This is our neighbour's cat Stevie. He's absolutely ancient, but still comes around two or three times a day to scrounge food, chill out with our cat Duncan, and spend time sitting with me as I work.
Yesterday he noticed the planter of catnip we've been growing, and has totally fallen in love with it. Initially he ate a bunch of leaves and got totally stoned.
I walk him home each evening, just to make sure he gets back safely. It's only a short distance but he's old and wobbly as well as completely deaf, and it's a stretch of pavement where cyclists go far too fast and carelessly (even though they are supposed to only cycle on the road - I've had them run into me more than once).It was embarrassing explaining to our lovely neighbours that their cat hadn't had a seizure or some kind of medical problem, he was just stoned.
Today he's moved on to just rubbing his face all over it. I guess he still gets some effect from it, but at least the catnip might last a little longer. He's a strange cat !
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