Long Road Ahead ~ The Walking Dead | Season 1 Episode 3

in #hive-14021710 months ago

Hello gamers of hive. I hope you all are doing well.


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The twos episode of the Walking dead is complete and boy is the story getting interesting. They firstly started out as a group of 5, it grew to a group of 10 when they Lee, Clementine and Kenny’s family reached Macon. Their number trimmed by 2 as Lee made a tough choice and saved Carly as they made their escape to a nearby Motor Inn and a guy had left the group to find his family and friends.

Later, they met these farmers of a Dairy that turned out to be cannibals! They ate meat of the people they captured and traded their meat for more gas and other necessary stuff they needed. Given that they were in a neighbourhood that didn’t yet know the zombie kind but everything changed within that day as Lee found out they were about to eat one of their own.

Lee and the other left the place and finally freed themselves from the dairy.


Today, I’ll show you guys my progress on this amazing telltale series where your every move has an impact on the future of the characters as the game progresses.


More time had passed since the dairy incident. Lee and Kenny were out in Macon scavenging for supplies from the shops and homes. They now had guns and were not reluctant to use it. Kenny says that his son blamed himself for Hershel’s int eaten by the zombies. His son Duck, would wake up screaming in the middle of the shouting, “It wasn’t my fault”. Lee tried to sympathise but they heard a loud scream coming from the distance.

A woman ran out of a shop screaming at the top of her lungs, shouting at the dead to get away from her. Kenny reasons with Lee and asks him not to put her out of her misery. That way, they would loot for more time before dashing.


Lee reluctantly agrees and left her in the streets as she got bitten from zombies around her.

Within moments the zombies found them and got after them. Lee and Kenny grabbed all the supplies and left.

Back at the Motor Inn. Lily still couldn’t forgive Kenny and Lee for killing her dad at the Dairy. Kenny brought up the topic of leaving the place for good, yet again. Lily objected and to,d that they had a better chance of surviving the winter in the motel. Lee was caught in the middle of it, yet again.


As the argument heated up, Lily broke the news of their supplies being stolen. She made it very clear that she did not trust as many of those she had trusted before.

Lee wanted to learn more about their supplies being stolen, so he entered Lily’s room and asked about the matter. Lily asked him if he went there to confess for his crimes, Lee denied his part in the stealing. Lily asked Lee to poke around, see what he could find about the missing supplies and maybe the culprit too. Lee agreed since he had nothing better to do.


All of that was heard by a young Duck. Lee instantly asked him to unhear everything he just heard. But, the little guy’s interest had peaked, this also made him feel like Robin, like the Batman’s sidekick. Lee hesitantly agreed to this matter and asked him to look around for anything suspicious; only condition: he had to do it quietly.

Lee chatted with everyone present at the Motel, gauge their motifs and feelings about the place. When he reached Carly, he became the interviewee. Carly was one of the only people to know who exactly was Lee, his past. The only other guy was Larry who now was dead.


Carly told him to come clean to everyone about his past, this sort of thing must never be made public by other people and he should be the other to say it. Lee agreed to it and told it to everyone except Lily as she had locked herself inside her room.
That got Carly to like and respect Lee more as she plants a kiss on Lee’s cheeks.

After this, Lee scanned the area for clues. He found an X mark on a wall on the furthest corner of the region. It was made by a pink chalk. Lee went toward Clementine, she was drawing by the RV.
She said that she didn’t have a pink one, it somehow got lost.

Lee’s suspicions grew.


Duck called Lee to the side and showed him the pink chalk. He told that he also found some of it scrapped by the wall they built.

Lee approached the containers and found pink scratch marks that pointed to a grate below it. Inside, there was the medicines and food supplies Lily mentioned got stolen.

Lee brings it inside and shows to Lily what he had found. Lily commends Lee for his discovery and asks him to look for the culprit out there. The moment of relief was short lived, a loud angry sound boomed through the yard.


Lee looked outside through the window and saw that bandits had raided the place. They held everyone hostage.

Lily asked Lee to go out there and stall them as much as possible. Lee went and and tried to reason with them. Lee asked if they could agree to certain terms and hash things out. Their leader seemed convinced and agreed and just then he got shot in the head by Lily. She had made her way to the second floor and took a sniping position.

Carly took this moment and used the handgun that dropped to kill 2 men behind her, the 3rd man escaped with a hole in his butt. And pretty soon the place was breached by the bandits. Kenny jumped into the RV and asked Lee to get everyone inside.

Lee shot every bandit that tried to cross over and helped Ben and Carly into the RV.
Pretty soon the noise attracted the zombies in the neighbourhood and they started to crawl inside the Motel eating the bandits first.


Lee shot the zombies down and cleared the path for Clementine and Kenny’s family to get over to the RV.

When things calmed down, Lily began her questioning. She asked Carly first, if she was the one that supplied the bandits from their supplies. She denied. Ben and Lee both denied to it. Lee told that she should forget what had happened, somebody made a mistake and so they shouldn’t look further into it.


Lily didn’t listen and demanded that they hash it out then and there. She looked at Ben dead in the eye and asked him to look at her eye and say that he didn’t do it.

By sheer luck, they ran over a zombie that got stuck to the underside of the RV. Kenny stopped it a little further ahead.

Lily took this opportunity to do question them once again. Ben was freaking out more and made it look like it was him that supplied to the bandits. Lily and Carly caught that and assumed Ben was the guy that did it.

Carly, regardless, showed support to Ben and asked Lily to stop with the questioning. Lee asked Lily to stop once again.

Lily simple couldn’t show mercy and continued it. Carly got frustrated and said to Lily that she could drop the “tough Bitch” act and asked her to get over it. Lily took this comment and couldn’t control herself.


Just when Kenny was coming over to their conversation after he killed the Walker beneath the RV, Lily took the momentary opportunity to kill Carly. She shot her right in the face. Lee was stunned and asked her to drop it.

Its Choosing Time

Now, there was 2 thing I could do there. Either let Lily join with the group and be on our way or leave her in the wilderness.


I chose to let her in on the condition that she be tied up. Ik usually players would leave her but I wanted to see how it would change the story.

On the road, Katjaa called Lee up to the driving seat. She showed a bite mark on Duck. Lee was shocked. Kenny told that it happened during the raid. Lee asked their next course of action since they never had a bite victim of their own. Katjaa told that for the time they would continue down the road, she had cleaned up the wound.

Lee went back inside and told Clementine how Duck got sick. She said she didn’t feel well and hugged Lee and slept there.

After A Deadful Night, a Beautiful Morning Asises

In the morning, Lee found that they had stopped. He got out to discover that there was a train in the train tracts that was stopped in front of them. He chatted with everyone there, he saw that Katjaa was holding close to Kenny.


Lee decided to explore the train by himself. He found a map to Savannah and other routes to other major cities.

He decided to head up to the controller’s room. On the way, he found Ben. Lee asked him if he still thought staying with the group was okay. He agreed. Lee asked again if he was the culprit, Ben sharply replied he didn’t.


Lee went on to the controller room. He found a guy who was dead but didn’t turn into a zombie. Meaning, the train crashed before the outbreak. He went back and told Kenny who got very excited to see that all the machines worked fine. Only problem was, they didn’t know how to start the thing up.

Outside they heard the roar of an engine.


Kenny no everyone rushed out to find that Lily was stealing the RV. She somehow freed herself and couldn’t hat the keys to the vehicle was still on there. As she took the only working vehicle, the group had to figure out a way to get the train started.


They looked around a bit and found out that there was an instruction manual but the page was torn up. There were imprints of the instructions in the page however. Lee picked up a pencil from Clementine and sketched up the page and found made the manual visible again.

Lee turned on the switches on the bogey behind the control room, then he came back and did what the manual had instructed.

Lee and Kenny found a grieving Katjaa still holding her son tightly. She asked if they would make the journey with Duck, Kenny solemnly told that he would not discuss the matter any further until they reach their destination.

Lee wanted to check out the rest of the train before they got in.


An unfamiliar voice startled him that asked, “Did you touch any of my stuff?”. His eyes were wide open with both fear and caution. He replied that he only took the map. The guy introduces himself as Chuck, he had already familiarised with the others.

Lee and Chuck went back to where the others were sitting. Katjaa tells that they met him when they reached the area, Clementine excited revealed that Chuck had given her and Ben candy. Chuck looked at Duck and gave his condolences to Katjaa.

They all sat around the place while Kenny prepared to fire up the train.

With the engines roaring, they covered miles of distance within hours.

Lee chatted with Chuck meanwhile. Chuck asked Lee about their group. Lee told that they were greater in number but died along the way. Chuck asked if it was the dead that got em, Lee replied, “No”. Check said, “The livin’ got em’”.


Duck’s situation was getting worse. He started to cough up blood. Katjaa asked Lee to assist her in cleaning up Duck. Lee took a piece of cloth and ran it over his face. Katjaa told that it was time they stopped the train, her son’s time was up.

And that’s it for today. It was a heck of a play today with so many things occurring one after another. The downhill tract was there as they decreased in number further. I hope they get more people to join them and reach a safe play.

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Is this the first time you're playing it? I'd kill to play TTG games for the first time again!

Yep, first time and "living" the story so far. Although my favourite characters are going through a rough patch. I hope they get the help they need.

Oh, my sweet summer child! You are in for one hell of a ride!