

Political correctness displaces established wisdom with far-reaching consequences, says DON JACKSON

Perth Synagogue chief rabbi David Freilich (Don't make PC a religion: leaders, 27/12) is almost right when he says that "political correctness sometimes runs counter to good morals, values and manners that have been around for thousands of years". Almost right, except for the "sometimes".

PC always runs counter to traditional values and common sense of which its current opposition to Christmas carols is a typical example.

Over the past 30 years political correctness has swept across the English-speaking world like a plague subverting our language and attacking our moral values. Originally a revolt by a small group of feminists determined to exorcise such “sexist” words as policeman, chairman, fireman and many other male-gender terms from the common vocabulary, PC has grown to become a powerful force with far-reaching effects.

Thanks to a concerted campaign of social engineering at work in the schools and in the media, it is now well and truly part of a social revolution that is constantly impinging on our daily lives.

In an attempt to throw a smokescreen around any term claimed to cause offence, the devious art of gobbledegook has been invented. We now have “heightism” and “weightism” for discrimination against short and fat people, not to mention “herstory” to distinguish women’s affairs in the course of history. A dwarf is no longer a dwarf but is “vertically challenged”. The blind are “visually challenged”, the poor are “differently challenged”.

More serious, however, is the use of obfuscation to belittle traditional morality and to disguise sinful behaviour. Modesty has become a sexual hang-up; chastity, neurotic inhibition; living together out of wedlock, a meaningful relationship; perversion, an alternative lifestyle; moral irresponsibility, being freed up; biblical values, bigoted fundamentalism; and sin is just “a complex”.

George Orwell got it right when he warned that the abuse and decline of the English language would have degenerative effects on public debate on public issues as well as on the moral and political climate of the nation. The invasion of language, however, is only the tip of the politically correct iceberg. PC has become the yardstick for judging both people and beliefs. Without doubt it reveals a strong feminist/humanist agenda by its stance on “pro-choice” abortion, “pro-affirmative” bias for women in employment, pro-homosexuality and pro-socialism.

Because of its all-pervading influence, classical literature has been purged of anything that smacks of favouring whites or males to conform to what has been called the “tyranny of the minority”. In fact, some years ago the education ministry of WA issued “bias-free” language guidelines banning the use of such words as mankind, founding fathers, man in the street or the “mastering” of spelling. Stories were to be checked to see that there was an equal number of significant roles for boys and girls and that female characters used intelligence and not beauty to achieve their objectives. More sinister is the demand for politically correct thinking to be enforced by harassment and intimidation. On US campuses in particular — but no doubt here as well — professors have been forced to drop controversial subjects and also hounded out of teaching positions for unPC beliefs and practices.

Indoctrination of students to political correctness ensures that the younger generation sees every aspect of life through socialist, left-wing eyes. Under the guise of “equal opportunity”, vocational programs are designed to blur the distinction between boys and girls. Equal courses are demanded for males and females at school despite the natural desires of the children to make their own sex-based choices.

History texts have been rewritten to impose a guilt complex on students for their Anglo-Saxon heritage that has supposedly destroyed indigenous peoples and replaced their idyllic way of life with genocidal degradation. The courage and sacrifice of the early Pioneers have become objects of popular ridicule and civilisation is now a pretended concern for “human rights”, “rights of children”, “rights of women”, “rights of race” and “rights of anti-discrimination”. Geography today has little to do with climate, terrain, agriculture etc but rather has become a vehicle to attack companies for exploiting workers in the Third World; to portray women as oppressed; and to depict the timber and mining industries as environmental rapists.

It goes without saying of course that biblical standards of traditional morality are decidedly politically incorrect. No one, it seems, dare uphold the traditional roles of father as breadwinner or mother as homemaker without being castigated as “sexist”. As we have seen recently, public demonstrations of Christianity are strictly politically incorrect, for at the heart of political correctness lies an antipathy to all that is truly Christian. Being the handmaiden of humanism, the belief that humanity is God, PC's adherents see no need for God or His holy word with its traditional moral and ethical standards. In fact, biblical views of morality, marriage, godly conduct and faith in God are like a red rag to PC disciples.

Because the doctrine of political correctness flouts the wisdom of centuries, it is fatally flawed and eventually will be seen for the imposter that it is. But as long as we continue to be deceived by its false doctrine, the PC agenda will go on eroding the moral fibre of our nation.

Don Jackson is a retired schoolteacher

High quality scan of article printed in The West Australian newspaper is linked below.



My son and I were debating a couple of evenings ago about the fabric of society being torn asunder. Entertainment today should come with warnings, similar to when we were young the age limit to viewing was strictly adhered to.

Did have to grin, you nailed it!

@tipu curate 2

I'd rather people be correct than politically correct, a.k.a. lying.