Weekly Statistics For The $POB Token

in #hive-1503292 years ago

Hello friends of $POB, Friends of $HIVE and all others,

here are the:

$POB Statistics for the last 2 weeks:

The timeframe is from 2023-05-19 to 2023-06-02.

Bought $POB By Time

This figure shows who has bought how many $POB at which time:

Top $POB Buyers and $HIVE Sellers

The inside of the circle shows the buyers of $POB, ordered by $HIVE they have spent. The outside shows the recipients of that $HIVE (sellers of $POB):

Commulated Amount Of Bought $POB Per Person

This figure shows the top 10 $POB buyers, how much they got and how much $HIVE they spend for this. It is sorted by $HIVE, that was spent:

Table Of Top 20 $POB Buyers

This table shows the top ten buyers of $POB sorted by the $HIVE, they have spent:

Buyer(Descending)Sold $HIVE% Sold $HIVEBought $POBAvg. PriceNumber of Trades
@coininstant812.5413934.40 %20289.719570.03912197
@all.coin.hive333.9952414.14 %8525.969500.03805133
@greywarden100239.7752110.15 %6113.646880.0396353
@anadolu148.413066.28 %3632.505680.0402960
@balina138.657575.87 %3703.149300.03755164
@pob.macro127.708275.41 %3235.629830.0393817
@god098.041814.15 %2644.703250.03722255
@realbtcjesus97.480424.13 %2610.537180.0373677
@mcbot93.404963.95 %2320.271350.0391025
@thecryptolab36.702191.55 %984.044050.0372878
@master-lamps24.027921.02 %649.849370.0378915
@soonlambo22.433770.95 %566.705340.039779
@helios.trader22.236680.94 %571.637120.038905
@pob.voter21.033440.89 %540.028000.0387210
@shiba.inu20.361310.86 %518.966510.0393616
@iskawrites17.671440.75 %463.999980.038073
@deepresearch15.992510.68 %400.000010.039964
@pob.curator12.097880.51 %309.198790.0381720
@onlydoge10.789050.46 %281.960670.040122
@centtoken9.250000.39 %250.000000.0370013
others59.742022.53 %1547.399820.03982138
Sum:2362.35614100 %60159.922200.039371294

Commulated Amount Of Sold $POB Per Person

This figure shows the top 10 $POB Sellers, how much they sold and how much $HIVE they got for this, sorted by $HIVE:

Table Of Top 20 $POB Sellers

This table shows the top ten sellers of $POB Sorted by the $HIVE, they have got:

Seller(Descending)Earned $HIVE% Earned $HIVESold $POBAvg. PriceNumber of Trades
@mcbot497.3480521.05 %12199.470630.0392659
@all.coin.hive316.6695713.40 %8104.763920.0395615
@god0227.691809.64 %5529.865410.0393158
@anadolu138.776575.87 %3548.015480.038717
@coffeebuds109.158654.62 %2662.412000.0410115
@vempromundo.pob91.737813.88 %2439.927560.037654
@balina58.354242.47 %1466.350590.0397826
@thecryptolab51.664892.19 %1304.572760.0397417
@michupa39.608251.68 %1048.929700.0375110
@dswap39.368121.67 %1047.186150.0375946
@tobetada32.243821.36 %895.473290.036023
@master-lamps28.036691.19 %715.620700.0388415
@friendlymoose27.934481.18 %751.724930.036547
@luizeba26.333711.11 %676.048520.0372812
@underlock22.169180.94 %599.999990.036966
@violator10120.620280.87 %550.305350.037199
@kevinnag5820.160530.85 %520.271850.038751
@davedickeyyall17.443240.74 %464.999990.0375210
@george-dee16.883470.71 %456.310070.037002
@getc16.786620.71 %440.736080.038052
others563.3661523.85 %14736.937300.03832970
Sum:2362.35612100 %60159.922270.038321294

Price of the $POB

This figure shows the price of $POB for the last period:

$POB Summarize Metrics

This table shows how much $HIVE was given by buy-requests, that where equal or higher than the sell order vs. sell-requests, that were equal or lower than the buy order.
If the buy-requests where higher than the sell-requests, then money comes into the system and the value of the token increases.

Under the total line one can see the sum of $HIVE and sum of $POB that changed the ownership and the average price of $POB for the last period.

RequestReceived HiveReceived HIVE %Sold $POBAvg. Price

Comparison With Other Tokens


This figure shows the value of $HIVE compared to some token for the last period. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.



This figure shows the value of $USD compared to some token for the last period. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.


The HIVE rank in Coinmarktecap is: 165


Table Of Token Prices in $HIVE and $USD

This table shows the average value of the prices of the token for the last period. One can see Hive and the US-Dollar compared to the token.



All stats are without warranty.
They are taken from:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "find", "params": { "contract": "market", "table": "tradesHistory", "query": { "symbol": "TOKEN"}, "limit":1000, "offset": 0 }, "id": 1 }' 'https://api.hive-engine.com/rpc/contracts'

I have put them into logfiles and uploaded them to Kibana, from which I took the screenshots.
If you find errors, please tell me!

If you want me to continue the stats, give me some good upvotes ;-)

If you want to see other statistics (even from totaly other data), please contact me. I can create them weekly or monthly if I get some rewards for it.

For more details see here: How I Have Set Up Elasticsearch And Kibana On My Raspberry Pi To Monitor Token Activities and here: Do You Want To See Statistics Of Your Favorite HIVE Token? or on github.

Here are the stats from the other tokens I observe: https://peakd.com/@achimmertens/posts?filter=stats

Regards, Achim Mertens