in #hive-1784378 days ago

This is another week for hive-reachout / inleo initiative 12. I welcome you all back to my blog this beautiful week. I appreciate you all for always keeping in touch with me through this platform.

I can't but be thankful to the community moderators for bringing out this special topic for the week. Talking about self compassion is something that affect everyone of us here in this community. Though sometimes we take time to show other people compassion without thinking of ourselves. But for me this topic for the week is a reminder that I need someone to take care of me. Who could that someone be? Hahaha 😂. Is so funny because if I should seat down to wait on others to take care of me or have compassion on me, then I will die before my time. Self care or self compassion is a most thing. We need to practice it without looking back. We need to practice it as if our lives depends on it. No one will do it for you except yourself. For those who are waiting for others may end up waiting for ever.


TAKING REST WHEN NEEDED: I have noticed these days that I work so hard just to survive. I try all my best to see to it that I don't go borrowing. This is actually good to do, but I also need to rest. Sleep when the body is already complaining. Take a nap when needed. Some of the sicknesses that attack me is as a result of not having rest for myself.

EATING WELL AND ALSO AT THE RIGHT TIME: The condition of our country now has made it very difficult for people to at well these days. You will notice that people now eat anything just to survive. Some don't even have what to eat. But no withstanding, we need to try our best to eat good food even though if it is once a day.

BUYING NEW CLOTHES FOR MYSELF: I can't remember when I bought new clothes for myself. And I can't even see anyone doing it for me. The more I wait the more I see nothing. So, I guess that what I need to do is to take myself out. Buy some new clothes for myself and look good. By the way that is the reason why I am working. If I don't eat the money that I make who will?

REDUCE ANY STRESSFUL WORK: This is another serious issues as far as I am concern. Last three weeks ago I noticed that I was breaking down mentally. I kept trying to have a little rest but it was not enough. When I noticed that it was becoming worse everyday. I took some days off on line. I decided not to even make any post even when I know that it gives me money. I just needed to be sound again before I resume. Thanks to God because after some days off line I recovered and came back online.

LASTLY, STAY AROUND PEOPLE WHO LOVE AND CARE FOR YOU: This is another great weapon of self compassion. If you stay close to people who cause you alot of pain, then you will always be in trouble and never have peace of mind. In this regards I need to be where I will be loved and love them back too. If people talk against you too much, you can never be a better version of yourself. All that will keep coming to your mind is the feeling of inferiority complex. But when people keep telling you that you can make it, you have done well, so better next time, this is not the end of the world for you, don't give up on yourself. All these are encouraging words that can bring out the best in you

This is my little contribution to the topic for this week.
Thanks for coming around. Do well to join us in this community. Love you all ❤️❤️

All the pictures belongs to me.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You brought out good and interesting points. Nice entry

I agree with you that SELF CARE ISN'T SELFNESS. DO FOR YOURSELF WHAT OTHERS CAN'T DO FOR YOU. Thank you for sharing.