Forever Appreciated…

in #hive-17843714 days ago

Living is not just all about waking up and counting hours during the day, and then going back to sleep at night. Life goes beyond that. There is a lot to reminisce about and think about in life. Life is truly multi-dimensional. We just have to live our lives to our best and have no regrets about the choices we’ve made.

So far so good, there is no second chance to live. We only live once. And since that is something clear to us then why don't we just try to have the best? There are a lot of attributes to living a good and memorable life. At times we realize that some people, despite how long they lived, would only be remembered for a short while, and some won't even live long and their memories would remain on the sand of time.

Our attitude, character, attributes, and personality are what define us. That's just the way of life. If you choose to be arrogant and ungrateful then you would surely reap it. And if you choose to be faithful and grateful, there is also a reward for it.

I don't like people coming to me saying “thank you” to kneel in front of me shedding tears out of appreciation. Hehe. That's just way too much. All of that should be for our creator. But yet as humans, we all love to be appreciated in one way or the other. Though some would want it so physical and obvious while some would prefer it incognito and anonymous.

All in all, gratitude is a good trait to inculcate into one's life. There is no lack of being grateful, instead, it brings forth a free mind and a happy soul.

I have experienced a lot of people being ungrateful, and I have experienced some so grateful. For the ungrateful ones, I realized there is only one thing in common among them. People tend to neglect them in the long run.

I lived as a tenant under a landlady some time ago. The apartment provided a nice and welcoming environment. But the woman herself made it so toxic. I don't have much problem with her because I happened to ignore her in the long run. I just had to do my thing my way.

When you do something willingly, she will see it and appreciate you in public. But once you fail to please her or do whatever she wants, she will count you as someone useless, she will forget about the days when you have done those things without anything in return. Out of 99 days, the last day you failed to do is what she would count on and judge your past by it.

This way what’s the essence of first appreciation when in the end you won’t see everything as something to appreciate?

Pay Good for Good, and Pay Good for Bad.

This is something I have worked with over time. No one was born with gratitude in their palms. But as we live on we tend to realize the essence of gratitude in one's life. Such is life.

I have learned to be grateful for almost everything that comes my way. Grateful for life, grateful for health, grateful for sustainability, grateful for family, grateful for friends.

I am nowhere close to how appreciative I want to be to those who have in one way or the other impacted my life. Those who gave lessons, those who gave blessings, those who guided me, how much more do I have to do to reciprocate their kindness towards me? I know I can't repay all they did, I might not even be able to repay them again.

But my way of gratitude is to make sure I extend to others out of the little I have. In my little way, I would try as much to spread help to those in need without expecting anything in return. That's just life and hopefully, the cycle continues.

I am grateful! Thank you for reading through my gratitude post. Thank you Hive reachout community for giving me the chance to express myself as much as this. Well appreciated.

Here is my response to the #SeptemberInleo prompt day 5 You can check out more HERE



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