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Mahatma Gandhi said that: The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
To my little understanding of forgiveness. It means to forgive and forget.
There are some things I usually observe or feel about forgiveness, once you let go of issues you have what is called freedom and peace of mind.
I discovered that forgiveness is part of my nature and it cannot be cheated. I realize that I cannot do without forgiving people that offended me even if they take the forgiveness for granted.
My ability to forgive can also be linked to my psychological well-being and resilience. Anytime I try to forgive, it helps me to experience a lower level of stress, anxiety and depression. By letting go of negative emotions, people can be free of themselves and from emotional burdens which can lead to sudden death.
Whenever I forgive people I usually have peace of mind and also feel healthy because there's nothing on my mind.
Whenever I forgive people for their shortcomings against me, I usually think that I have done the right thing in the sight of the Lord God. And I usually feel like I have pleased God whenever I forgive.
Another reason why I found it easier to forgive was the understanding that no one is above mistake. Whenever I am offended, I usually see it as a mistake on the side of the person who offended me and the understanding that we're all human beings and there's no perfection in man's life only God is perfect.
My experience in forgiving people has made me feel free to people around me and, it usually helps me to have a good relationship with them and build a good network with them, which can serve as an opportunity and benefit different people around me.
Forgiving people has also made me realize that no condition is permanent and that life is vis-a-vis. i.e. what goes around comes around. Since I own my decision on whether or not to forgive, but once I forgive them and I let off the grudges, it will make it so easier and more convenient for others to forgive me too.
From my past experiences with forgiveness, it brings about a lot of benefits and it opens the door to different opportunities even in the future.
However, there are several reasons why I don't find it difficult to forgive, ranging from personal beliefs and values to psychological and interpersonal factors. Understanding these reasons can shed light on the nature of forgiveness and its significance in human relationships.
It also helps to have a cordial, firm and good relationship with people around and forgiving people also helps to foster individual peace and the community and help with personal and environmental development. In a situation like this, the community strives hard towards achieving their set goals and they do things in unity.
My culture and traditions have also helped me to forgive people whenever they offended me.
There's a Yoruba Adage that says "tí aò bá gbàgbé òrò àná aò le rí eni bá sòré". i.e (If you did not forget about the previous discussion, you may find it difficult to see who to make friends with)
In conclusion, it pleases me a lot to forgive people and it has been helping me in my day-to-day activities.
It has helped me to keep a good relationship with people around me.