Hive Fest 2024: My Self-Introduction / Hive Fest 2024のための自己紹介

in #hivefest5 months ago

Hello, I’m akipponn

I’m originally from Japan and now living in Germany, working as a programmer, writer, translator, artist, designer, cook, gardener, and many other things.

I love creating and fixing things, growing plants, and I enjoy sharing my DIY projects almost daily on Hive Blog.

Until next summer, I’ll likely be working on a project to create an AI robot that can serve as a conversational companion for elderly people.

Additionally sometimes I offer vegan food at local markets or get inspired to design new products.

I’m also a big fan of vegetables and have been a vegetarian since the fall of 2020. That said, I might treat myself to some sea urchin or other seafood while in Split for Hive Fest...😉

How I Started Using Hive Blog

As a child, I loved playing games, which led me to study computers in university and graduate school. In 2015, I was offered a job related to researching Bitcoin, and that’s how I became interested in cryptocurrency. Aside from the technical aspects, I was especially drawn to its borderless, unstoppable nature, which resonated with my experience as an immigrant.

Since I’ve always enjoyed writing, I naturally started using Steemit (the predecessor of Hive Blog) after a friend introduced it to me in the summer of 2016. What I found particularly appealing was how the platform connected people with shared hobbies, assuming a certain level of understanding about cryptocurrency philosophically and technically. During the hard fork in spring 2020, I chose to support Hive and have been using Hive Blog ever since.

My Favorite Communities on Hive Blog

I post my weekly garden journal in the Hive Garden community. For vegan cooking and food in general, I post to Foodie Bee Hive and Plant Power. I also love taking photos of plants and food, so you’ll find me posting occasionally in Photography Lovers.

Another food/drink community I enjoy is Beer Saturday, and I’m excited to hear that detlev, the long-time host of Beer Saturday, will also be attending Hive Fest. I wonder if we’ll have a real-life Beer Saturday 🍺

Outside of food and gardening, I walk regularly for my health and post about my walk and thoughts using Actifit. I also enjoy cycling and sometimes post in the cycling community, though I’ve been a bit less active there recently because of the hot days.

When it comes to lifestyle and life-related topics, I also join Free Compliments, Rant, Complain, Talk, and Lifestyle.

The Hive JA community has been a wonderful support, dating back to its predecessor, Hive JP. I’m deeply grateful to everyone who has been with me from the early days, back when I didn’t have many connections.

What I’m Looking Forward to at Hive Fest

It will be my second time attending Hive Fest in real after the one in Krakow in 2018.

I’d like to learn how to strengthen language-specific communities, something I can share to Hive JA. I’m also curious to hear from people who are spreading Hive Blog in their local areas—I wonder if I have chance to spread Hive/Hive Blog in Leipzig, the former East German city where I live.

On a personal note, I’d love to meet people who enjoy DIY projects, cooking, food, and plants as much as I do.

I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone in person, having great conversations, and enjoying the five days in Split.

See you later at the opening!


こんにちは akipponn です

日本出身のプログラマー、ライター、翻訳者、アーティスト、デザイナー、料理人、ガーデナー、その他いろいろな分野で仕事をしながらドイツに住んでいます。ものを作ったり直したり、植物を育てたりするのが大好きで、DIYな日々をHive Blogに毎日のように書いています。



野菜が大好きで2020年の秋からベジタリアンですが、Hive Fest期間中にはSplitで雲丹はじめ海産物を食べるような気がします・・・😉

Hive Blogを使い始めたきっかけ


もともと書くことが好きで、友人から2016年の夏にHive Blogの前身のSteemitを教えてもらって自然と使い始めました。特に、暗号資産についてある程度知識があることを前提に、趣味でつながれるところが非常に魅力的だと感じています。2020年春のハードフォークではHive/Hive Blogに賛同して、Hiveを使っています。

Hive Blogの好きなコミュニティ

Hive Gardenには毎週ガーデンジャーナルを投稿しています。Foodie Bee HiveやPlant Powerにはヴィーガン料理の話題を投稿します。植物や料理の写真を撮るのが好きで、Photography Loversにも時々投稿します。

Beer Saturdayも大好きなコミュニティで、Hive FestにはBeer Saturdayを長期間にわたって主催されているdetlevさんも参加されるとあって、リアルビアサタデーが開催されるのか楽しみです。


生活や人生に関するコミュニティでは、Free Compliments、Rant, Complain, Talk、Lifestyleにもお邪魔しています。

Hive JAには前身のHive JPのときからお世話になっていて、使い始めた頃につながりがない頃から長らくご一緒しているみなさんにはとても感謝しています。

Hive Festに期待していること

2018年のクラコフでの開催以来、6年ぶりにリアルHive Festに参加します。

日本語コミュニティのHive JAに生かしたくて、言語に特化したコミュニティを盛り上げる方法を学びたいです。また、私が住んでいる旧東ドイツのライプツィヒでもHive Blogを使っている人がいたらいいなと思い、地域でHive Blogを広めている人の経験も聞きたいです。




Have fun at hivefest!:)

Yes I do! Hello from Split. Ive just arrived 😉

AI robot dev? That’s so cool! I didn’t know that’s your line of work! And it’s so cool to know you’re one of the many Japanese who have been here on Hive for a very long time (since pre-fork!). that’s just so amazing!

Hope you enjoy Hive Fest! I hope you’ll bring home lots of stories to tell us! And I hope you get to have that real life beer saturday! 😉

Using technology to help others. God bless you brother!


Wow, Your new AI robot project for elderly people sounds amazing. Good luck for that!
All your hobbies are wonderful. I also like those communities. Attending hive fest live will be a tremendous experience. Hope that your objective of attending this fest is fulfilled and you once again return from there with a treasure of knowledge. : )
Sending Love and Ecency Curation Vote!

Thanks @untilwelearn and ecency team! I read somewhere some of the ecency people come,right? I look forward to seeing them and say thanks in real 😊

I think Seckorama will be representing Ecency there. I wish I was there too : )

Didn’t realize you living in Germany now! We could meet up, maybe at a Hive Meeting that @detlev is organizing from time to time in Aachen. Or is that too far away for you? Would be really nice.

I read about the meet up on detlev’s posts. A bit far from Leipzig but definitely want to attend once 😊 I sometimes pass Frankfurt to go Southern Germany. Aahen is not that far from Frankfurt. so I think I can combine the trips.

Great idea and a !BEER from me

Hey @akipponn, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


