Today, reviewing my throwback Thursdays, I remembered my visit to the exhibition of a renowned photographer on Margarita Island. This exhibition is about urban elves, here you are to find out, keep reading!
Urban elves are nothing more and nothing less than hydrants to be used by firefighters. According to the artist, these elves can be seen before the eyes that look for the unusual. Taking as a reference the Japanese concept "wabi sabi" which would be defined as appreciating beauty in imperfect things.
Many people attended the event, in particular I felt very attracted by the title of the exhibition. I had no idea what it was about, but it was very pleasant to observe all the works made, and to witness a couple of elves.
Each elf had a particular nicknames. Those that marked me the most because of what the images conveyed were "the patriot", "the shy one", and the "baby Jesus".
This one in particular, its name was the retired one, I can see a hydrant which has no functionality, and is in a chained, but firm place.
Within the exhibition we have a very pleasant musical atmosphere, live music.
I attended the event with my boyfriend, with whom I frequent recreational activities like this one and keep the wabi sabi concept alive in the same way as this exhibition, and whenever you can do something out of the routine.
- Author of the works, Daniel Ancieta.
Thank you very much for reading my post.