Mi fin de semana [esp][eng]

in #hive-1080452 years ago



Hola amigos de HIVE como ya saben yo soy una persona que convive mucho con mi abuela y mi tío, pero uno de estos días que estaba conviviendo con ellos ocurrió algo muy particular porque mi tío me había dado la noticia de que íbamos a ir a un piscina y me gustaría hablarles nuevamente sobre mi experiencia, cabe recalcar que esto ocurrió unos días antes de mi cumpleaños que les estaré dejando como link al final.

Bueno era un día normal como todos, yo estaba llegando del colegio y estaba muy cansado, ya que había llegado un poco más tarde de lo habitual porque me vine caminando a mi casa, apenas llegando recibo una llamada de mi tío invitándome a pasar el fin de semana con él y mi abuela para ir a la piscina y de paso hacer unos cuantos post para subir (los que nunca hice, por cierto).

El problema es que yo acababa de llegar del colegio y no estaba ni bañado ni vestido, tenía el uniforme de deporte, y mi tío ya estaba en camino, lo que pude hacer es cambiarme y ordenar el bolso, de nada me dio chance, ni de comer, mi mamá me ordenó el bolso y me puso para llevar la comida y me la tuve que comer en el camino.

No sé si era yo que tenía hambre, pero la comida estuvo exquisita cuando mi tío me fue a buscar tuve que salir corriendo porque ya me había tardado mucho, en el camino estuve conversando con mi tío de los historias que les podría comentar a ustedes que si quiere Dios se las estaré trayendo próximamente. Cuando llegamos a que mi abuela la salude y le di un fuerte abrazo; la salida a la piscina era el domingo y apenas era viernes, así que tenía mucho tiempo libre.


Ese tiempo libre hice muchas cosas con mis amigos de la parroquia de mi tío, estuve jugando con ellos casi todo el fin de semana, pero no les comente que ellos también iban a la piscina con nosotros, ya que a la piscina estaban invitando a los niños de la comunidad y que habían ayudado en la parroquia, esto para agradecerles por su apoyo y cooperación.

Después de dos días de espera y ansias había llegado al fin el día de ir a la piscina, lamentablemente mi hermana no podía ir porque estaba ocupada haciendo tarea y ella ya había ido a unos 15 años y estaba desvelada (por cierto no me llevó con ella) pero aja sigamos, por fin ya era hora de ir a la piscina porque los autobuses habían llegado temprano, eran tres autobuses casi llenos de niños y adultos que también iban a ir, un gran gesto de parte de mi tío.

Yo como sabía que a la piscina que íbamos era lejos me lleve unas cartas del juego "1" para jugar por el camino, ya que conozco a casi todos los niños que iban a ir tenía con quien conversar y jugar cartas, veníamos jugando y hablando, ya habían pasado como 20 minutos y por fin habíamos llegado, no me lo podía creer, era gigante, había muchas cosas interesantes, pero lo que más me gusto fue ver los caballos estaban hermosos, ya que tenía mucho tiempo sin ver uno, lo pude acariciar y fue sin duda una de las mejores experiencias que pude tener.


Al llegar todo el mundo estaba interesado era en entrar a la piscina porque estaba muy espectacular y hermosa, cuando estaba por entrar de primero a la piscina me había dado de cuenta que me habían ganado y alguien entro primero que yo. Fue muy genial, jugamos voleibol y futbol y tuvimos experiencias inolvidables con amigos y familiares, ya después estuvimos jugando, compartiendo y comiendo torta, galletas, doritos y muchas cosas más.

Seguimos jugando y disfrutando de la piscina, hasta que llego el momento irnos y afuera estaban los autobuses esperándonos. Sin duda un buen servicio, de venida hicimos lo mismo que de ida, cantando y jugando con las cartas de "1" y como siempre yo gané porque no les conté, pero soy muy bueno con los juegos de mesa, de un momento para otro ya estábamos en casa de nuevo, me despedí de mis amigos y me fui a seguir con mi día a día.


Esta fue mi experiencia en la piscina espero que les haya gustado leerlo, abajo les estaré dejando el post de mi cumpleaños.

Día de mi cumpleaños 🎂



Hello friends of HIVE as you know I am a person who lives a lot with my grandmother and my uncle, but one of these days that I was living with them something very particular happened because my uncle had given me the news that we were going to go to a pool and I would like to talk again about my experience, it should be noted that this happened a few days before my birthday that I will be leaving as a link at the end.

Well it was a normal day like everyone else, I was coming home from school and I was very tired, since I had arrived a little later than usual because I walked home, as soon as I arrived I received a call from my uncle inviting me to spend the weekend with him and my grandmother to go to the pool and incidentally make a few posts to upload (which I never did, by the way).

The problem is that I had just arrived from school and I was neither bathed nor dressed, I had my sports uniform on, and my uncle was already on his way, what I could do was to change and tidy my bag, he didn't give me a chance, not even to eat, my mom tidied my bag and put me to carry the food and I had to eat it on the way.

I don't know if it was me that was hungry, but the food was exquisite when my uncle went to pick me up I had to run because I had already taken too long, on the way I was talking with my uncle about the stories that I could tell you that if God wants I will be bringing them to you soon. When we arrived at my grandmother's house I greeted her and gave her a big hug; the trip to the pool was on Sunday and it was only Friday, so I had a lot of free time.


That free time I did many things with my friends from my uncle's parish, I was playing with them almost all weekend, but I didn't tell them that they were also going to the pool with us, since they were inviting the children of the community who had helped in the parish to the pool, to thank them for their support and cooperation.

After two days of waiting and anxiousness the day to go to the pool had finally arrived, unfortunately my sister could not go because she was busy doing homework and she had already gone to about 15 years and was sleepless (by the way she did not take me with her) but aha let's go on, finally it was time to go to the pool because the buses had arrived early, there were three buses almost full of children and adults who were also going to go, a great gesture on the part of my uncle.

As I knew that the pool we were going to was far away, I took some cards of the game "1" to play on the way, since I know almost all the children who were going to go, I had someone to talk to and play cards with, we came playing and talking, it had been about 20 minutes and we had finally arrived, I could not believe it, it was giant, there were many interesting things, but what I liked most was to see the horses, they were beautiful, since I had a long time without seeing one, I could pet them and it was without a doubt one of the best experiences I could have.


Upon arrival everyone was interested in entering the pool because it was very spectacular and beautiful, when I was about to enter the pool first I realized that I had been beaten and someone entered first. It was very cool, we played volleyball and soccer and had unforgettable experiences with friends and family, and then we were playing, sharing and eating cake, cookies, doritos and many more things.

We continued playing and enjoying the pool, until it was time to leave and outside the buses were waiting for us. Undoubtedly a good service, coming we did the same as going, singing and playing with the "1" cards and as always I won because I did not count them, but I am very good with board games, from one moment to another we were home again, I said goodbye to my friends and went to continue with my day to day.


This was my experience in the pool, I hope you enjoyed reading it, below I will be leaving you the post of my birthday.

My birthday 🎂

  • Las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas de mi álbum y mi celular Infinix Smart 5.


Happy birthday 🎂🎉

Thank you

Hey @abelfigueredo. I see this is your third post, but you haven't made a single comment yer, you haven't even replied to comments on your post. I'd like to remind you that Hive is a social platform and engagement is key here. You'd better go back and reply to those who took the time to read and comment. Give them a reason to come back.

Thanks for reminding me, I will keep it in mind