The sad end of my first office and a new step forward / はじめて借りたオフィスの悲しい結末と新しい一歩

in #hive-1962339 days ago


Last summer, I rented my first office in Germany in a building full of artists' studios. Having my office was one of my long time dreams.

I loved the space where I could work quietly and focus, and I also appreciated being surrounded by other creative people. However, I was aware that it was a sublet when I first rented it, and this has now become a problem.

Yesterday, a person from the company renting me the office called and asked when I usually use the office. He said they wanted to rent the space to other people as well. I couldn't understand what he was saying initially. I had been told that someone from their company might come by to pick up materials occasionally, I was under the impression that I would have the office space entirely to myself. So, this came as a surprise. My partner who studied law and a native German speaker read the contract and I was right, it doesn't mean I share space with others.

I pay 200 euros per month for the office. A few weeks ago, I had a chat with an artist on the same floor, and she told me that she rents a slightly smaller room for less than 100 euros per month. She advised me to put my name on the waiting list for a direct rental from the building management.

With rising rents everywhere, paying around 100 euros for a whole room sounds like a fantastic deal in my region, so I imagined the waiting list must be quite long. It was on my TODO list after I returned from Hive Fest.

While the situation might lead to some tension, my partner reviewed the contract and said I haven’t done anything wrong. So, it seems like I’ll be able to terminate the sublet without too much trouble. I’m hoping to get my 200-euro deposit back...

But complaining won’t help 💪 I’m taking this as a sign that it’s time for me to rent an office directly, or maybe there’s an even better space or apartment waiting for me. So, I speeded up and contacted the management to add my name to the waiting list.

Something good happened: after returning from Hive Fest, I made Hive stickers. I ordered it to a printer and they arrived earlier than I thought. I’ll bring the stickers to a monthly international entrepreneur meetup hosted by the local university’s entrepreneurship office. I plan to talk about how fun Hive Fest was and share the excitement of Hive with others 😊


My daughter liked the sticker a lot and took three of them. My partner is supportive for the cancellation and will help me carry items from my office. I appreciate I have good family and friends here on Hive and in the real world.

Have a nice weekend, everyone!





家賃が高騰する中、一部屋100ユーロほどというのはとてもよい条件なので、長いウェイティングリストなんだろうなあと思いつつ、Hive Festから帰ってきたらウェイティングリストの問い合わせをしようと思っていた矢先の出来事でした。解約にはちょっともめそうですが、法律を勉強したパートナーに契約書を見てもらい、私には落ち度はなさそうで、早々に解約することはできそうです。デポジットの200ユーロが戻ってくるといいな・・・3万円・・・。


でもいいこともあって、先週Hive Festから戻って、Hive Festの興奮が冷めないうちにとデザインして、印刷所に注文していたHiveステッカーが届きました。そうそう、いいこともあるんだ。今週はこのステッカーを持って、今住んでいる街の大学の起業家オフィスが主催している月例ミートアップでHive Festが楽しかったことや、Hiveのおもしろさを宣伝してこようと思います 😊 近所にも貼っちゃおうかな??





I like these stickers too ❤️

And good luck with the new office!💪

Thanks Zirochka! I made it when I still have the fresh excitement from the Hive Fest. And yes, I try my best for the office 😉


Photoshopなんですよ・・・Illustrator高くって 💦 psdデータここには貼れないようで、Hive JAのディスコードに貼っておきます 😊





It’s a tricky world out there with things like this. I’m glad that you are able to get out of the sublet and that you got some experience in these things. There’s no substitute to some life experience that’s for sure!

Great idea to promote hive! We can certainly use more users but important some investors.

Thanks @cmplxty. It seems I finish everything next week 😊It turns to be a learning experience as you wrote.

Talking about Hive, I’m not a whale investor but I feel like myself a micro supporter of Hive after being here for 8 years. I may be a grandma whale in the future 😉 I like the way as users get mature with the platform. It’s slow and may be nice some like minded whales jump in though ……. 🐳