Sometimes you feel like you have your life sorted and then the next moment you feel like everything is falling apart. Nothing is right and not worth it. I don't understand how most people have their life sorted or maybe they don't. There's always another side of the story.
Source: Pexels
But it's really not a bad feeling. Well, I was lying. Sometimes it is the worst feeling. You don't know where to go, what to do, or how to escape. Avoidance is not a solution. Once you feel those emotions and acknowledge those. Being aware of where you are in life and how you feel is the best thing so that these emotions don't have a heavy place in your heart and mind.
What's my problem is I wanna fix everything at once. I don't let myself make mistakes. I want everything to be perfect. Which isn't possible right? You can not do all the things perfectly all the time. I learned this the hard way.
I was focusing on perfection and not progress. I hold myself accountable for not doing the 2 things on my to do list and not focusing on the 15 things I did. This behaviour is destructive. You should always focus on the positive things in life. There's always a chance to improve but today won't be back. But remember..
Progress over perfection.
Instead of doing everything still there is a feeling of unfulfillment. Sometimes I get unsure about things I do. Is it only me or you too feel the same way?