in #inleo5 months ago

The tropical house gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia)

This animal is an ally for pest control naturally since it eats baby scorpions, spiders, cockroaches, etc. being excellent pest controllers.

They can be seen near lights where the concentration of insects is higher, they have the ability to climb walls and even be on the ceiling without falling, that way they can hunt and eat the insects wherever they hide.

So if you see them, they are not dangerous to humans, they are delicate so if you try to touch them roughly you can do them great damage. But the great service they provide us is invaluable so take care of them like your most beloved pet, since thanks to them there is no greater proliferation of pests because they are your best ally against them.

This specimen was taken at my house by mariperes on the balcony.
last May 12


Cool shot and some very interesting info about this little creature. In some cultures, they are also believed to bring good luck so they are really welcome in people´s houses. Let me see the post too...