Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2025 - Jan 12 / マイクロバルコニーの記録

in #hive-14063521 days ago

The hyacinth has started to bloom

While the hyacinths indoors are starting to bloom, it’s been a cold week here in Germany. We even had snow that stuck to the ground. Despite the weather, my yuzu and kumquat trees are thriving outdoors. In fact, the kumquat seems to have perked up since being outside. Hardy citrus varieties are wonderful—now I’m tempted to hunt for more rare citrus trees... 😁

Yuzu and kumquat trees standing strong

The plants on my balcony are still growing slowly, but the lamb’s lettuce is coming along nicely. This hardy winter salad green is a staple in Germany during the colder months. I sow ... or scattered the seeds each fall, and by winter, they grow slowly but steadily, allowing for a few harvests to enjoy in salads. Moreover I'm happy to see green color my balcony.

Lamb's lettuce, almost ready to harvest

Another winter green thriving in my balcony is purslane, which is growing next to the lamb’s lettuce. I started eating purslane after moving to Germany, and I now use it in rice bowls, sushi rolls, and as a topping.

Purslane growing happily

Its vibrant green adds a splash of color to winter dishes

Though overshadowed by the purslane, my parsley and celery are also doing well and are frequently used in my cooking.

In the kitchen next to the balcony, I have monstera cuttings adding a tropical touch to these cold, dark winter days. A few weeks ago, I pruned two stems from my daughter’s workspace, which had turned into a mini jungle. Once the roots grow a bit more, I plan to share these cuttings with friends.

Monstera cuttings bringing tropical vibes

The Hive fig trees I grew from seeds collected at Hive Fest are making steady progress. The first one has already developed its second pair of true leaves, and another is on the way. I even bought a book about baking with figs and have been daydreaming about harvesting figs already 😂

Hive fig trees showing their first true leaves

Next to the figs, the red shiso seeds I sowed for a germination test have started to sprout. When I tried sprouting them on paper towels, mold grew, so I switched to soil. Although germination has been slow, I’m relieved to see the sprouts. The germination rate seems low, though, which might be because I harvested the seeds too early last year.

Testing red shiso germination

The shiso seeds I ordered when I thought my own had failed just arrived 😅 Since I hadn’t harvested seeds from my green shiso plants, it's OK. The seeds came from a Swedish shop I discovered online. I appreciate how smooth the process was—perhaps thanks to being in the EU—and I’m grateful for the convenience.

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Shiso seeds delivered from Sweden

An Excursion - Visiting the Community Garden

This week, I had a chance to deliver shiso syrup I produce to a market shop and stopped by the container garden I helped create two years ago near the market hall. The Italian black kale there was thriving, and I picked a few leaves.

Black kale thriving in the community garden

I was also happy to see the strawberries I planted from transplants and my own garden still going strong. In spring, they’ll produce plenty of fruit to delight market visitors, especially kids.

Strawberries standing strong against the cold

That wraps up this week’s garden update. It’s still cold, but my mind is already on spring! I’ve finished listing the plants I want to grow this season. Sowing season starts next month—exciting times ahead.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday and happy gardening 🌱

🪴 🪴 🪴


家の中ではヒヤシンスが咲き始めましたが、ドイツでは寒い日が続いています。今週は雪が降って積もった日もありました。そんな中でも柚子と金柑は外で元気にしています。むしろ金柑は外に出した方が元気を取り戻したようで、耐寒性のある柑橘類、いいですね。レア柑橘を探して増やしてしまいそうです 😁










Hive Festから持ち帰った実の種から育てているHiveイチヂクは、最初に発芽したものから二組目の本葉が見えて、もう一つ本葉が見えている株があります。イチヂクのお菓子作りの本を買って、もう頭の中では収穫した気でいます 😂




発芽したと思ったら、自家採種がうまくいかなかったかなと思った時に注文した種が届きました 😅 どのみち青紫蘇は種とりできていなかったのでよしとしましょう。オンラインで種を探して、いい感じのお店が見つかったと思ったら、スウェーデンの種屋さんでした。こうしてスムーズに種が届いてガーデニングを楽しめるのもEUのおかげなのかも。感謝。

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番外編 - 久しぶりのコミュニティガーデン






それではみなさん、素敵な日曜日を。Happy gardening!


This micro photography is very cool..

Omg!! You did it, the figs are grow leaves, you're amazing!!! Can't wait to see them grow this year