Pick Your New World Order Wise...

in #hive-16792220 hours ago


Over the years, America has tried to "gift democracy" to many countries across the world, and in all instances, it ended up being a mess. Look at Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and so on. Fighting for democracy was the official narrative, but in reality, all they were fighting for was natural resources and control over those areas.

Ukraine is no different, and neither is Gaza. Before anyone asks, "What does Israel, who's fighting Palestine, have to do with America?" Well, to put it simply: there would be no state of Israel without the US, and the US wouldn’t be what it is today without the influence of the Jewish community.

Does it make sense now?

If Israel's invasion of Palestine (specifically Gaza) didn’t make sense to you before, you should know that not too long ago, one of the largest natural gas reserves was discovered in waters just 20 miles off the coast of Gaza... So, does the invasion of Gaza make more sense now?

America = Israel. Israel = America. The US is the biggest "natural resource thief" in foreign lands. Now I think I understand the real agenda behind Israel’s so-called "terrorist cleanup" in Gaza, and why they’re also planning a direct confrontation with Iran.

Iran is one of the most oil-rich countries in the world, and the US needs oil—same old story. But it couldn't afford a direct confrontation with Iran due to its image. Now, through Israel, it can "help Iranians" get rid of their "tyrannical leaders," just like it did in Ukraine.

You know, there's been talk about a "new world order" for ages, but whose new world order are we talking about? America's or BRICS?

Back in the day, it was Russia vs. America or America vs. China in the so-called "cold conflicts." But now, thanks to America's thirst for controlling the whole damn world, we’ve got BRICS.

The BRICS+ which is now a nine-member alliance accounts for 40% of crude oil production and exports. They also account for one-quarter of the global GDP and command nearly half of the world’s population. They are now stronger in terms of trade, purchasing power parity, and GDP than ever before. BRICS is a new world order in progress that is looking to trample the Western powers.

So, whose new world order should we choose now? I’m thinking Bitcoin’s... but so far, it’s acted like a bitch when it comes to world conflicts, losing value more than the S&P 500, no matter the event.

Unfortunately, BTC has become more of a speculative asset than the hedge we once believed it to be.

Just my two cents. Don't shoot the messenger...

Thanks for your attention,



You gotta love it 😻

BRICS countries are far from perfect, with a weakened Russia we'll see what the future brings with it's 'friend' China, they might just snatch a part of eastern Russian territory while it's weak.
My money is on bitcoin also, anything governments can create unlimited amounts off is destined to fall in value because they WILL always create more.

Brics is no better than America.