Image from my gallary
My entry to Hivenaija weekly prompt #25
Take a picture of one or two important belongings you have aside from your phone or computer, and write a blog about them, have fun with this topic as you like.
My diary, a gray hardcover with 140 leaves, was born on November 12, 2011 as that was the exact period my eyes got opened to giving records of my daily experiences, both the sweet moment and sad moments
This very period was when I graduated from primary school I decided to have a passion for writing African tales and imaginary story this other writing have separate notes while every title of the stories are written in my diary to this very moment, my diary happens to be the oldest note I have kept and protected from being misplaced or damaged
Growing up in my childhood was filled with great challenges, which comprised of sweet moments and sad moments as a normal person will experience in life but with very big dreams, I have only seen myself different being as I have wanted to become the best I can be soon
I have come to realize that everyone has his or her own little story to tell both the sweet and tough moments but not everyone has the time to give records of these moments for future and memories reference
I have in my diary note with the date, location, time, and phone number if it was an encounter with new people in all written experiences as it always gives opportunities to quick remembrance like a thing of yesterday whenever I get back to ready on them
With love and importance, I placed my Dairy note, you will always find it under my pillow every blessed night and of the day time people rarely see me with it as it's always kept straightly at the bottom of my clothes bag I have always kept my Dairy note as a piece of confidential information and records which I have never in my life give anyone access to reading on it
I shed tears on it at the tough times and give it a tight hug at the sweet moment it has been the very oldest friend I have up till date imagine keeping a very important friend like that for years which would have been older than if I had gotten the privilege to get it as earlier than I did.
My diary became my companion. I wrote things in it that I couldn't share with others. As a human, I realized that people aren't interested in your pain or sadness; they just want to have something to talk about with other people. However, I prefer to keep it private and secure so that nobody else can access it. In a way, it's like having a written record of myself, because everything someone might want to know about me is all there.
If you don't have a diary try it out and see how interesting it is.
Thanks for reading.