AI Generated Publications Should Be Considered Fraud on Hive. Here's Why...

in #hive-1679222 years ago

What is fraud?

Well, according to google(actually multiple search results by google) fraud is defined as:

In law, fraud is intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. Fraud can violate civil law or criminal law, or it may cause no loss of money, property, or legal right but still be an element of another civil or criminal wrong.

Yesterday, @belemo had this post tackling the topic of AI-generated content on Hive. The post's title says Should AI-generated publications be considered fraud on Hive? And...

My short answer to his musing was yes, AI-generated publications on Hive are fraud and in this brief post today I will state my case on why I believe such AI-generated Hive content should be considered fraud and why it should be discouraged on Hive.


First and foremost I don't consider ChatGPT a "total waste for humanity". I use it once in a while as well and to me it is a good alternative to google, but searching for information for your posts by using such services is one thing, and having the damn machine write whole publications for you is a fraud.

In the very beginning of the definition of fraud that I shared in the introduction of this post, it says that "intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain" is considered fraud by law and now I want to point out how that applies to Hive.

Hive is a community-based social media platform having a "rewards pool" as a reservoir for the total amount of rewards that are distributed daily to both content creators and curators(a complex process I will not tackle now). Often times content creators are curators as well and the process of curating posts on Hive is realized mostly on a plain and simple principle: affinity.

If one has at least a grain of affinity for some user or a piece of content that he(the curator) stumbles upon on the platform he will upvote(curate) such content, and when certain individuals start using ChatGPT for creating articles that they will then post on Hive it is when we start dealing with an act of deceiving.

These articles do not belong to them. These writings do not even belong to the machine that wrote them. That piece of work is a product of an algorithm putting together pieces of information picked up from a giant database that the machine has access to. It does not belong to a sole entity.

Hence, when an individual presents himself with a blog post(or whatever) on Hive as if it was his creation, where supposedly the users of such a social media society, as I like to call it, are creating the content they're sharing on this blockchain themselves, then we can say we're dealing with fraud, as that piece of content does not belong to that user who actually posted it.

Some curators could be deceived into believing that user X(the fraudster) is the actual author of the content they are curating, but in reality, he is not. The ones being fooled by them are going to share with such fake content creators a share of the rewards pool anyway until they realize they're actually supporting fraud.... @belemo mentions that there are services in existence that one can use and check if a piece of content is A.I. generated or not.

In our case, I will say that the community will easily expose these fraudsters. Here is a simple example of how that can happen: if I would for example decide to create such content, even though for a while I might fool some of you with such a strategy of earning HIVE, at some point, I will get caught because the ones who follow me for some years already know my writing style, they know I am not a native English speaker and they are also familiar with my personality.

ChatGPT can't replicate that... ChatGPT is not acesontop and acesontop can't pretent to be someone else. At least not after five+ freaking years of blogging on this platform.

There will be new accounts that will try and trick the system this way, and probably, as Belemo mentioned, @hivewatchers and @spaminator will be able to track these down, but at the end of the day is in the hands of the community to not encourage such behavior and help keep Hive as organic as possible.

Personally, if Hive will ever become an A.I. playground, I'm out... I am not against using AI but I believe we should have clear use cases for it and Hive-dedicated content should not be on that list. What do you think?

Thanks for your attention,

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AI writing tools are good for research, data collection, and learning but suck at writing opinions, review blogs or any sort of creative expression. At this point, it takes a minute to determine if an article is made by a stiff. If it is used as an assistance writing tool, and the content is colorful and interesting, then I have no issue with that.

If it is used as an assistance writing tool, and the content is colorful and interesting, then I have no issue with that

Same here. I use it to proofread my posts(English is not my native language and certain grammar mistakes might slip) but creating whole blog posts by using ai is something I disagree with.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( acesontop ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

The quality of AI writing leaves much to be desired. This from ChatGPT:


Probably gpt4 can do a better job, but still... not human.

As I’ll always say, if you’ll AI, AI responsibly. As I’ve also said before, if everyone curated manually, fraudulent Ai generated stuff will be easy to spot and not rewarded.

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Yeah, I am not a big fan of AI in this particular field. I agree with you... #keepitreal 😎

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The first one to fully agree with me ;). Nice...

I am definitely anti-AI

Great to hear that.

All this so called "smart" AI is doing is article spinning content people have already written. I think that's the critical part about why it should be looked down on.

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Very good point.

Agree with you on this. At least the publishing shall remain human.

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𝔚𝔢𝔩𝔩, ℑ'𝔪 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔦𝔫 𝔞 𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔢 19𝔱𝔥 ℭ𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔶 𝔰𝔱𝔶𝔩𝔢.

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As long as it is you doing it that's great.

That's kind of like trying to say Ghost Writers are fraud.

Almost exactly the same concept. (Except AI is free... sometimes)
They aren't though.

Hive will have to adapt to this circumstance just like everyone else.

Are you really worried though?

Do you think boring AI is going to captivate everyone's attention within the attention economy while people who are actually trying get put to pasture? I'm not seeing it.

What if I created a game built on Hive using AI and encouraged other users to come help me build it using AI as well? No one's going to give two shits in that case that AI is used, in fact it will be celebrated.

I think what all these people on Hive are really saying in a roundabout way is that pretty much all rewards paid out through blogging aren't inherently worth any value. What ever happened to "work smart not hard"? Did work just get much easier and now people are complaining? It's like my grandma complaining about potato peelers because she can do it much faster and more efficiently with a knife.


I will admit that I double downvoted someone a few weeks ago for using AI generated comments and then lying about it.

That shit pissed me off.

So I'm a little on board with what you are saying but there are many caveats.
For example I've enjoyed using AI generated pictures in my own blog.
There are many vectors to come at this issue from.

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Would you curate content on Hive that is 100% created by AI?

Oh and I will change my take on the matter discussed in the post when some AI will be able to "do Edicted".


I guess it depends on how much value the content has to me.
Probably not? I assume.
But that has nothing to do with how the content was generated.
Only the end result.

I agree with you, though it might look like a fraud, base on hive rule's, but I will rather suggest that moderators who don't like this ideas of publishing AI content on hive should just ignore or give little vote, just as it's being done with threads.

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We'll see what happens...

I agree with you.
If a post (text, image, video....) is the result of AI, the awards should go to AI.
I should congratulate the author of the post, if the post is created by the AI I will congratulate the AI.

This way AI is going to make a lot of money

Yeah, exactly... 😊

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I reckon AI has it's uses - things like generating images to illustrate human written posts provided they are credited in the normal way, perhaps for translating posts from one language to another in a way that handles slang and phrasing well.

It's a shame that AI-generated text doesn't self-identify. I wouldn't have a problem with a post which clearly identified as written by AI, and stated the seeds used. That way, I could decide for myself whether it was worth an upvote or not (I can see some situations where it would be).

It's when AI-generated text is posted as if written by a human that I have a problem, then it most definitely is fraud. Luckily, I'm starting to see an "uncanny valley" kind of effect, where there is something subtly different about AI text that I can't put my finger on, but I can sense it is just wrong.

I have no problem with such use cases. The problem is with users putting out ai generated content and pretending it is theirs.

Yeah I feel the same way, that's something that has been in my mind too, if Hive is spammed full of AI crap - blocking me from seeing and reading content created with passion - I'm out too.

I can see a lot of people being the same way. Hive will be full of doodie content and all comments will be like instagram. "Cool post." "Awesome" or fire emoji's.

I wouldn't be afraid of scaring users away who pass AI posts off as their own - which is one of the counter points - because anyone who does that, doesn't care about Hive and is only here to make a quick buck. They aren't here with good intentions, and don't want to read other peopls posts; which to me is something we need more of in the long run.

Exactly my point. What I value the most on Hive is its organic side. I was so against bid bots back in the day and so against ai generated content on Hive right now...

I think AI art is handy, especially when writing fiction, so you can have a picture made that looks simular to a location you're writing about. The good thing with AI art is, it's sourced the same way any picture from Pixabay or wherever would be.

For sure, but that's one side of the story, and putting out whole blog posts written by some bot is a whole different thing.

Yeah absolutely man, I've been reading a lot of posts about it in the last month and have seen almost every excuse in the book for the use of it... My eyes haven't rolled so much in such a short space of time

Here's the thing; it is impossible to stop AI and bits from flooding hive, however, it is possible to prevent them from earning reward.

My opinion is that, the very act of using AI to generate a publication is not fraud and I also believe that publishing it on hive with a disclaimer that the publication is AI generated, is also not fraud.

As you've mentioned, the reward pool on hive is controlled by the community through upvotes and downvotes, so the solution will be to regulate earning from AI generated posts. It is just the same way threads don't earn as much as full posts on hive, they can be regulated.

I believe that, while AI does the brunt of the work in compiling the text, the prompt and opinion is human generated. So, if we make Hive too hostile for AI generated posts, we are effectively stopping people from expressing their view.

acidyo came up with a solution during the Hivefpl saga and it was to encourage AI-generated publishers to reject reward completely. This way, we will not be infringing on the rights of people who choose to use AI.

How many that are going to be tempted to use AI do you think will stick to using it based on your guidelines?


Gaming the system(whatever system) is exactly the reason why AI is so hyped lately.

Definitely I honestly agree with you, voting AI content should now be a choice for moderators.

It's either a Yes to upvote or ignore and move to the next available content that pleases you

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Great information

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